probably some of you have already bought tickets for FreeTON’s 1st anniversary celebration event. If you haven’t - just use the link to go to NiFi Tickets debot in Surf
Or scan the QR code
The thing is that this ticket is the FIRST EVER FreeTON non-fungible token, realised in full compliance with its standards! Off we go!!!
It is realised via debot within TON Surf. We hope that though debot functionality needs further improvement, this solution offers pretty much user friendly interface, changing dramatically UX for on-chain transactions.
We would welcome very much your feedback on the debot and UX in general. Any comments/remarks are highly valuable.
As a relatively experienced user, I managed to buy a ticket (#208) without instructions. Everything is intuitive and convenient, I even see the possibility (transfer ticket) to transfer the ticket to another address. Everything’s fine.
From the cons, in order to find your ticket. You need to go to the Debot again using an external link or QR code. Couldn’t find another way to find my NFT.
Finding debot is not as intuitive, that’s true. Moreover, debots are used to go off, and respectively they disappear from activity list. It means that you have to keep somewhere the link to the debot to relaunch it - hopefully Surf will improve this issue
And plese keep your ticket QR code file safely stored - for event admission))
I bought several tickets in Ton Surf Web and had no problems. I even succeeded in resending a ticket to another account.
Here are minor issues in TON Surf on Android:
NiFi DeBot cannot be saved in history.
Cannot find the DeBot in DeBots, I have to add it by link every time and history is lost.