Free TON WEB & DESIGN Sub-Governance 2.0

Key changes:

  1. Initial members
  2. Recruitment of a new Jury
  3. Work plan for the first quarter


This document describes a way to achieve governance in the design similar to for tasks like UI/UX design, illustrations and other digital materials.

The goal is to provide end users of websites, applications, articles and other information products with quality design, illustrations and navigation and further enhance digital user experience and effectiveness of information processing.

Free TON Web & Design EN - this is a public group for the English-speaking audience.

Free TON Web & Design RU - this is a public group for the Russian-speaking audience.

Everybody is welcome to join!

General Goals

The goal of this Sub-Governance is to create and support:

a) a decentralized structure and a transparent process for managing the visual part of the ecosystem;

b) an accessible design platform for systematic performance of design tasks.

Main Tasks

  1. To accelerate the time to market for products within the ecosystem through design support for initiatives: design tokenization, implementation of design processes.
  2. To increase the availability, convenience and quality of products by implementing the Sub-Governance participants experience: selecting the Jury, onboarding new teams, supporting current projects.
  3. Develop a uniform graphic language for the ecosystem and provide for its evolution: ready-made design kits, libraries, components.
  4. Increase the popularity of the products through involvement of creative people in the contests and their activity.

Current Proposal

It is proposed to create an on-chain governance for Web & Design Sub-Governance and accomplish the following goals:

  1. Free TON Web & Design Initial Members should be appointed to form the initial Free TON Web & Design Sub-Governance and Jury. This initial entry list assumes all responsibilities of the Free TON Web & Design Jury and is to launch a Free TON Web & Design Jury Contest.
  2. A mechanism for the Free TON Web & Design Contests should be implemented with the main purpose – to enhance all visual and digital communications of the network.
  3. Free TON Web & Design Sub-Governance should host a Telegram group where members, the Jury and other involved parties would develop, discuss and formulate plans and proposals for the Sub-Governance.
  4. Essential contests should be held for purposes of enhancing visual clarity of the website, the brand book, the application, illustrations and all other forms of design materials.
  5. Proposals should be passed through discussion stages in the Telegram group and on the Forum, should be posted correctly on-chain with the necessary deadlines and should be voted by the Jury members after the contestants publish their results.
  6. A Free TON Web & Design Jury Contest should be held to select the group of the Free TON Web & Design Jury. The main duty of the Free TON Web & Design Jury should be to vote for Free TON Web & Design Sub-Governance proposals .

Initial members

  1. Григорий @ Grigoriy2000

  2. Daniil @ danoneo

  3. Evgeny @ freeevgeny

  4. Роман @ Dedicate_s

  5. Dmitry @ dm_identity

  6. Tim @ stop_think_ask

  7. Max @ mzonder

  8. Andrej Mal @ jiullrock

  9. Salty Palo @ saltynarwhal

  10. Maxim Muzychenka @ maximmuzychenka

  11. Idel G @ ttwozy


The Free TON Web & Design Initial Members form the initial Free TON Web & Design Jury until the Free TON Web & Design Jury Contest is held.

Immediate Plans

Jury selection contest

Since initial members will be the first Juries for the contests, some initial members will be selected out of the members of the TON Telegram groups and Free TON Forum. Juries will be selected through the Web & Design Jury Contest which will be the first contest performed by the current Sub-Governance.

After the launch, a contest will be published. We plan to recruit up to 21 participants to the Jury.

6300 TON Crystals (Each contestant that wins and becomes a juror will receive 300 Tons as a welcome bonus. If there are less than 21 participants in the jury, the rest of the awards will remain in reserve.)

3300 TON Crystals (An award for voting for candidates in the jury contest. The percentage of tokens awarded to the jury will be distributed based on the number of votes each juror casts.

For example, if one juror votes 50 times and another juror votes 5 times, the juror who votes 50 times will get 10 times more tokens than the juror who votes 5 times.)

