Community SG Proposal

Main idea

Creating an open SubGovernance (SG) for working with the community combines the advantages of a decentralized approach (freedom of participation, rotation, openness) and a professional one (working group format, professional qualifications, exclusion of idlers).

The main problems of the community

  1. Lack of information about what is happening within the community. Conflicts, alliances occurring in separate working groups, disputes, quarrels - everything that can affect the system’s work as a community of living people.
  2. Lack of information about community members - who, what resources they have, what resources they can provide, competencies, and important biographical facts.
  3. The disadvantages of decentralization are the lack of synchronization between individual working groups, except for several representatives of the primary FreeTON core, who are overloaded and cannot simultaneously ensure the connectivity of communications in the community now (not to mention scaling)
  4. Lack of understanding among the majority of community members of the principles of professional and external communications, in particular PR, SMM, Community Management, and so on.
  5. There are high risks of centralizing SGs, both within individual interest groups (they got together with friends and made an SG) and within individual language zones (all Russians got together and let’s develop international history).

Why the existing solutions will not work :slight_smile:

  1. Most of the proposals now contain general words instead of specifics.
  2. The professional experience of those who propose the creation of the next division is incomprehensible. For example, proposal 1 and proposal 2 do not contain a word about initial members’ background, which is a highly valued decision affecting information.
  3. No specific action programs are known for the requested budgets.


Community SG, recruited by an open vote, from among the community members, however, having a professional qualification - the need to provide your professional biography to participate. We think that professional competencies are crucial for the whole FreeTON evolution, and community vector is among the most important ones.

Proposal Details

SG Area of ​​Interest

  • Coordination of the existing project community, in particular: information digests of events in the project and the community (non-technical); compiling competency maps of community members to strengthen the activities of profile SGs, such as PR, Bizdev, and others; organization of events, myths, other events aimed at acquainting participants with each other; interviewing key participants.

  • Encouragement of key community members for non-specific activities, in particular: competitive bonuses for participants who, in the opinion of the community, have made a significant contribution to the development of the network.

  • Monitoring and identifying conflicts in the community with alerting the core Governance and the community; assistance in resolving such conflicts within reasonable limits, development of recommendations for joint work in conflict situations.

  • Relations with external communities.

  • Analysis of related communities, particularly partnerships, to use their resources to develop the FreeTON project.

  • Assistance and coordination of technical, informational, and other project partners in matters related to the FreeTON community’s functioning, particularly PR SG in finding speakers, participants with media weight, participants-journalists, or related to various media.

  • Groups and forum moderation; monitoring community members’ activity and reputation; compiling and updating stop and ban lists (if necessary), tracking virtuals and other people may be harmful to the community.

  • Monitor rumors, gossip, fake news, and other information circulating about the project in other communities, primarily industrial.

Community SG’s interests do not include an immediate and prompt response to all possible situations. By analogy with the real world, Community SG is a foreign and domestic intelligence service that operates openly and publicly to develop the project’s overall coherence and mediate conflicts both within the community and with other communities.

Composition of participants

The initial composition of the SG consists of 10 participants (hard maximum). In the future, this number does not expand; however, the SG has the right to form separate working groups and involve any interested community members in their activities, both at their own will and at the initiative of those who wish.

Members of the FreeTON community elect 6 seats in SG, 2 are randomly distributed among all those who have applied (for more details, see the voting procedure), 2 more are reserved for the selected SG composition members’ invitation. A vote of the SG itself elects these 2 positions.

Term of Office

Community SG’s renewed every 3 months (first six months of operation), then every 6 months (0.5 - 2 years of operation), then every 12 months. The renewal procedure is described in the Voting section.

Why this approach? Because:

  • In the long run, we need to do things and not be involved in constant preparation for the next election cycle or make a good report, which allows us to be re-elected.
  • We need not become elected for the “whole life” from the very start - this is why the first cycles are much shorter.
  • Too much rotation is as bad as no rotation at all; It’s better to allow the SG members enough time to develop and execute some long-run projects, inevitably occurring after some time.


Every 3 months, SG publishes a public report on its activities on the FreeTON forum within the appropriate section (to be created). As a result, the community may see and understand what they do, the results, and how the budget was spent.
Also, each SG will post a detailed summary report at the end of their term. For the first 2 SGs, the final report is the same as the usual three months one. The final report aims to summarize the entire SG work and start the next election cycle.

