I have downloaded a TON wallet app in apple app-store, and created a wallet with it. I wrote down the backup words and have them in my possession now.
Then I imported wallet with those words in my chrome ton extension, and received nearly 500 tons
with this transaction.
Then I sent my tons to the address that was shown in my app’s wallet (on phone)
with this transaction,
but they are not showing neither on my app on phone, nor on any other wallet, that was created from the same seed phrase.
Can someone help me understand what the hell has happened?
It’s been more than 30 minutes since transaction was considered as successfully finished.
Have I lost my tons?
This is the address from the iphone app
This is a link to iPhone app
What did I done wrong, please help me.
Hi, unfortunately you downloaded the wrong wallet, TON Crystal tokens will be lost
Here is the correct one:
Wait a second, then how could I be possibly able to create multiple wallets using the seed phrase from that wallet?
Can you send the link to iOS app that was used to create the TON deposit address? If everything was correct, it would not take more than a few seconds to complete the transactions.
I used this one to create a wallet seed, which I reimported then to two other different apps.
And it is not wrong, I am absolutely sure that it is the one that is listed on the TON Wallets
Maybe something is wrong with the settings of the app, and they should be different?
This wallet is not related to the FreeTON project and the TON Crystal cryptocurrency
Thank you, so my tons are just gone for good. Amazing.
Looking like an unauthorized wallet. The name of the wallet itself is suspicious. TON is mainnet token not a coin.
your ton crystal address,ton.live