List of contests

Pay attention. At this stage, this is an indicative plan. Description and rules of contests, prize pool. all this will be discussed openly on the forum and adjustments will be made if there is constructive feedback from the community. First of all, we are interested in feedback and suggestions from design specialists who plan to participate in contests. We are open to dialogue and want to create contests that will bring practical benefits to Free TON.

Logo Brandbook (Identity)

An opportunity for design professionals to offer their own vision of the logo and visual style of Free TON.

Why is this competition needed?

  • Now Free TON has branding, but it looks incomplete. There is no complete list of rules that would describe in detail how and in what case one or another visual component (logo, colors, fonts, etc.) should be used.
    Especially emphasis should be put to creating new logo which will be later accepted all over Free TON ecosystem

What will Free TON get?

  • A brand book that will contain the Free TON brand concept, with the described rules for using the corporate identity. The brand book will be the foundation for creating a product design system

100 000 TON Crystals (The prize fund + the work of the jury + possible encouragement of active participants to identify plagiarism)

UI Kit: WEB (desktop, tablet, mobile)

Why is this competition needed?

  • Because most of the Free TON related products use different designs. Because of this, the user has to familiarize himself with new interfaces every time.

What will Free TON get?

  1. UI Kit, with the help of which the processes of prototyping, design and product development will be significantly accelerated (and therefore, will be cheaper);

  2. All products related to Free TON can have the same UI elements.

Since users will already be familiar with the design:

  • It will be easier for them to interact with products;

  • They will have a higher level of trust in the products.

120 000 TON Crystals (The prize fund + the work of the jury + possible encouragement of active participants to identify plagiarism)

Illustrations Kit

Why is this competition needed?

  • Illustrations Kit contest will provide the Free TON community with quality graphic materials that will further be used in marketing, advertising, banners and as a part of interfaces. It will help to create a better visual experience in general.

What will Free TON get?

  • Unique graphic content. Which can be widely used.

100 000 TON Crystals (The prize fund + the work of the jury + possible encouragement of active participants to identify plagiarism)

Web & Design. DeSupport

50 000 TON Crystals. Reward contest for those who have contributed Web & Design Sub-Governance activity and moderation.


20 000 TON Crystals (For those activities that we can’t foresee right now. The possible promotion of the useful activity of members of the community)

Total requested motivation for the first working quarter: 399 600 TON Crystals

After the implementation of this plan - summing up and further steps.

Any excess funds that remain as a result of non-implementation will be carried over to the next period until fully spent.


For the initial implementation of plans on the current Sub-Governance and immediate plans, it is necessary to:

a) Initiate Web & Design Sub-Governance with initial members.

b) Allocate to the Web & Design Sub-Governance wallet 399 600 TON Crystals

Free TON Wallet address:



I would like to see a resume from each initial member. Really. No kidding.


I find that all the proposals are pretty dubious. Did you decide to leave the budget for the competitions from the first version of the subgovernance?

The brandbook can be owned by centralized organizations, not a decentralized community. Crystal and blue are enough, the rest is decided depending on the project.
UI Kit: WEB. No more than a recommendation. Many projects appear on their own, without participation in competitions. How to oblige them to use UI Kit: WEB? Or prohibit them if they do not use the accepted UI Kit: WEB?
Set of illustrations. Seriously??? Are you already tired of New Year’s cards? Did you leave the budget symbolically comparable to the postcard competition? The point is to hold this competition, if it is already clear that the winner will be the work that randomly scatters geometric figures in figma and dilutes these drawings with silhouettes of disproportionate people.
Website 50.000. You don’t have to comment anymore. The period is not specified, so 3 months in advance?
Well, 20,000 for ice cream)))

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Sorry. And how did these people participate in the reform process?

And the second question. What were the selection criteria for these participants?