The final reports, in addition to describing the activities of the entire SG, and the results should contain a part that describes each SG participant’s role and contribution so in case that some (or all) of the previous SG members would want to be re-elected, every one may see their own personal results of previous work.

Voting Procedure

Voting is initiated before establishing the SG and within 1 week after posting the previous SG’s final report. Elections last 1 week, during which the SG is supported by the previous membership (for the 2nd and subsequent SG elections).

Requirements for candidates

To participate in the vote, you must provide a message in this topic with your professional resume in free form, containing:

  1. Professional bio, in particular, information about the main professional achievements in the field of communications (PR, SMM, Community, GR, and other communication areas)
  2. Current employment (where and by whom do you work, how long it takes).
  3. The ability to engage in Community SG full-time or part-time activities.
  4. The main tasks you can and want to do during the SG’s term. Consider this your election program.
  5. A budget modeled on other SGs required to implement your program.

Anyone can participate in the elections to the SG, including the participant of the previous SG. There are no restrictions on the number of elections.

Requirements for Voters

To vote for a candidate for SG participants, you must like his message, as well as give a reply to a message in which it is required to indicate:

  1. Your professional experience in communications (if any)
  2. Your public FreeTON key
  3. Reasons why you support this candidate, in a free form. Even if you like their avatar.

The procedure does not protect against cheating, but it makes voting more meaningful. In the future, it can be improved.

Summing up the election results

Votes submitted as likes without a reply will not be counted. Vote counting can be done by any community member, ideally an Analytics SG representative.

The 6 winners are determined by the maximum number of votes cast for them.

After that, within a period of not more than 1 week from the moment the winners are determined, a screen record is collected in Zoom. The selected SG participants conduct a by-election.


  1. 2 seats in SG go to 2 random candidates, based on the serial number of their questionnaire. The procedure is carried out as part of an installation call using Google Docs (a public table with the candidates’ names and the serial numbers of their profiles) and any publicly available random number generator. Two throws are carried out.

The data on the procedure carried out, a link to the document, and a link to the recording of the installation call are published in the topic with the elections.

  1. The procedure for the election of 2 candidates proposed by the SG (6 + 2) candidates can be carried out in any format; the main condition is the publicity of these elections. Required:
  • The consent of the nominee himself
  • The nominees provide SG participants with a biography and a story about them. Each of the SG participants can propose only 1 candidate. You cannot vote for your candidate.
  • A simple majority vote elects the winners.

Data on the procedure, the list of candidates, and the results are published in the topic with the elections.

SG Decisions and Dispute Resolution

A simple majority vote makes resolutions in the SG.

Disputes are resolved internally by SG.

Exclusion from SG

Any participant who does not participate in the SG activities for a month or more can be excluded from it by a unanimous vote of active participants (i.e., other than those who are proposed to be excluded). First, SG should notify the missing or non-active members and allow them to explain the reasons for their inactivity. Such notification should be done at least 2 times, and the entire case should hold not less than 1 week. Then the exception session is conducted during a publicly recorded call. Any participant proposed for exclusion can, during this call, state the reasons for their inactivity and promise to improve.

SG Processes

  1. SG conducts processes within the working group in a closed chat.
  2. The SG works in weekly sprints.
  3. Once a week, SG conducts public recorded calls, during which they discuss the results of the previous sprint and fix the goals for the upcoming sprint.
  4. At least once a month, the SG holds a public AMA session with the community about the SG’s work, listens to suggestions, and gives feedback. The language of the AMA session is English. If desired, the SG can additionally conduct AMA sessions in any other language (optional).


The SG budget is formed according to the following scheme:

  1. The budgets of all 6 election winners are summed up.
  2. 40% is added to this budget, based on the fact that each of the 4 additional SG participants receives 10% for implementing their programs.
  3. Then, 20% added as a fund for contests and proposals from the community itself.
  4. 10% for administrative expenses is added to the general budget.

In our opinion, this scheme allows forming the composition of SG participants and its budget competitively, as the amount requested for the implementation of candidate programs also becomes a factor influencing voters’ decisions.

Community Participation

First, each selected SG participant is free to recruit participants into working groups related to the participant’s program’s implementation. Groups can be made up of both volunteers and those who will work within the SG’s budget - the final decision is up to the working group coordinator and herself.

Second, the community can, at any time, offer their ideas and projects for funding both directly to Community SG and unaddressed, but always on the FreeTON project forum. Community SG has the right to spend 20% of its budget on implementing such projects, laid at its formation stage specifically for these purposes.

