Look at me https://twitter.com/RealWillyMad/status/1341169702668804096?s=20
Good luck, judges!
Eh, words came to my head late …
Merit Crystals!
Michael, congratulations! A great contest, a huge number of works on Twitter with tags and links. Lots of people joining!
Looking through the works, I see that not all the contestants inserted the image of the postcard into the pdf file, but all the points from the requirements section were fully met (link to twitter post, Twi post with link to freeton.org, tags, GD for big picture)
I want to clarify whether this will not be a problem in evaluating their work? I hope not!
Thanks, mate!
Well, the contest rules are there, so, it’s strange that someone missed that the card should be put in the PDF. Hopefully, the judges will pay attention to Twitter as well. I will deliver your message to them.
Thanks again!
What are you going to do with such cases?
Red - not acceptable.
Yellow - can be accepted, but scores may be deducted, because it affects on SMM.
Green - should be accepted, no scores deducted, because card is accessible.
Yellow doesn’t mean there is no tweet at all, only no link in pdf.
Red - 1 point (which is similar to reject but worse).
Yellow - it depends if there is a link to Twitter somewhere. Still, the rules are simple - Twitter link in PDF. If it’s not, one might get a low score for not following the rules.
I’d judge it something like that.
This is Amazing! ThankYou!
It`s absolutely fair!
Sorry, but the rules do not say anything about the link to Twitter in the PDF. Or am I misunderstanding?
- Participants must upload their work in a PDF file which should contain contact information (telegram username), the design itself and a link to Google Drive, Yandex.DIsk or any other file sharing service to standalone image(s) in the format(s) described. No archives are allowed.
It so, I missed.
So general is more important than procedural? - and all the pictures in the wrong colors won’t work the same way?
A lot of great and cool work! Nice competition!
Вопросы корректности правил, вопросы судейства в привязке к правилам - это важная часть процессов. Я бы не возражал против сабмитов без линков, но с другой стороны прямо указано - нужен линк на твиттер и если принимать такие работы, это бы означало что судьи не оценивают работы исходя из правил, что будет еще хуже …
Согласен. Правила должны соблюдаться.
Да стоковые изображения надо тщательнее отслеживать
Очень глубоко копать в разумные сроки нереально. Я тратил минут 10 на каждую работу, и то это заняло пару дней. И я понимал, что еще есть стоковые работы, но пруфов быстро не находилось.