Free TON Academy Contest: Developers’ Websites
Design and website development contests for Free TON developers.
We will implement the competition in 2 stages:
1st stage is the website concept development for developers. Researching developers needs, studying the best practices, analysis, terms of reference, layouts (3-4 weeks + 1 week for evaluating work)
2nd stage is implementing the website and support (2 months + 2 weeks of work evaluation)
1st stage of the competition. Development of a website concept for developers (Analytics and planning).
Terms of the competition: 3-4 weeks
Voting: 1 week
Developers play a critical role in the evolution of the web. As a technology, Free TON is interesting to many, but at the moment, the entry threshold (even for skilled developers) is quite high. This leads to obvious hindering of the network’s development.
A high-quality and thoughtful solution to this problem is very important for the community. In this regard, the competition shall be held in 2 stages.
1st stage - Analytics,
2nd stage - Implementation.
The analytics stage will allow a more balanced approach to the solution of the problem, exchange of experience and implementation ideas.
Conduct analysis to form a thorough plan for implementing the project. In doing so, participants must demonstrate a commitment to solving long-term strategic tasks, not only immediate contest rewards.
The Academy SG shall then obtain a shortlist of teams which qualify to participate in the implementation competition, the formulated requirements and detailed analytics necessary for the preparation of the project.
Content of the application
CustDev. Research and analysis of the existing information needs of novice and experienced developers, validators, using personal or online interviews with interview recording and conclusions.
Use cases - situations in which developers will refer to the site and options for its use.
Analysis of best practices both within blockchain projects and beyond.
Description of the solution, internal mechanics, navigation, user story.
Terms of reference in free form, infrastructure requirements
There are enough screen layouts to assess the quality of the UI
Content strategy and approach to its implementation, elements of red-policy. (at the stage of the competition + 6-12 months).
A list of articles with an understanding of what benefits and how they will bring developers.
Description of the development approach
Expected labor costs
Composition of the team (no contacts) with a brief description of the experience.
IMPORTANT: You can add other points to the application if you think it is necessary, this will only be a plus.
Application format
The application should be submitted in pdf format, in English, on the competition page on, along with a copy on the corresponding post.
The application must contain links to all the source materials of the analysis based on the items you recommended.
Participants with a score of 6 and above will be awarded.
1st place 20,000 tokens
2nd place 15,000 tokens
3rd place 10,000 tokens
4th place 8,000 tokens
5th place 5,000 tokens
The winners of the competition will receive a lump sum reward upon completion of the jury voting.
Jury composition
In case of insufficient expertise of the existing jury of the academy, IM’s of the academy will attract an expert jury.
● The juror must have a solid understanding of the described technology to provide a score and feedback. If not, the juror should choose to ‘Abstain’.
● Jurors or whose team (s) intend to participate in this contest by providing submissions lose their right to vote in this contest.
● Each juror will vote by rating each submission on a scale of 1 to 10 or can choose to reject it if it does not meet requirements or vote ‘Abstain’ if they feel unqualified to judge.
● Jurors must provide feedback on submissions or lose their reward.
● The Jury will reject duplicate, sub-par, incomplete, or inappropriate submissions.
Jury Rewards
An amount equal to 10% of the total sum of all total tokens awarded to contest winners will be distributed among jurors who vote and provide feedback. This percentage will be awarded on the following basis:
● The percentage of tokens awarded to the jury will be distributed based on the number of votes each juror casts. For example, if one juror votes 50 times and another juror votes 5 times, the juror who votes 50 times will get 10 times more tokens than the juror who votes 5 times.
● Feedback is mandatory to collect any rewards.
● Jury rewards are distributed in full upon the end of voting regardless of the long-term outcome.
If you want to share your experience of using sites for developers or ideas for CustDev, leave your TG contacts in the forum marked #custdevDS
Stage 2. Implementation
Preamble to the second stage
At the first stage of the competition, large-scale analytics work will be carried out, and the winner will be selected. All the results from the first stage shall remain available to all participants in the second stage, in order to better form an understanding of the solution that should be implemented.
