Creating a Sub-governance of Free TON Belarus

Short description:

Creating a Sub-governance of Free TON Belarus.




Free TON Belarus Sub-governance is being created for mass adoption, popularization and promotion of Free TON on the territory of Belarus.

Community development program of Free TON Belarus:

  1. Acquaintance
  2. Users with Free TON tools and services
  3. Organizing conferences with experts and community partners.
  4. Native advertising to increase awareness and promote Free TON on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and attract partners.
  5. Involving programmers to implement projects within the Free TON blockchain.
  6. Development and maintenance of tools and services to interact with Free TON partners.
  7. Creating and maintaining a community representative of “Free TON Belarus” in popular social networks to increase the audience and awareness of the project.
  8. Supporting projects that promote the development and popularization of Free TON.
  9. Providing reports on the results of the work of the sub-governance.
  10. Interaction with existing sub-governance.
  11. Organization and conducting contests.


Below is the estimate required to create an autonomous administration during the next 3 months:

1 month

  1. Development and maintenance of the site and social networks - 7 800 TON Crystals
  2. Contest on the adding of new members of the jury – 1500 TON Crystals
  3. Advertising campaign - 10 000 TON Crystals
  4. Welcome bonus to custodian members - 3 600 TON Crystals
  5. Administrative activities - 10 000TON Crystals
  6. Creation of the unique content - 3 000 TON Crystals

TOTAL: 35 900 TON Crystals

2 month

  1. Advertising campaign - 10 000 TON Crystals
  2. Conducting a contest on the algorithm of the service for interaction with partners - 30 000 TON Crystals
  3. Maintenance of the website and social networks – 800 TON Crystals
  4. Administrative activities - 10 000 TON Crystals
  5. Creation of the unique content - 3 000 TON Crystals
  6. Conducting contests proposed by members of the community - 20 000 TON Crystals

TOTAL: 73 800 TON Crystals

3 month

  1. Contest on the adding of new members of the jury – 750 TON Crystals
  2. Advertising campaign - 5 000 TON Crystals
  3. Maintenance of the website and social networks – 800 TON Crystals
  4. Conducting the DeSupport contest in 3 months - 10 000 TON Crystals
  5. Administrative activities - 10 000 TON Crystals
  6. Creation of the unique content - 3 000 TON Crystals
  7. Preliminary agreements with partners on the worked out interaction algorithm.
  8. Conducting contests proposed by members of the community - 20 000 TON Crystals

TOTAL: 49 550 TON Crystals

Further plans for the implementation of development for the next period in case of the acceptance of the Sub-governance proposal.

4 month

  1. Сontest on the implementation of the service of interaction with partners + supporting in working state for 3 years (open source)
  2. Maintenance of the website and social networks
  3. Administrative activities
  4. Advertising campaign
  5. Creation of the unique content
  6. Conducting contests proposed by members of the community

5 month

  1. Testing and debugging the service for interaction with partners
  2. Maintenance of the website and social networks
  3. Administrative activities
  4. Advertising campaign
  5. Creation of the unique content
  6. Conducting contests proposed by members of the community
  7. Promotion of the preliminary agreements with partners

6 month

  1. Launching a service for interaction with partners and integrating it into an existing website
  2. Maintenance of the website and social networks
  3. Conducting the DeSupport contest
  4. Administrative activities
  5. Advertising campaign
  6. Agreements with partners
  7. Connecting partners to the service
  8. Creation of unique content
  9. Conducting contests proposed by members of the community
  10. Maintenance, support and conclusion of partnerships


The following active members will become:

Forum name, Public key, About myself:

  1. @source


Сonceptual issues, accompaniment, technical Issues.

  1. @aheby


Manager-economist, agreement with the governing bodies, copyright.

  1. @NewBelarus2020


Web-developer, MySQL, copyright, work with clients.

  1. @Voow


Communication manager, designer, copyright.

  1. @Anastasia

bb2152fc36cb44b6d358f1a8f25a9cae8d1786bf84a315d2c2cf789ed636aca3 Psychologist.

