I have no idea who is personally responsible for this report creation/publication, so I will refer to the author/the group of authors as “you”.
I just couldn’t keep silence being a witness of this.
First of all, I am in no way connected to UNU.
I am not an UNU “fan” as well as their business model. Generally, I have been I bit suspicious about this contest and more likely to say “no” than “yes”.
However I have to say that your report is totally ridiculous and non-professional. Why?
Many years ago I was a part of a team that launched a website. It is still visited by about 4k visitors daily, but it took several years for direct traffic to go under 80%. Now its only 16%, but this was achieved in 11 years! People just know the website name and it is the fastest way to open it - its pure logic.
So your argument that 76% of direct traffic definitely shows fraud with a website stats is wrong and misleading. Moreover, your information/estimation of direct traffic to UNU website turned out to be wrong.
I had several times been a part of team launching a website and direct traffic was the biggest part of the pie for a year or more. Some websites analyzers show that Yandex.ru has 84% direct traffic - is there traffic also not fair?)
But what is more ridiculous you didn’t even think of talking to UNU team directly prior to publishing this stuff here, get the real stats instead of invented/presupposed and based on that make your report professional.
Instead you took time and efforts to produce unprofessional report full of one’s own opinon pretending to be 100% true, as well it was a non-ethical report publishing sensitive personal data.
I hope your SG is going to consider this case and make necessary changes to your business processes. Your work should not harm people.
This is just my opinion, definitely, but I suppose the best way (for both parties and for the Forum reputation) to handle this issue is to remove the report from the Forum and deal everything in person with lkk.