Program Development Contest for Free TON Brand Masters [19.08.-01.09.2020.]

Сегодня прямо день КОПИ-ПАСТА какой-то блин! ))))))

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Платон - простите, но я Вам не “Коля”. И стыдно, наверное, должно быть вам за ваш стиль общения. Хотя я уважаю Вас как участника конкурсов, но и Вы, пожалуйста, имейте хоть сотую долю уважения к другим. Это первое.
Платон, дело не в тексте а в идее. Напишу просто. Есть москвич. У него 4 колеса. А есть лексус - тоже 4 колеса. Москвич появился раньше лексуса. Суть понятна?
По поводу системы контроля - она должна быть в моей системе тоже, как колеса в москвича из предыдущего примера но у меня кроме контроля комиссии, контроль производится практически полностью также и программным способом, что значительно облегчает работу комиссии. Ведь гораздо проще чтобы большинство операций сверки происходило в телеграм боте чем в ручном режиме. Скорей всего Вы не внимательно читали текст, который вы сами же заскринили. В комиссию входят также и программисты.

Четвертое. Про другие “мелочи” действительно лучше молчать. Это работа жюри а не Ваша.

Надеюсь что я не зря писал это сообщение. и оно хоть какую то пользу Вам принесет.
Прошу прощения, если слишком резко ответил, я не хотел Вас задеть, но Вы первый:-).

Также прошу сообщество вести себя уважительно, даже если кто-то не прав. Это значительно повышает креативность. (исследования)

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Сегодня обсуждались подобные вопросы в команде людей, которые готовят proposals/contests. Был первый случай копирования дизайна ранее и затем копирования частей текста сегодня при подаче в конкурсе Амбассадоров. Такую заявку будут отклонять. И это на уровне всех жюри. Изначально сам автор заявки которая была опубликована ранее по времени публично заявляет о своем мнении касательно копирования частей или всей работы. Далее идет обсуждение, запрашивается мнение второго автора и определяется “вердикт”, еще до начала голосования жюри.

Сейчас у нас появился третий кейс с подобным вопросом. Выше я описал, что сегодня было с другой работой. Так же я понимаю Вашу позицию по поводу 4 колес и тд. Но если все описывать своими словами, предложениями и абзацами, то согласитесь, такую заявку будет сложно отметить как скопированную частично или полностью.

Думаю комьюнити должно решать в подобных случаях и далее передавать свое решение судейской коллегии еще до момента начала голосования.


У каждой машины 4 колеса) Но у москвича и лексуса разные колеса)) И существует не счетное количество вариантов покрышек. И все они выполняют одну и ту же функцию. Меня возмутил сам факт копирования! Это как минимум не уважительно, в том числе и к самому себе. И показывает уровень вашей вовлечености. Зачем мне, что-то создавать-творить, если могу скопировать немного там, немного тут и вот вам работа для конкурса. Это не серьезно… Одну и ту же идею можно описать тысячей разных слов и вариаций, видимо у вас не было желания и было проще скопипастить)

И я как член жюри 1.1 хотел бы в будущем видеть уникальные творческие работы. Где каждый человек вложил свои знания, компетенции и время. А не просто копировал с миру по нитке.

Мира вам )

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Это та причина, по которой я свою работу выложу за день до конца конкурса. И другим советую.


За день уже недостаточно, как показала практика. За пол часа - самое то! :laughing: Только может не сработать прием заявки и тогда все накроется медным тазом.

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Русская версия -
English version -


I have one more idea for this contest. Do our rules allow me to send another submission?

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«ubi jus incertum, ibi nullum» :slight_smile:

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There were discussions on this issue and the position that it is not forbidden to submit several works for one competition. And I know people did that. Another question is that no one has submitted (as far as I know) several works from one profile and there has not yet been a precedent.

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New way to support some projects activities by community – the Validators Reward.

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I will reserve a link for my presentation
Застолблю ссылку для своей презентации

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Я, как человек, который непосредственно пострадал от плагиата, то есть мою работу нагло скопировали, могу сказать одно - когда человек вкладывает силы и душу и составляет каждое предложение, это уже большой труд. Не все из нас писатели и редактора, многим это дается с большим трудом. Поэтому даже одно предложение, которое кто-то сплагиатил, вызывает массу эмоций.
Я, как член сообщества, против таких копипастов вообще в принципе. Раз вы хотите тянуть время до последнего и подать свою заявку в последнюю минуту, значит потрудитесь и изучите все предыдущие работы. - Это послание к Николаю.
Платон, молодец, все по сути!