You can use any combination of solutions from the 1st stage, and if you have your own high-quality solution, you can also provide it, but with your own analytics.
A key criteria of the application will be the description given. The jury must be able to understand which solution you have chosen, and how the implementation corresponds to it.
Terms of the competition
Implementation stage: 2 months from the start.
Support and implementation of the content strategy: 6 months.
The purpose of the competition
Develop a high-quality implementation of the site for developers, using the basis formed by the analytical stage of the competition and the documentation with which the basis of the solution was developed.
Content of the application
Analytical documentation from the 1st stage, used as the basis for the development and verification of compliance
Team composition
Content strategy for 6 months
Work plan for 6 months, mentioning improvements which are planned
Link to a working version of the site
Technical reference (architecture, technology)
Results of stress testing, with the possibility of verification
Link to github with code
Link to sources of graphic materials (figma or other formats)
The materials must be available online for the entire duration of the competition: 2 + 6 months.
Application format
The application must be submitted in pdf format, in English, on the competition page on the website, with a copy on the corresponding forum page.
The application contains links to all the source materials of the analysis based on the items you recommended and added.
Participants with a score of 6 and above will be awarded.
1st place 150,000 tokens (75,000 + 12,500 after each of 6 months based on the implementation report)
2nd place 120,000 tokens (60,000 + 10,000 after each of 6 months based on the implementation report)
3rd place 90,000 tokens (45,000 + 7,500 after each of 6 months based on the implementation report)
4th place 60,000 tokens (30,000 + 5,000 after each of 6 months based on the implementation report)
5th place 30,000 tokens (15,000 + 2,500 after each of 6 months based on the implementation report)
Jury composition
In case of insufficient expertise of the existing jury of the academy, IM’s of the academy will attract an expert jury.
● The juror must have a solid understanding of the described technology to provide a score and feedback. If not, the juror should choose to ‘Abstain’.
● Jurors or whose team (s) intend to participate in this contest by providing submissions lose their right to vote in this contest.
● Each juror will vote by rating each submission on a scale of 1 to 10 or can choose to reject it if it does not meet requirements or vote ‘Abstain’ if they feel unqualified to judge.
● Jurors must provide feedback on submissions or lose their reward.
● The Jury will reject duplicate, sub-par, incomplete, or inappropriate submissions.
Jury Rewards
An amount equal to 5% of the total sum of all total tokens awarded to contest winners will be distributed among jurors who vote and provide feedback. This percentage will be awarded on the following basis:
● The percentage of tokens awarded to the jury will be distributed based on the number of votes each juror casts. For example, if one juror votes 50 times and another juror votes 5 times, the juror who votes 50 times will get 10 times more tokens than the juror who votes 5 times.
● Feedback is mandatory to collect any rewards.
● Jury rewards are distributed in full upon the end of voting regardless of the long term outcome .
Ideas and approaches remain open to everyone, so that the development teams can use the experience of their colleagues, nevertheless, the competitive effect of the competition remains.
Any teams can participate in the implementation stage.
The main goal is to make the integration of new developers into the community as comfortable and efficient as possible.
To create websites on which new developers in the community can quickly and get the necessary information on the topics they need, and start using the capabilities of the blockchain. We do not limit the topics, but in one way or another they should be aimed at working with the FreeTon blockchain (Example topics: API / SDK, smart contracts, TIP, ZKP, DeBots and others).
Also, the purpose of the competition is to capture, publish and scale the development experience in freeton. Most of the developments for contests and independent ones are posted on the developers’ personal githubs and the use and transfer of this experience is not possible.
2% of all contest funds will be allocated to Admin and coordination support of the contest.
Publications that are already financed via community sub-governances or through partnerships cannot participate in this contest.
If and when this Proposal is accepted, Free TON Academy SubGovernance shall request proposed rewards from Free TON Community since they exceed current Academy mandate as described in