Project Implementation concours

Brève description du concours d’implémentation des idées :

L’objectif principal de la Sub-gouvernance française est d’attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs francophones. Actuellement, nous créons du contenu pour le développement d`informations sur Free Ton sur les sites les plus populaires en France, Suisse, Maroc, Belgique et Canada. Mais comme il faut être encore plus rapide, la sous-gouvernance a besoin d’idées et de projets à travers lesquels promouvoir Free TON et amener le plus de personnes possible à rejoindre Free Ton. Ce concours sera la première étape d’un programme mondial de développement Free Ton pour les utilisateurs francophones.

Type: Concours

Période d’inscription au concours: du 26 janvier 2021 au 04 février 2021.

Objectif: Fournir des idées ou des plans de projet qui aideront à attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs francophones, en tenant compte de la spécificité et de la culture de ces pays.


● Le projet peut être une plateforme, une application ou un programme marketing. Tout moyen pertinent d’attirer de nouveaux utilisateurs. La description du projet doit contenir: les buts, les objectifs, les étapes de mise en œuvre, les moyens de suivre les résultats, le KPI (Indicateurs de performance clés), le budget et le timing.

● Toutes les informations sur la page Web doivent être en français, la langue sera vérifiée par des éditeurs de langue maternelle française.

● Le budget du projet ne doit pas dépasser 60 000 TONs. Après le calcul des résultats, les projets gagnants peuvent être mis en œuvre. Tous les droits de ces projets passeront à Free Ton.

● Une fois les votes comptés, les projets pourront recevoir un montant initial de 25% du budget demandé pour commencer à mettre en œuvre leurs idées. Les 75% restants sont accessibles en fonction des résultats de la mise en œuvre et des indicateurs de performance clés.

● Les propositions avec un plan de projet détaillé ou un aperçu de travail seront les mieux notées. Montrez comment l’utilisateur va interagir avec lui et entrer dans Free Ton. Comment suivre ces utilisateurs et pourquoi nous avons besoin de ces personnes.

● Seuls les candidats francophones sont autorisés à participer à ce concours. Les candidatures doivent être soumises en français. (Tout type peut être utilisé, canadien et autres.)

Critères d’évaluation et conditions de gain:

• Possibilité de réalisation

• Conditions de mise en œuvre

• Le nombre de nouveaux utilisateurs que le projet peut apporter

• Le public cible du futur projet

• Temps pour la préparation

• L’originalité de l’idée

• Conformité aux valeurs de Free TON


● Les jurys voteront pour votre soumission. Les jurys dont l’équipe(s) a l’intention de participer à ce concours en soumettant leurs propres soumissions perdent leur droit de vote à ce concours.

● Chaque jury votera en notant chaque soumission sur une échelle de 1 à 10 ou pourra choisir de rejeter ou de s’abstenir.

● Les jurés doivent fournir des commentaires sur vos soumissions.

● Les soumissions en double, anormales, incomplètes ou inappropriées seront rejetées.


1er prix ………… 7 500 TONs

2e prix ……… … 5 000 TONs

3e prix ………… 4 000 TONs

4e prix ………… 3 000 TONs

5e prix ………… 2 000 TONs

6-10 prix ……….1 000 TONs

Remarque: Si le nombre de soumissions gagnantes est inférieur au nombre de récompenses disponibles, les récompenses restantes ne sont pas sujettes à distribution et sont considérées comme nulles.

Récompenses du jury: Un montant égal à 5% du montant total de tous les jetons attribués aux gagnants du concours sera réparti entre les jurys qui ont votés et fourni des commentaires.

Exigences procédurales:

● Les participants doivent télécharger correctement leur travail afin qu’il puisse être visualisé et accessible dans les formats décrits. Si le travail est inaccessible ou ne répond pas aux critères décrits, la soumission peut être rejetée par les jurys.

● Les participants doivent soumettre leurs travaux avant la clôture du dépôt des soumissions. Si elle n’est pas soumise à temps, la soumission ne comptera pas.

● Chaque soumission de concours doit avoir un contact identifiable qui peut correspondre à la description de votre forum de discussion. Si vous n’avez pas fourni de description de forum de discussion, votre soumission doit fournir des liens vers votre personnalité en ligne, comme un identifiant de Telegram (préféré) ou d’autres informations de contact direct qui peuvent confirmer que le travail soumis est le vôtre. Si vous ne parvenez pas à fournir un moyen de vérifier que la soumission est votre travail, votre soumission peut être rejetée.