Be sure to express your opinion here:


Я за оригинальные идеи обеими руками! Но против формализма.


This is one more idea for the contest.

Description of the Brand Master program.

Articles, notes, rumors, and their distribution on the Internet play a significant role in brand positioning and elevation. Logical reasoning often plays a secondary role. Emotions are in the foreground. Example: bitcoin, iPhone, gambling, revolution.

Mass distribution requires simple, affordable, proven, and effective methods. In particular, the viral distribution of articles and notes.

Anyone can take part. There are two major ways to do this.

1 way. Write an article or a note about Free TON.

A person writes an article for any resource. After this, he drops the link to the article into a special telegram bot. Next, the article will be checked. If there are shortcomings, ones will be pointed out and reject the article. If the article is good, then the link to it is dropped into a special group.

2 way. To repost on Facebook, and also to get your friends and subscribers interested in reposting and entering the project.

The person sees a good viral article in the group and makes repost to his Facebook.


Telegram bot.

The telegram bot is like a support bot. The Publishers and Readers (see below) can drop their works there.

Telegram group.

The special telegram group is the place where the links to the best works are published for further reposts.


Publisher publishes an article. Then drops the link to the telegram bot for verification and own Surf wallet address.


Group member. He reads the telegram group and reposts an article to Facebook. Then he drops the link to his repost and Surf Wallet address to the telegram bot.


Checks the article and evaluates it. May submit corrections to the publisher.

Checks reposts.

Identifies and blocks fraudsters.

Number of participants

The number of publishers and readers is unlimited.

The number of critics is proportional to the number of readers.

System of control over the duties of the Brand Masters program

1. Control of publishers.

Critics to control Publishers (see Requirements for Articles and Notes.).

2. Reader control.

Critics to control Readers.

3. Controlling critics, moderating the group, and controlling the development and functioning of the telegram bot.

Authoritative community representatives should be elected to oversee the work of critics, administer the telegram group, and oversee the development of the telegram bot functionality.

Identifying Leadership Regional Communities and Language Groups

Everyone except US citizens can take part in the project. There are no language restrictions.

The main tasks of the Brand Master program that can be performed on a general basis or in language groups.

Using the proposed system, you can practically achieve the fundamental goals of brand promotion according to І.Vikentiev (1).

  1. Positioning, i.e. create and maintain a clear image.

So far, most people do not know that Free TON exists at all.

  1. Raising the image. Let people feel the possibilities and prospects of the project.
  2. Detachment from competitors: to raise the image against the background of a decline in the image of competitors. Show all the advantages of Free TON against the background of the disadvantages of other cryptocurrencies.

Also, viral spread — you can carry out the crucial stages of brand distribution in a standard way (according to V.Bekhterev (2)):

suggestion → mutual suggestion → self-suggestion

Terms of payment.

Telegram bot and group.

For the development of functional support, a programmer receives 5000 Free TON crystals monthly.


In the first month, Critic receives 1000 Free TON crystals, if it proves itself well and will cope with the work - in the second month 2000 Free TON crystals monthly.


For each repost, he gets 1 Free TON crystal.

If the friends and subscribers of the reader repost, then another 0.5 Free TON crystal for each repost of friends and subscribers

Thus, the reader is interested in searching for and reposting the most interesting and viral articles.

The repost is evaluated one week after it was posted.

Payment on demand. But not less than 100 Free TON crystals for 1 payment.


Receives a reward of 0.5 Free TON crystal for each reader’s repost. Thus, the publisher is interested in publishing high-quality viral content so that readers choose his articles.

Payment on demand. But not less than 100 Free TON crystals for 1 payment.

A community representative supervising the work of critics, bot and group earns 5000 Free TON crystals monthly

Requirements for articles and notes

Article grading


  • Virality (something that captures a person, motivates to share content, express emotions, write comments)

  • Readability

  • Utility

  • Uniqueness

  • Literacy


  • Content about Free TON and its projects
  • The Free TON brand should not be covered in a negative sense

Tips (preferably but not required):

  • Viral content (common tricks: pressure on emotions, surprise, valuable product, the opportunity to get something for free, be the first, win)
  • Link to the Free TON project

The size of the article doesn’t matter. It can be a short 500-character note or a long guide.


