To the FreeTON Community.
While reading the chat and messages from new users we have come to the conclusion that the FreeTon project, in its current form, is quite complex to understand for ordinary people who would like to learn more about it and might be interested in joining the project. The website, forum and chat have a lot of information and many technical terms. We’ve decided to make some steps to simplify the way information about FreeTon project is conveyed to ordinary people.
To solve the problem we created a chatbot “FreeTON for dummies” (@FreeTonDummies_bot), which we propose to include in the FreeTON project. The chatbot can be referenced in the chat rooms for beginners to simplify dialogs and chats’ moderation. Since most of the questions from new users are standard, experienced users and moderators can address the questions by simply providing a link to the chatbot.
“FreeTON for dummies” also has a simple website We suggest including the links to the website and chatbot on the FreeTON project’s main website. As an alternative, “FreeTON for dummies” can be included as a separate webpage or a subdomain.
Currently, the conversational interface of “FreeTON for dummies” chatbot includes English and Russian languages. We are ready to send to the community the source code of our mini-project along with the chatbot token and a simple administrative panel for adding new languages or maintain it free. In our opinion, new language translations and new information sections should be welcomed by the community.
The “FreeTON for dummies” design is made in the same style as FreeTON new community web design, which should allow for an easy integration into the website. However, all graphic elements can be easily replaced, if needed, through the administrator panel.
We kindly ask you to compensate our time and efforts put in the development of the idea, chatbot, and two-language interface in small reward of 1000 TON Crystals. We are also suggesting to reward future translations to other languages by any member of the community in the amount of 300 Tokens and 100 Tokens for a new content segment, possibly in a form of a contest, which we will publish in the proper SubGOV’s topic.
Our TON address: 0:fb900850e870e2b5968ac9e3dbe37c2721253abed54287c8a96076228898bcb7
P.S. The faith, the hope, the love and the science