SG participants decide to implement a project through a vote on the SMV system (66%). The decision must be publicly recorded on the forum, with the arguments of each of those who voted for or against.

Terms of consideration of applications from the community for funding - no more than 1 month from the date of submission.


Hello, my name is Fedor Skuratov. This is my application to vote for the members of the first composition of the Community SG and an example for others within the proposal itself.

I am 36 years old; I live in Moscow (yet). For the last 12 years, I have been working on the topic of community management. Colleagues in the Russian and CIS markets believe that I am one of those who created this communication area in Russia; I myself rather believe that I greatly popularized it.

I have collaborated with such companies as IIDF, Yandex, VKontakte, several gaming companies. During 2019, some of you may have known me as the TON Labs community manager and the administrator of the main chats about TON.

For the last 4 years, I have also been developing the Combot service for the Telegram chat management community together with my partner. We have recently become FreeTON partners.

My FB:
My Telegram channel about community management:
Some of my most recent articles about the community (in russian):

My suggestions for the first election cycle (3 months).

  1. Set up a weekly issue of community digests in two languages ​​about what is happening in the community and the entire project. Most of us miss 90% of information agenda, as a result of the fact that someone quarreled with someone, reconciled, or came up with cool things - falls out of sight. None can keep their hand on the pulse of every single event. Also, within the framework of specially created Telegram channels, it is possible to publish community news more often, in a smaller volume, about current events. All this is designed not to have to read dozens of chats to know what is happening.

  2. Prepare the first version of the competency map of key community members. Let’s say I’m on short terms with many journalists, but who knows? Vanya Velikorodov may be an alien agent and can provide us with blasters, and our Korean partners can supply cheap Doshirak. Jokes are jokes, but you need to know who is at least in the first approximation.

  3. Find and identify key existing or potential networkers - those who have the ability to know everyone, everything, and everything. These people provide horizontal connectivity to any structure, and we lack them now.

  4. Hold a competition to choose a system for monitoring social media and information field, configure it and configure the open publication of digests (in the form of a telegram chat or channel, depending on the implementation).

  5. Launch the first award for contribution to community development.

I could make dozens of other suggestions, but let’s be honest, at the start, it is better not to impress everyone with extensive plans and then not make half. It is better to start small but fast.

I can not be involved full-time; during the first three months (i.e., electoral cycle number 1), it will be clear how much time you need and how much to eat.

Budget (according to the program, for 3 months)

  1. Digests
    SG participants involved (approximately) 4
    Cr 30,000 (3 x 4 x 2500)

  2. Map of competencies
    SG participants involved (approximately) 4
    Cr 30,000 (3 x 4 x 2500)

  3. Search for networkers
    SG participants involved (approximately) 2
    Cr 15,000 (3 x 2 x 2500)

  4. Monitoring system and competition
    SG participants involved (approximately) 2
    Cr 15,000 (3 x 4 x 2500)
    Competition budget

  5. Competition
    SG participants involved (approximately) 4
    Cr 30,000 (3 x 4 x 2500)
    Prize fund
    Cr 100’000
    Entirely goes to the winners and participants.



  • 10,000 monitoring competition

  • 100’000 prize for community members


Given that SG 10 participants and the principle of budgeting are cumulative, I will reduce the amounts prescribed above, depending on the election outcome.


The idea itself is interesting, I like it)) I don’t think these items should be mandatory, not everyone loves publicity and fame)


They should. This is a Community SG, it’s a public work that highly depends on the SG members reputation, renown, and trust among the community members.

Then this is a rather dangerous job :grinning: given the size of payments and the unwillingness of people to lose these payments) need to give full information about yourself and your pages on social networks. I am not immortal))

Not at all. It’s not a recon division or FBI. It’s just a Community SG.
People like me or other community specialists are OK with publicity, it’s our usual way of doing things. That’s why I want to attract more specialists instead of enthusiasts.

