All this time we were under the shadow of TON.
There are several “children” of Durov’s TON like TON Coin, TON Token and our Free TON. Beginners get confused between these projects and unwittingly consider them a scam, but Free TON is not like them.
And to get rid of this stigma, I suggest changing the name of the blockchain and the token.
More reasons for rebranding is described by Alexander Filatov.
Short description
Write new names for “Free TON” and “TON Crystal”.
Submission period: 14 days
Voting period: 14 days
You have several ways to construct new name(s):
- By converting existing words, for example: “Decentralization” into “Dezza”.
- By adding existing words to each other, for example: “Liber” + “Chain” = “Liberchain”. The words may be English, ancient Greek etc.
- By making up a completely new word(s).
- The name(s) shouldn’t be taken by other crypto projects.
- The name(s) shouldn’t be over popular. Don’t use the words like freedom, crypto, crystal etc.
- The name(s) should be written in Latin.
- The name(s) shouldn’t offend someone’s feelings.
- The name(s) should be readable and soundable.
- The names of the blockchain and the token should consist of one word.
- You can construct one name for the blockchain and for the token but you can construct two names to each other, too.
- You have to explain your idea(s) to the rebranding, give us the reason to accept it (them), also you have to construct a ticker for it (them) like BTC (from bitcoin).
- Up to 2 submissions from a participant, but each of them should be unique.
An example of your PDF-submission:
- Your idea to the rebranding (a ticker)
- An explanation of your idea
- If you want, you can draw a logo for it (optional)
- Your wallet, a telegram username.
- 10,000 TON
- 8,000 TON
- 6,000 TON
- 4,000 TON
5-10. 2,000 TON each
- Each of the initial Free TON jurors can vote on your submission. Jurors whose team(s) intend to participate in this contest by providing submissions lose their right to vote in this contest.
- Each juror will vote by rating each submission on a scale of 0 to 10 or can choose to reject it if it does not meet requirements, or they can choose to abstain from voting if they feel unqualified to judge.
- Jurors will provide feedback on your submissions.
Jury rewards
An amount equal to 10% (+5% for every 100 competitive works that meet the requirements) of the sum total of all total tokens actually awarded will be distributed equally between all jurors who vote and provide feedback. Both voting and feedback are mandatory in order to collect the reward.
Procedural remarks
- Participants must upload their works so it can be viewed and accessible in the formats described. If work is inaccessible or does not fit the criteria described, the submission may be void by jurors.
- Participants must submit their work before the closing of the filing of applications. If not submitted on time, the submission will not count.
Anyone can participate.