Free TON audit/research

Hi, all.


I have been a Wiki SG member for a couple of months already. I have some thoughts/ideas on Free TON development as many community members do)
However keeping in mind the idea of decentralisation I would love to see a much broader dialog on the matter that will results in smth more that just a single persons opinion.

For the last 6 years together with my partner I have been consulting SMB. We do management consulting IT consulting, managerial accounting, financial analysis, etc etc.
But the first thing we do when come to a company is the business audit.

It differs from financial audit that results in an Encyclopedia-Britannica-like report. It’s a comparatively short report showing how is a business working by the audit time.

What is a business audit? It means to find out how the business works, what are the business processes, what are visible and invisible problems/development obstacles.

İn our case it may be broken internal/external communication, wrong/broken business process or lack of some processes at all etc etc - anything like this or what you personally see as Smith that prevents development.

A business owner often has in mind his own picture of his business, the company employees see it another way and the reality may differ much from both views.
That is one of the reasons why we audit businesses before doing something else.

We talk to the owner(s), the top management and other key people in the business, in person with each one.

A business audit results in an audit report, which becomes the foundation for a business development plan.

When one has stomach-ache it’s quite strange to ask a doctor to treat his/her lungs. Firstly, the corrects diagnostics should be made.

If a supermarket’s IS infrastructure is almost dead its of no logic to focus on boosting sales. Instead, its rational to handle IS stuff asap.

If a business’s employee motivation plan is in fact demotivating people and they are leaving the company, its not reasonable to start a new project. The motivation program should be “fixed” first.

These are not made up but real life examples, where businesses make illogical decisions and then expect logically positive outcomes.
These examples are given for the better understanding of why we start from audit report when we come.

I would love to see our community going this simple and efficient way too.

  1. We gather info in one document, analyse it and identify the main problems
  2. We actively discuss possible solutions/alternatives
  3. We choose a solution and plan actions
  4. We act, evaluate outcomes and start again form the p.1 when required.

Thus, I ask G/SG members, jury members and in general all those who care about Free TON development to answer some questions/share opinions.

If you publish your answers/comments in Free Ton chats or forums, they will have impact on each other. Its of critical importance that one sends his/her feedback personally.

So please, launch FreeTon_Research_bot and kindly share your opinion.

When you launch the bot and choose the language, you will get questions to answer.
You may be asked to provide more details/to clarify, please assist if asked.

I plan to share the results of this audit/research after gathering your opinions and analysing them.

P.S. Not sure if the forum section is correct, please let me know if wrong:)

Русская версия.

Последние 6 лет вместе с моим другом и партнёром мы занимаемся бизнес-консалтингом для малого и среднего бизнеса.
Мы занимаемся ИТ консалтингом, управленческим консалтингом, учётом и финансовым анализом и прочим, но
первое, с чего мы начигаем, когда приходим в компанию - это аудит бизнеса.
Это совсем не тот аудит, о котором мы часто слышим - с тонной бухгалтерских документов и размером с “Войну и мир”:slight_smile:
Это сравнительно краткий отчёт о том, как на момент аудита работает бизнес, какие в нем есть основные проблемы и препятствия для развития и в чем их причины.
В нашу случае это могут быть проблемы во внутренней и внешней коммуникации, нарушенные бизнес-процессы или вовсе отсутствие каких-либо процессов. Что то подобное или не очень - то, что по вашему мнению развитию сети и сообщества.

Часто владелец видит одну картину своего бизнеса, сотрудники - другую, а реальность вовсе отличается от обеих.
Нужно это все в совокупности изучить, проанализировать проблемы и выявить основные их причины.
Мы работали и с бизнесом, и благотворительными организациями, чтобы улучшить их работу.
Суть везде одна: выявление проблем, поиск главных причин их возникновения, поиск решений - так, чтобы эти проблемы не повторялись. Это непрерывный процесс.

Для того, чтобы решить проблемы, их нужно сначала идентифицировать.
Чаще всего в бизнесе бывает несколько главных/ключевых проблем, которые генерируют массу неприятных последствий. И чаще всего сотрудники компании считают проблемами именно эти последствия.
Поэтому аудит мы проводим с владельцем, руководством и ключевыми и рядовыми сотрудниками. С каждым отдельно (это важно).

Во время аудита мы задаём одинаковые вопросы всем этим людям и собираем ответы и комментарии.

После всех этих бесед, мы анализируем (строим логические “деревья”) и пишем отчёт по аудиту, на основе которого создаётся план работы в этой компании.

