Short description
Free TON Telegram chat groups and the online forum have received a lot of help from talented individuals who have supported group discussions (“Supporters”). This contest is for you.
Chat and media support contest
Starts June 10, 2020. Ends June 15, 2020 12:00 PM UTC/2:00 PM CET. Please provide your submissions within this time frame.
Reward contest for those who have contributed to chat group engagement and moderation until 12:00 UTC/2:00 PM CET from May 28, 2020 through June 9, 2020.
General requirements
Must be simple, fair and transparent
Chat and media that were supported
Evaluation criteria
Based on work performed from 12:00 PM UTC/2:00 PM CET May 28, 2020 through 12:00 PM UTC/2:00 PM CET June 9, 2020, the jury will decide who has done the best job so far. Please submit descriptions of the work you have done. .
Each of the initial Free TON validators can nominate 1 person to the jury
Initial validators whose team(s) intend to participate in the contest lose their right to nominate a jury member
Jury selection and members will be public
Each jury member will vote by placing a number 1 through 10 next to each submission, with 10 being the best score possible and 1 being the lowest (“Ratings”)
The top 20 winners will be chosen based on Ratings and receive awards as follows:
Highest rated………………………… 20,000 Tons
2nd highest rated……………………. 19,000 Tons
3rd highest rated……………………. 18,000 Tons
4th highest rated……………………. 17,000 Tons
And so on…
Until the least rated of top 20…….….1,000 Tons
Jury prize
Jury members who vote………………1,000 Tons each for performing your civic duty and for taking the time to review all contestant submissions.