Jury extension proposal

Jury extension proposal

  1. It’s suggested to extend the list of ForMet Subgov jurors by the following persons:
Denis EFREMOV Telegram Works as a developer at Oracle (Ksplice team). Previously worked as a formal verification engineer at ISPRAS (Frama-C/Event-B) and also has some experience with Solidity (mainly hackatons). 1c9c683858e623bb469787f5b3adcfc4aaa030d0cf5f8517cb67ad4a226621ad 0:a6002af20f1c23e6916f9696a6d91d34989ab450e722cb649090e938afbca174 Oracle
Ilya SHCHEPETKOV Telegram Researcher at ISP RAS, and I have participated in multiple formal verification projects since 2014. These include working with security and access control models for various operation systems: e.g. creating formal specifications and proving their correctness using the Event-B formal method and the Rodin platform. Also I took part in developing formal specification of a security framework for smart contracts using Isabelle/HOL theorem prover 67cab400f89fa8a49eb766a18f8fc15c1bcdfd6c4ca443667ca195e4dd0edce0 0:1460408fdeaf8a4dd6ee63513bab31202ac09fdafef825a0c98adb2080ea7c35 ISP RAS
  1. The decision becomes effective immediately upon the acceptance of the present proposal
  2. All the current jurors keep their roles without any changes

A proposal to include one more jury member.

Anton TRUNOV Telegram Mathematically inclined embedded systems hacker who switched to formal methods
and interactive theorem proving more than half a decade ago. Want to live in a world
of provably correct distributed software systems.
0:8d08cafbb04b5690e93ce25ab8e0bb63bece459c1c05405682aaf62ee714d8e4 Ziliqa