We are happy to announce the launch of the first NFT token in FreeTON.
WaifusTON is an NFT collectible and marketplace. These are 2048 unique anime characters, each created by a neural network!
While they are not all distributed yet, any user can get a random waifu for a small fee
Go to the waifuston.com and click " Create new account"
Click the “TOPUP” button to the right of the balance, copy your address (starts with 0:) and transfer funds to it from any Free TON wallet, for example, from ton.surf (we recommend to transfer 11 to be enough for the first waifu)
Click the “Get new waifu” button and get your first NFT token!
Users can easily share their NFTs right on the platform. You can put your waifu up for sale, just give it to a friend, or place a bet on someone’s waifu.
Moreover, all this for the minimum blockchain fees.
Is there any work being done at the moment? People were asking about smart contracts for these tokens with no response. The site is pretty much dead right now, as well as telegram channel. Just some hype at the beginning with not much follow-up. Looks like a money grab to me. Sad.
Now you can watch history of every waifu and account
This feature is powered by our new simple tool - TON Watcher. Source code available now!
It is an automatic messages subscription service, which fetches all messages from blockchain and decodes it for further search.
History available on waifu pages and account pages.
Sample - Crypto Waifus TON
And yeah, some questions. If i understood right, this is smart contract for your waifu store? - 0:1cc19337587036a64f1806efdc9a3c34862181ac771b9424bd7c3e75bade58c4
Free TON NFT SubGovernance proposal was approved
And Waifuston.com is one of the initial members
You can find SG chat at Telegram: Contact @FreeTONbasedNFT
We will take active part in development of NFT infrastructure on Free TON.
Also, we are canceling all actions fees
Now you can transfer waifus absolutely for free
It should be noted that currently it is done for test and in future fees amount can be changed.
There was no news for some time. But we still working hard and have some things to show you.
MINTED OUT. There is no free waifus for mint. All 1024 waifus are claimed. WOW! For the moment the only way to get waifu - buy it on auction (check for sale tab)
Site update. We made some minor features and slightly updated our design. Now every user has a random avatar!