Где то нужно внедрить/исправить управленческий учет, где-то - заменить ИТ- инфраструктуру, где то - погрузиться в ценообразование или проверить расчёт себестоимости производства, чтобы маркетологи не брали цены с потолка и чтобы бурная работа “продажников” не приводила к отрицательным значениям прибыли.
Где-то стоит заняться ре/брендингом, позиционированием и так далее.

Но если где то ИТ-система вот вот “умрёт”, им, в первую очередь, нужно заниматься не ребрендингом, а разобраться ИТ-систему.
Если где то проблема с дебиторкой, значит нужно решать именно эту проблему, а не нанимать бизнес-тренера для повышения продаж, рост которых, скорее всего, опять увеличит дебиторку.

Это не умозрительные примеры - этот реальные кейсы, с которыми мы сталкивались. Когда надо делать одно, а делают совершенно другое. Я привёл эти примеры, чтобы было легче понять, о чем речь.

Я бы хотел, чтобы и в нашем комьюнити мы пошли этим путем: определяем самые главные проблемы, активно обсуждаем пути их решения и создаём план, реализуем этот план и оцениваем результат.

Прошу всех неравнодушных перейти в FreeTon_Research_bot и ответить на оба вопроса.

Результатом этого аудита/исследования я поделюсь после сбора информации и ее анализа.
В процессе, возможно, задам уточняющие вопросы.

Upd. Добавлена русская версия.


Do you want to make audit for the whole community or just a code?

Thanks for your question!

I plan to analyse working processes (or business processes) in SGs and between them, how its all expected to work and how it works in reality. What problems do we have, how to fix them and what is needed to be “repaired” first.

No code audit at all)

The interesting point is that if we ask people, they may know many answers or info that may lead us to those answers. We just need to ask for help of community members, listen carefully and then analyse.

You are a member of the Wiki SG
Did you manage to audit your sub-governance work? I think having a successful case will make it easier to promote the idea to all subgov


Suppose, after such audit he will cease to be its member. If he is good in doing audits.


Good question, thank you!

Usually, when we audit a business it turns out there are hidden problems between different “department”/parts of one business. Communication problems, broken end-to-end business process, constraints in one part impact another parts etc etc.

Thus it makes much less sense or even no sense at all to audit a “piece” of a business as to draw a wholistic picture you need to analyse and comprehend it all.

We do not preach burn-it-all approach, but sometimes as a result of our audit/project a business may “disappear”.

As for Wiki it has its own problems but I don’t think leaving this SG will help.

However, let’s wait for information from the community members.

I am not asking for tonns of tons, not asking to dedicate dozens of free hours to this.

If you have nothing to comment on the questions from the bot (Telegram: Contact @FreeTon_Research_bot), please assist at least sharing the link to this forum post:)

Russian version added.
Добавлена русская версия.

This is important. Doing research like this can find out what members think of the community so far and the problems that forum members face. Research results can be used to find the best way to deal with problems. I’ve seen the bot and I think it’s qualitative. In my opinion, it is better to make quantitative questions, where members can choose ranges, from 1 to 5 is Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree; Making it easier for members to fill in questions. Example:
Question 1 The contests held at have been very interesting.

  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Normal
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

Question 2
I got enough information from the Freeton forum.

  1. Strongly disagree
  2. Disagree
  3. Normal
  4. Agree
  5. Strongly agree

And so on.

Research can be done periodically. That’s my thought. Thank you.

Thank you for you suggestion!

What you suggest is a type of survey, what we aim at is a different thing.

Its crucial to collect exactly pure personal vison of the existing problems and their solutions.

If we suggest any hint or several answers to choose from, this will definitely impact peoples feedback and the goal of this audit will not be reached.

I appreciate your trying to assist, please share your view in the bot and ask others to do the same:)

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Please, ask your Free TON friends to participate in this audit research and share it, we need more feedbacks to get a broader and detailed picture.

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As for this research being periodical, you are correct - this is continuous process and is a part of a business continuity planning.

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Im sorry if I was wrong.
I will share the bot link, good luck with the research.:gem:

Absolutely no need for excuses, many thanks for being positive and taking part! :slight_smile:

As I see it, we are here to share our views and help each other.

I ask people to share their critics/suggestions/vision in the bot (if they have any) together with doing that in Free TON chats.

Discussions in chats is more likely to be outdated in a couple of weeks and even days as long as feedbacks in the bot will not be left without proper attention and analysis:)

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