Приятно видеть так много русскоговорящей аудитории! Сам тоже пропустил поощрение, постоянно занят. Считаю, что ребята достойны получить ревард за свою работу.
It is absolutely need to repeat the distribution of prizes. 40% of the lost awards are too many to ignore. Maybe while the contests are going on and in any case it will be need to require participants to transfer data, need implementing on the forum the ability to indicate the telegram account and wallet address in the profile?
Абсолютно точно необходимо повторить выдачу призов. 40% недополученных наград слишком много чтобы оставить это без внимания. Может, пока идут конкурсы и в любом случае придется требовать от участников передавать данные, стоит реализовать на форуме возможность указать в профиле телеграм аккаунт и адрес кошелька?
The jury voted for the first proposal and the participants who provided the wallet address were paid a reward. Even a record was set for the time the jury voted for a proposal.
But only 60% of the participants managed to provide the wallet address. the remaining 40% consider this unfair and ask to re-vote for those who for some reason were late then to send the wallet address.
Due to the fact that the basic conditions of the initial competition were not violated, because the participants were determined in advance, some simply did not have time to provide the wallet address for paying the reward, everyone is asking to re-vote for the described proposal.
List of testers who did not manage to submit information in the first stage and have confirmed it to date – STAGE 2 (the remaining participants from the list who are nominated for the reward):
So sad I miss this great opportunity how to participant on TON Surf project, I don’t know with this promotion and I will join if you have another promotion later, by the way I want to know with contest did you have link for joining contest?
Totally Greedy all just want to get rewards but where they submitted their addresses?
Free TON community wants only active members who can submit requirements before deadline.
Where is appearance of their activeness?
This list may have fraud wallet addresses, how one can believe?
@ kumsanjay
@ india
This proposal was created to encourage and reward the work of beta testers, who for 4.5 months have made efforts to identify bugs, suggest improvements to both the work and the user interface of TON Surf while describing this directly in the Telegram group for testing “Secret TON Surf Testing”.
All information is available from the main post and in those published below. Everyone can check. Information is open
Deadline is meant here?
NoOne can dismiss that anyways.
And if this happened then other members can also deal in same ways.
Who will responsible for that?
Still available and have new chance for new comer to participant at your contest? I miss chance to participated at your contest because I know with TON surf forum just few weeks later, I hope still have chance for me to be in your reward contest.
I do not understand a little what you are talking about. This proposal (stage 2) has not yet been approved or voted on. Information posted openly for anyone to check before submitting to a vote
Only members who submitted their addresses in this discussion before deadline may have eligible for rewards?
60% is in majority favour so no one can challenge this one at all.
Sorry, but I have neither the time nor the desire to repeat everything from the beginning. The answer to your question is in the main message (at the very beginning, a description of the entire proposal).
Please reread all the posts in the topic and you will find all the answers