Comment proposer votre projet ?
Rien de plus simple, comme pour tous les autres concours, il suffit d’accéder à et de télécharger votre application.

Project Implementation Contest

General description:

The main goal of the French Sub-governance is to attract new francophone users to Free TON. At the moment, we are creating content for enhancing the information field around Free TON on the most popular platforms in France, Switzerland, Morocco, Belgium, and Canada. But this process is not immediate, the sub-governance needs ideas and projects through which people can join Free TON. This contest will be the first step in a global Free TON development program for francophone users.

Type: Contest

Contest entry period: January 26, 2021 – February 04, 2021.

Motivation: Provide ideas or project plans that will help attract new Francophone users, taking into account the specificity and culture of these countries.


● The project can be a platform, application, a marketing program etc. Any relevant way to attract new users. The description of the project should contain: goals, objectives, stages of implementation, ways to track results, KPI, budget.

● All the information on the Web-page must be in French, the language will be proof-checked by native French editors.

● The project budget should not exceed 60,000 TON. After calculating the results, the winning projects can be implemented. All the rights to all submitted projects will pass to Free TON.

● After the votes are counted, winning projects will be able to receive a starting 25% of the requested budget to start implementing their ideas. The remaining 75% can be received based on the results of implementation and the KPIs.

● Applications with a detailed project plan or working preview will be rated higher. Applicants need to show how users will interact with it and get into Free TON, how to track such users and why we need these people.

● Only francophone contenders are permissioned to participate in this contest. Applications must be submitted in French. (Any kind can be used, Canadian and others.)

Evaluation criteria and winning conditions:

  • Possibility of the realisation
  • Terms of implementation
  • The number of new users that the project can bring
  • The target audience of the future project
  • Preparation time
  • The originality of the idea
  • Compliance with Free TON values


● Jurors will vote for your submission. Jurors whose team(s) intend to participate in this contest by providing submissions of their own lose their right to vote in this contest.

● Each juror will vote by rating each submission on a scale of 1 to 10 or can choose to reject or abstain.

● Jurors should provide feedback to your submissions.

● Duplicate, sub-par, incomplete, or inappropriate submissions will be rejected.


1st prize ………… 7,500 TONs

2nd prize ………… 5,000 TONs

3rd prize ………… 4,000 TONs

4th prize ………… 3,000 TONs

5th prize ………… 2,000 TONs

6-10 prize …………1,000 TONs

Note: If the number of winning submissions is less than the number of rewards available, any remaining rewards are not subject to distribution and are considered void.

Jury rewards: An amount equal to 5% of the amount total of all tokens awarded to contest winners will be distributed among jurors who voted and provided feedback.

Procedural requirements:

● Participants must upload their work correctly so it can be viewed and accessed in the formats described. If work is inaccessible or does not fit the criteria described, the submission may be rejected by jurors.

● Participants must submit their work before the closing of the filing of submissions. If not submitted on time, the submission will not count.

● Every contest submission must have an identifiable contact that can be matched with your discussion forum description. If you did not provide a discussion forum description, then your submission must provide links to your online persona, such as a Telegram ID (preferred) or other direct contact information that can confirm that the work submitted is your own. If you fail to provide a means to verify that the submission is your work, your submission may be rejected.


Is it a 2-stage Contest?
1-st stage. Contest between project plans (programs). Submissions include just descriptions of plans.
2-d stage. Implementation of the best projects from the stage 1. Budget for each project will be according to the plan mentioned on Submisiion, but no more, than 60K.
Am I correct?


Stage 2 will be the realization of the winners projects. Yes, the total amount of the project cant be more than 60k, and projects will receive to start their activity only 25% of the requested budget. The rest of the requested budget they will get according to their KPI.

So if we are talking about a contest. That will be a special contest to get the initial requested amount of TONs to start realization.


Any clarification about French-speaking participants? Do I need to have a passport or citizenship of these countries? Or can I just know French well?

Is it possible for me as a Russian person to study the topic and propose an idea then use the services of a professional translator and submit an offer?

Will this be a reason for refusal?