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Regarding UI kit we’ve already had few similar conversations and the point is not in “obligation”. Whole design kit (full one, after several contests held) will contain fonts, styles, colors, illustrations, broad library of elements made in several variants(not only from one winner, but from a few winners) and it should save a lot of time to those who are building something new. They won’t need to come up with elements themselves if they don’t want to. But if someone wants to do everything from scratch, there’s no way someone could force them to.
Would be nice if you could propose your own vision of what contests should be held, not just say that “this is thrash”, as it matters what actual designers who will participate in the contest think about how it should be done, not how it shouldn’t.
20 000 is not for the ice cream and it might not be even used in the end. This is to reward valuable work done, like @mzonder did in the contest of Greeting cards. He wasn’t part of the subgovernance at that time, but the work he’s done was very-very helpful so proposal went through to reward him.


I think we could also include Roman’s jury guidelines into the prop Free TON Jury Guidelines V 1.0

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Соглашусь, что это нужные элементы. Но давайте разбираться.

  1. Брендбук как написано в вашем предложении - набор цветов и шрифтов, логотип и так далее. Вопрос первый, что случилось со старым логотипом, что он устарел за 9 месяцев? Является ли смена логотипа сейчас необходимым?
    Набор цветов и шрифтов и руководство по их применению это никак не 100.000 бюджета. Ряд конкурсов оценивается значительно меньшей суммой, и не сказать, что они менее важны, чем брендбук. Услуги агенств на рынке стоят не так дорого, сколько заложено в бюджет. Переплатить в десятки раз за несколько вариантов это не совсем правильно. Даже если вы хотите наградить 100 участников, то по сути брендбук будет 1. Не может быть несколько вариантов ограничений (брендбука). И по сути этот конкурс нужен, для проведения двух последующих. Да и я не вижу смысла обширного брендбука в децентрализованном сообществе. Иначе его соблюдение будет только в конкурсах, в остальном же будут отклонения. Главный вопрос это бюджет конкурса.
  2. UI Kit. Тоже нужный элемент, но вопрос насколько он может учесть все тонкости будущих разработок. Даже 10 вариантов полностью может не удовлетворить все потребности. Практика показывает, что отдельные иконки все равно надо рисовать самостоятельно. И тут вариант, который я вижу. Это не единоразовая награда, а распределенная по времени. В то же время победитель берет обязательство дополнять библиотеку по запросу.
    3. Набор иллюстраций. Здесь тоже вопрос к бюджету конкурса. 100.000 за картинки слишком много. Вы обозначите темы, дадите набор инструментов и ограничений из брендбука. За что такие суммы?
    4. 50.000 токенов за подготовку сайта и 3 месяца его работы?

Мое видение развития. Это конкурсы по запросу. Понадобилась инфографика - провели конкурс по инфографике. Понадобился интерфейс для программы, провели конкурс под эту цель.
И чтоб приглашенным членом жюри выступал заказчик. А функция инишиал сводилась дать заказчику инструменты оценки и помочь оформить конкурс.
Делать абстрактные конкурсы ради конкурсов это не совсем верно.


Раз всем правит сообщество, то оно должно влиять и на логотип и прочие мелочи, вплоть до возможности делать это на регулярной основе (Regular contests).

Важным функционалом должен стать мост к остальным SG, проведение экспресс конкурсов по их запросам. И разработать аналогичную возможность для партнеров Free TON, в том числе за оплату с их бюджета.

По поводу кандидатов в Initial members - у всех была возможность отозваться и проявить активность, но что-то никакой активности не последовало.

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Regarding the contests and motivation, if you read carefully, the document says:

«Pay attention . At this stage, this is an indicative plan. Description and rules of contests, prize pool. all this will be discussed openly on the forum and adjustments will be made if there is constructive feedback from the community. First of all, we are interested in feedback and suggestions from design specialists who plan to participate in contests. We are open to dialogue and want to create contests that will bring practical benefits to Free TON.»