The Publisher chooses what to write about. Here I will show only a few areas that can affect different characters of people:

  • Various guides for the general reader. For example, how to use the wallet, where to get Free Ton crystals, etc.
  • Various guides and tips for programmers.
  • Personal predictions and rumors (viral).
  • Comparison of Free TON with other cryptocurrencies(viral)
  • The ability to keep your savings or get rich (viral)
  • The ability to find friends and like-minded people - a smart and positive community
  • An opportunity to express yourself creatively (participation in contests), to be in the spotlight (participation in the community’s life).
  • Add a big headline, humor, infographics, images, non-standard things
  • News about Free TON
  • Your own or someone else’s logical reasoning
  • Engaging the reader to become a Brand Master, a member of the community

Where to publish.

  • At the discretion of the publisher.
  • You can publish in any language

There are many sites on the Internet with huge traffic where you can publish your article for free. For example, You can also publish it on your site or post a note on your Facebook page.

Requirements for reposts

  • You cannot repost to someone else’s page, only to your own.
  • Multiple accounts are prohibited: the Facebook page must have a real profile photo (not a fake avatar), it must be visible that the page has not been created recently.
  • You cannot drop a repost in the telegram bot as a note, even if you have added it
  • The reader can receive a reward maximum of only 3 reposts per day


  1. I.L. Vikentiev. Advertising techniques and Public Relations. 1995. TRIZ-chance
  2. V.M. Bekhterev. Suggestion and its role in public life. Saint Petersburg: Edition of K.L. Rikker, 1908

Русская версия здесь


Hi, here is my proposal for Brand Masters program

1. Brand Master program description.
Basic idea is to create a network of Brand Masters which will grow organically and yet accept people with appropriate sets of skills, goals and audience. This will become much easier if few conditions are met:
Program is decentralized, so it doesn’t depend on any sole individual.
Program allows new users with appropriate skills to enter without prolonged procedures and filters out those deemed unfit with relative ease.
Program allows the revocation of privileges of compromised individuals.

2. Brand Master roles distribution.
The suggestion is to do this in few steps:
Run a competition for interested individuals and allow people to elect the starting bunch of Brand Masters depending on their current activities, knowledge and aspirations.
After that, allow appointed Brand Masters to determine whether new candidates are fit or not to become new Brand Masters by either giving the application a positive or negative mark. The required amount for a new candidate to be appointed should be about 7 positive marks(about ⅓ of starting Brand Masters pool, less in the future), if application has no positive marks in 1 month or gets -3 negative it is automatically rejected. This way no single individual will be in power to bring forth an ill-willing member.
As the pool grows Brand Masters shall promote the usage and acceptance of Free TON. Their efforts shall be rewarded monthly a little and for specific achievements bigger rewards in the future.
In case a Brand Master fails to perform at every level or harms the community he can be removed by creation of another application by a different Brand Master. Same markings principle applies and at 7 positive marks the Brand Master privileges are revoked.

3. Determining the number of Brand Masters needed.
Assuming the starting number should be around 20, but not limited if there are more capable individuals. This will be dependent more on the number of performing people and very dependent on existing Brand Masters in the region. If there are too many Brand Masters in the region - applications can simply be turned down.
The two problems here could be:
1 - Appointing new Brand Masters in new region
2 - Not having enough Brand Masters in the Region
They can be solved in a couple ways but what seems like an obvious solution is to:
Allow other Brand Masters who have knowledge of individuals and his work mark him regardless assuming they know what they are doing.
Run a regional competition to appoint a starting pool for the region.
But those problems should not be too common as most of the people are familiar with English and if needed will be able to present their work in English as well, before doing region-specific work.

4. A system for monitoring the fulfilment of Brand Masters’ duties.
Allow users and Brand Masters to grade their community Brand Masters from 1 to 5. This can also allow for an automatic revocation application or marking the Brand Master as harming if a Brand Master gets at least 100 grades and 80% are 1 or 2.
Besides that other Brand Masters are still allowed to start the revocation process.
On top of that put in place the reward distribution system where Brand Master will have to log his work and KPIs. Other Brand Masters will have to review and approve this work although with only 2-3 positive marks required. As an incentive for them to do this some rewards have to be distributed for reviewing applications and work of others.
Alternatively the system can issue a warning or submit a revocation application after 3-12 months of inactivity.

5. Identification of regional communities and language groups for community leadership by Brand Masters.
To represent local groups and communities in appropriate languages to reach wider audiences, as well as guidance, will be a responsibility of Brand Masters.
On the first stage of chosing initial Brand Masters for picked country Native speakers that are also proficient in English are preferred.
As for the form of identification and communication - those things should be set by Brand Masters. Be it Telegram channels, professional blogs or any other means they use to spread the word.

