Short description
Provide an informal description of DGO main service, its architecture and components.
DGO Group needs specifications to create future contests to implement a DGO software system.
DGO development follows an agile methodology. Contest participants are expected to create a clear, simple to understand specifications for how DGO software should work, what functions it should provide. The specifications should be created in such a way that will enable to include them, or parts of them into future implementation contests. It should describe clearly how a system functions, the main elements of the system, its organization, what smart contract functionality is expected at a high level. It is not expected to provide specifications of smart-contract systems here. It is assumed the SMV and Jury voting smart contracts are out of scope of that contest. It should describe the main functionality of the expected DGO system where members of the community can vote with thier tokens using SMV smart contracts, it should support a sub governence model as well as jury selection and voting. It should be able to allocate budgets to subgovernment. It should facilitate discussion of the proposals, enable on-chain submissions and jury voting for submissions. It should create a community feedback loop. It should be scalable, decentralized, trustless and support high load use. It can incorporate any logic of interactions between those elements.
Contest entry period
from 13.11.2020 till 22.11.2020
The jury
Jury will consist of initial members of the subgovernments.
Rewards distribution
1 place: 30,000 TONs,
2 place: 15,000 TONs,
3 place: 10,000 TONs
4-10 places: 2800 TONs each
Total rewards
74600 TONs
Jury rewards
An amount equal to 5% of the sum total of all total tokens actually awarded to winners of this contest will be divided equally between all jurors who vote and provide feedback. Both voting and feedback are mandatory in order to collect this reward
Procedural requirements
- All submissions must be accessible for the jury to open and view, so please double-check your submission. If the submission is inaccessible or does not fit the criteria described, the submission may be rejected by jurors.
- Contestants must submit their work before the closing of the filing of applications. If not submitted on time, the submission will not count.
- All submissions must contain the contestant’s contact information, preferably a Telegram username by which jurors can verify that the submission belongs to the individual who submitted it. If not, your submission may be rejected.
- The content published in the forum and in the provided PDF file should not differ, except for formatting, otherwise, the submission may be rejected by jurors.
- If your submission has links to the work performed, the content of those links must have the contestant’s contact details, preferably a Telegram username so jurors can match it and verify who the work belongs to. If not, your submission may be rejected.
Anyone can participate, but Free TON does not distribute Tons to US citizens or entities.