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The proposal makes sense, and like all proposals in Free TON, it is worthy of attention and implementation.
That is, this program is essentially limited to the activities of these 10 people? And others who want to do at least something in the project have to wait for their turn to be or not to be chosen among these 10 people? That is, they do nothing.
I believe that it is necessary to give the opportunity to do something to anyone who takes the initiative and who has a desire to do at least something.
Nobody forbids any member of the community to come and create their own subgovernance based on some goals and area of ​​activity. Why do you immediately filter out such an opportunity? And you dictate the conditions that you must have experience in PR, etc. if people come to the crypt in search of a better life and here they gain experience, and do not have a special crypto education. These are the people who push projects, not super smart PR people who have been studying at the university for 5 years. A simple worker from the factory can come and do more, than a prof PR.
It is also worth noting that the selection of candidates through likes and comments is almost 100 % about cheating. Someone can pay as little as 100 us dollars for 100 likes and comments, and then earn $ 10,000. It turns out to be a profitable investment. But what about the rest of the people?


I fully support what you said above. I have experience working at an institute, in the technical part, but this does not in any way affect how to make TON Crystal more open. I have a lot of free time. I tried to submit two applications to promote TON when I was on the jury, but the core team was disbanded, which resulted in no applications being submitted. Now time passes, and in the end I am not on the jury of TON Crystal and I simply cannot submit these applications. Bottom line: wait. I agree with you because it is true. Thanks!

By the way, I want to wish happy birthday to TON Crystal


If you were actively involved in cryptocurrency and participated in the life of many blockchain projects, you would probably know these people))


I see a lot of smart words here. I already read it all some time ago. Just don’t understand where the specific actions are? If you have great ideas, then you need to go and implement them.


good idea but please explain details :+1:

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Each SG member may form their own workgroup which may operate quite free and restricted only by the % of the approved budget of this particular SG member.

Everyone may do anything for free. Nobody can forbid you or anyone else to go and do something. But if you want money aka tokens you must prove that you are worthy.

Then vote for a simple worker.
Again, nobody forbids no one to participate. Professional experience should be described so we all understand what are the person is capable of, so the electors understand whever he/she is able to execute the proposed agenda.

And what about the rest of them? Do you think that the community is not capable of electing someone worthy?

Yes, I do. And this knowledge makes me sick, btw.

They are in my personal election proposal, read the first reply on the topic. Thanks!

Small ideas may be realized for free, more complex ones - only with an approved budget. I am no enthusiast and don’t work for free. And nobody of professionals, btw.

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Sure. What kind of details do you want to know?

Good suggestion. But in my opinion the function of protecting the community is missing. Sometimes community members are confronted with unfair or erroneous actions of the jury. And nobody punishes them for it. It is also difficult for an individual member of the community to resist the authority of the jury and the support of those who are fans or friends of the jury.
I also think that it is important to comply with the principles of decentralization. The community and the SG must fight for decentralization. If the community doesn’t take care of decentralization, then no one else will.

Agreed, but key problem is that nobody can be punished. The only fair action that can be enforced is the cutting of the future budget. It can be made by the main Governance (in the case when SubGov is acting unfairly) or by the SubGov in case some of its members or programs are involved.
Community SG may highlight some of such cases.
Instead of Analytics SG which count numbers and gather data, Community SG is more about people and reputation.


Cool! I think Free TON still needs to build a reputation system in the future.

Hi again. Thanks to everyone for your feedback. Much appreciated.

I’ve added some important changes, which are mostly marked with an italic.

The most important part is the Community Participation section, which is focused on the mechanics of funding the community projects and proposals. Read it, please. Also, it’s followed by the additional 20% budget increase (see Budget section).

This part is inspired by @Artanovskaya, thanks, Daria.

The second part of this Section is the additional mechanics of workgroups: the ability for SG members to form their own workgroups.

Also, I’ve added some minor changes in the Exclusion section which allow non-active SG members to have a bit more time to improve :slight_smile:


Please fix the calculation in your application.
130k should be 120k (30+30+15+15+30)

Btw why 4 members needs involvement in awarding, and only 2 for monitoring?

And what is your plan to choose, who exactly from SG members will be involved in completion of 5 mentioned parts of your program?

Are there any additional comments on Crystal distribution among involved SG members?

How will you finish your program if there will by full time involvement of SG members in own programs implementation? Maybe consider some “community involvement remark” in your program description?

P. S. interesting way to set up the SG. I like the way you think and your red hair.

This is my vote for @Teodorix application

Comment: I like the way of structuring the Sub Governance process and his red hair (yes, SG is a process, and that’s important)

My pubkey is 9f63d5c3ebbb3f19081bceb0c920004e6124610c4140055e1e2c54e17081a66c

I hope my communication skills are enough to came up with own application by end of this week.

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