6. The main tasks that Brand Masters can perform on a common basis and each in their language group.
The Brand Masters’ tasks shall focus on promotion and spreading the word about Free TON. Those may include but are not limited to:
Explain the DeFi movement, it’s benefits and usability to potential users in simple language preferably understandable by person without technical background. This can be done once via article/video.
Deliver news and updates on project in local language to community in timely manners.
Organize events, presentations and meetups for local communities with goals of attracting news users, developers and other community members.
Promote usage and acceptance of Free TON Crystals in financial world, therefore increasing it’s usability and value.
Review work of other Brand Masters and review applications. Although not all of Brand Masters have to do this, but those who don’t have big projects on hands or have free time can contribute to monitoring and expanding Brand Masters community.

7. Terms of token rewards for tasks performed.
Token rewards should be distributed monthly depending on achievements and performance of Brand Master. Few types of rewards can be implemented:
Monthly base reward. Base reward assigned for newly appointed Brand Master. This reward could be distributed without any activity from Brand Master(however too much of inactivity can result in either users or other Brand Masters initiating ).
Task rewards. For organizing events and creating content should be rewarded according the attendance and exposure of the audience.
Achievement rewards. For achieving either local or global milestones in Free TON’s growth. This can be some service or company starting to accept Free TON Crystals or any other events that result in increase of value, number of users, wallets, validators etc. Which is beneficial for the community.
Exact numbers of tokens shall depend on set value and is a subject for debate(Other submissions will probably discuss numbers well enough), but the general ratio should be like this:
1K TONs base monthly
2K-10K TONS for tasks, depending on scale and impact
5K-50K TONs for achievements, depending on global contribution
50-500 TONs for reviewing work of other Brand Masters

ps. Hello, for every one from Milan, Italy


My compliments to everyone present, my proposal and here are some fractals, math, and simplicity:

How to see the truth - cut off everything that is not true

1.Brand Masters program description.

The main idea is to try to avoid the use of a special commission, which can become a source of corruption, as well as a bottleneck.

The system is also designed with the knowledge that people who do not work on a salary will participate in it, which means they will not be able to pay attention to it all the time.

Continuous math functions are also used instead of discrete thresholds to calculate participant rewards. This helps to avoid unknown side effects around the thresholds.

2.Brand Masters roles distribution

It is very natural to divide into two roles


An artist, writer, director, screenwriter, video effects editor, sound engineer, and others who are involved in content creation.


Blogger, star, celebrity, local newspaper owner, just a guy who wants to share something with friends, as well as other possible people who participate in the dissemination of information created by the “Creators”

3.Determining the number of Brand Masters needed

Determining the exact number of Brand Masters is a strange task, what if we find ourselves in a world where one in ten is Van Gogh.

Therefore, the number of participants will be limited by natural forces, the desire and ability of the community to participate.

4.A system for monitoring the fulfilment of Brand Masters’ duties

The most interesting part

There is a way to create a simple, reliable and cheat-proof system that will accurately determine the “KPI” for each participant and is described below as:

It is known that when a new member comes to the community, the member must sign a declaration on decentralization, and at the same time, you can provide the member with the opportunity to thank the content creator and distributor by specifying the link “thanks to” which the person learned about the FREE TON, this will not only allow creating a simple system, but also create a friendly atmosphere in the community.

5.Identification of regional communities and language groups for community leadership by Brand Masters.

Cryptocurrencies are designed to erase artificially created boundaries, and also due to many reasons (political, economic, as well as those of which we are not aware), some regions may have a predisposition to use FREE TON.

So this task can be abandoned in favor of a simpler system, the functioning of which will be more reliable.

6.The main tasks that Brand Masters can perform on a common basis and each in their language group.

The main focus is education, as most people are unaware of cryptocurrencies.

Also, one of the main tasks is to promote FREE TON in business, to offer business owners (from large to small, small in a higher priority) to use FREE TON as a payment system, this will create great trust and also significantly increase the impact on the world around

7.Terms of token rewards for tasks performed

It is very convenient to pay using the mathematical formula:

20*LOG(N), where N is number of subscribers

The logarithmic function focuses on small communities, but also does not neglect huge ones.

It also protects against hyper-income (and fractal distribution), which brings more equality to the community and makes it more stable.

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Hi everyone!
This is my version of the program: english and russian versions in one document. Enjoy!

Всем привет!
Это моя версия программы, на английском и на русском)