This contest was created to attract new francophones peoples. We want them to participate in the contest.
The participation of Russian people is at odds with the main idea of this contest, you also need to understand and know well the blockchain trends in French-speaking countries and their culture. In my opinion, just a good knowledge of French is not enough, how you could know trends and propose ideas that could bring the real impact if youre not in this area and you dont know how business really is?

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Of course you don’t need to have a French passport. If we are talking about rejections of the application, each judge will decide for himself.

Just for the sake of discussion - what are the special needs of French-speaking people around the glove addressed to blockchain tech? They have some secret knowledge or, on the contrary, they are missing something?

If there are some solutions needed, everybody needs them whatever language they speak. No?

Confused a bit, please, explain.

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Bonjour, Pour télécharger le projet, est-ce impératif de donner une adresse Wallet FreeTon ou est-ce qu’une adresse TonSurf suffit ?
L’adresse de contact est notre adresse comme cela : @Magic-Game ou je dois entrer mon adresse email?

Oui, il est nécessaire de donner une adresse Wallet Ton Surf. Il ne faut donner adresse email.

I think you get it, but you just want to make a discussion. It`s a promotional contest to attract new people in project.

Every good solution good bring value for project in any language, but here we have another goal.

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If I did get it, I won’t be asking, right?

So, as this is a contest proposal from you, I would be happy to hear your opinion/ideas - what are the cultural needs of French-speaking people that drastically differ from German or Spanish speaking users of blockchain?

Don’t see any trolling here as there isn’t one, I’m really curious how you position those differences in your mind and how they can be formalized.

The idea is very simple, you have a rather controversial reputation on the forum, so I think that you are writing all this just for nothing. If you are really interested in this, so:

  1. Trends in different countries, even in searching for info on the internet or scrolling social media, are different. When we created the proposal and wrote - Understanding of culture and trends, here we meant an understanding of platforms, forums, chats in messengers, groups in social networks, hashtags, etc. Understanding the attitude of different peoples to blockchain and which audiences should be attracted to.

  2. What exactly is the difference between francophone people, and how do you say Spain and Germany. Users from different countries perceive blockchain differently. In France, for example, what you don’t know, there is a whole blockchain Federation (, you can see the basic information through a Google translator, unfortunately, there is no Russian and English there. This is one example of the level of attitude towards cryptocurrencies in general. While in Canada, the situation is slightly different. Participants in this contest should keep these facts in their minds when they are creating their projects and applications for the contest.

We don’t need a participant in this contest like You for example in a blog contest when you won, got tokens and diapered. And we don’t want to make a controversial contest like the New year cards contest. Just to get tokens and forget about partnerships and real benefits, it’s not our way. We want to involve new peoples in projects and promote Free Ton by the already existing French community.

I hope I answered your question.

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To speak about reputation, one should have one. FYI.

The biggest contest of Free TON history as of today is controversial? 270+ submissions and 60+ winners. Oh well.

Yes, there is FFPB and also Le Cercle du coin. So? There are some local associations in each country but how do they change user experience? People use crypto completely different in different countries? That sounds ridiculous.

Different platforms? They are all the same around the globe while one is a bit popular in a particular territory (not 100% language driven, btw) than the other.

So, no, your answer is not shedding any light on the concept and raises even more questions about ‘skin color differentiation’. Let me remind you, that Korean case led to a negative storm from the community both on the forum and in chats.

Having read all this, I feel an overwhelming urge to participate.

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There are already existing rules of contest. You could try to participate of course, good luck!

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Hi! Free Ton est vraiment intéressant. Notre communauté de blockchain veut acheter les tokens! =) Comment on peut participer sur airdrop ou concours…et ou on peut les acheter?

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Salut! Vous pouvez participer au contests sur le forum. On peut acheter les tokens via @ chatex au telegram ou trouver les échanges accessibles sur le coinmarketcap. Je vous recommande à participer au Projet implémentation concours.

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J’aime bien voir french activité, comment je peux participer à ce concours? Y a-t-il TON surf aux App Store française?
N’en trouve pas…

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Merci Evgeny pour l’info. Je présente mon idée pour le bot et j’ai la téléchargée comme Vous avez dit au blockchain.

Mon Ton Surf adresse: 0:20d097f542146ca4165c88967e282888e1da02f055aab0200d3f9a6810679d0c

Pas de problème =) Bonne chance au concours!

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