About the main website, where did you get the three-month deadline? It is not included in the final document, and the actual terms and scope of work need to be evaluated in practice.

Извините, но здесь нет такого понятия как “Заказчик”. Есть люди которые проявляют инициативу. Вы как и любой Человек можете предложить конкурс, который считаете конструктивным.

P.S. И ваше видение кажется мне очень знакомым.

Я за конкурс логотипа, и вот почему -

freeton logos

Это не децентрализация, а, скорей, беспорядок.
Но я вижу этот конкурс проще (и с меньшим бюджетом), например, шрифты, на мой взгляд, вообще не нужны.

По поводу “сомнительности” конкурсов. Легко написать на готовый пропозал “это ерунда, проводите вот такие лучше конкурсы”, но это не так просто спланировать и реализовать. Попробуйте поучаствовать в разработке хотя бы такого пропоузала изнутри. Это не так просто, как кажется.

Всем хочется сложных взаимосвязанных с другими сабгавами и партнерами конкурсов. Но это невозможно сесть и реализовать. Нужно наработать взаимодействие, а для начала хотя бы запустить сабгав.


What’s it?) Cutting the budget 2.0 ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Do you have something to say constructively?

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No, thank you.) I’d rather watch ))

You are welcome!

1234567890 (needed at least 20 chars to post)

Если бы люди предлагали “какие лучше конкурсы”. С подробным описанием конкурса. С продуманной системой наград. С расчетом на то, как вовлечь в этот конкурс специалистов своего дела. С расчетом на то, что этому конкурсу нужно качественное судейство. Как мотивировать судей выполнять качественно свою работу. Но люди не предлагают ничего, только требуют (Видать потребительский формат мышления непобедим). Но смысл в том, что мы все такие же участники сообщества. Просто кто-то пишет, а кто-то делает. В этом и вся разница.

Например мы учли отзывы конкурсантов, я подчеркиваю отзывы активных конкурсантов которые просили увеличить количество судей в конкурсах. Мы готовы набрать новый состав жюри до 21 участника. Итого вместе с начальными участниками это будет 31 участник состава жюри. (Если наберется достаточное количество желающих подойти к делу ответственно). Какая должна быть мотивация у этих людей качественно выполнять работу жюри? Почему никто об этом не задумывается.

Какая должна быть мотивация у профессиональных дизайнеров принять участие в конкурсе. Как их вовлечь в сообщество? Предлагайте варианты.

If people were offered a “which is better” contests. With a detailed description of the contest. With a well-thought-out reward system. With the expectation of how to involve specialists in their field in this competition. With the expectation that this competition needs high-quality judging. How to motivate judges to perform their work efficiently. But people do not offer anything, only demand (Apparently the consumer format of thinking is invincible). But the point is that we are all the same community members. Just someone who writes, but someone does. That’s the difference.

For example, we took into account the reviews of the contestants, I emphasize reviews of active contestants who asked to increase the number of judges in the contests. We are ready to recruit a new jury of up to 21 participants. In total, together with the initial participants, it will be 31 members of the jury. (If there is a sufficient number of people willing to approach the matter responsibly). What should be the motivation for these people to perform the work of the jury efficiently? Why no one thinks about it.

What should be the motivation of professional designers to take part in the contest? How do get them involved in the community? Suggest options.

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With this post I want to confirm my participation in this subgov as an initial member.

I will be responsible for creating prize tables, making payments to competition winners, and signing proposals. I will also help the new members of the jury to understand the voting system in order to avoid misunderstandings and incorrect votes.

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Ask these jurors to reveal their identity.
They want linkedin & twitter from people when they want to choose jurors.

But they hide themselves.

Reveal your identity. Share your linkedin & twitters.

Show yourself in zoom.I know some of these users are Kabanov and his gang.

Who wants? Jury recruitment has not even started yet. Moreover, subgov is not started yet too. )))