Psychology teacher (social psychology), IT recruiter, Beginner HTML coder, QA manual, copyright.

  1. @Glazik


Web designer, social media administration, photographer

  1. @kaligoula


Economist in foreign economic activity, financial analyst, translator, copyright and beginner developer in Python.

  1. @ Grigoriy2000


Сonceptual issues, accompaniment, technical Issues.

  1. @Velet


Administration of social networks, help for beginners

  1. @Krasava


Rewrite, copyright, administration, high quality teacher of the additional education system of Belarus. For the moment I’m a first grade quality methodist of additional education and have experience in judging offline youth contests.

  1. @giarmul


Senior full stack web developer. Security enthusiast.

Multisig Address:




Fine, it should have been done a long time ago. Good luck to us, Belarus​:v::v::v:


Belarus community is very strong, peaceful, grateful and really great. So they really need a subgov.


I thought they already have a subgov. What an inconvenience that they haven’t. I highly support.


It’s very usefull proposal,cause for new members it is uknown technology and on first steps of understanding where to go & what to click they need a little help. Active members are highly friendly,knows what are they talking about.It was proved myself.Good luck guys :muscle:


Вы что все сошли сума??? 150к ни за что??? Смотрите и развивайтесь, тем более сообщество есть.

Предложение бред!


Telegram group already has SG Belarus?


Какое количество аудитории вы хотите привлечь ?


День добрый! На первом этапе мы планируем получить не количество, а качество и привлекать программистов, юристов и других необходимых специалистов. После внедрения разработанных инструментов, мы сосредоточимся на количестве привлекаемых пользователей и опубликуем их ожидаемое количество.

Hello! At the first stage we are going to get not quantity, but quality and involve programmers, lawyers and others necessary specialists. After the implementation of the developed tools, we will focus on the quantity of incoming users and will publish the prospective number.


There are two Telegram groups (Telegram: Contact @FreeTONby and Telegram: Contact @community_sg_belarus)and a News Chanel Telegram: Contact @FreeTONBelarus.


У вас все очень обобщенно с отсутствием какой либо конкретики, но наверное будет правильно если вы опишите основные шаги развития своего управления.
Сколько вам нужно программистов, юристов ?
Какие еще нужны специалисты ?
Какие проекты будут исполнять данные программисты, юристы и др.специалисты ?


Спасибо за конструктивную критику! Мы планируем разработать механизм взаимодействия офлайн-бизнеса и Free TON. Мы видим это как контролируемые партнерства, где мы сможем отследить результативность каждого. Для создания этого механизма нужны программисты, а так же юристы и бухгалтеры, которые предложат модель этого взаимодействия в рамках правовых норм. Мы будем проводить конкурс на разработку механизма взаимодействия с офлайн партнерами. Количество призовых мест добавим в нашей заявке.
Thanks for the constructive critics! We plan to develop a mechanism for interaction between offline business and Free TON. We see this as controlled partnerships where we can track the efficiency of each of them. To create this mechanism programmers are needed, as well as lawyers and accountants who will propose a model for this interaction within the framework of legal norms. We will conduct a contest to develop a mechanism for interaction with offline partners. We will add the number of winners to our proposal.


Я полностью поддерживаю это предложение, белорусское криптовалютное сообщесто одно из самых больших в странах снг, кроме того уже существующее регулирование позволит правильно развивать эту отрасль в Белоруссии и соседних странах. Я бы еще разбил бюджет на три части, например 70-50-30 и тогда есть все шансы для принятия.

I fully support this proposal, the Belarusian cryptocurrency community is one of the largest, in addition, the already existing regulation will allow the proper development of this industry in Belarus and neighboring countries.


@XLR25t please read and give your opinion.


Поддерживаю, это давно назрело. Однако, может пересмотреть сумму на рекламу в пользу создания контета?

I support it. However it may reconsider the amount for advertising in favor of creating content?


Спасибо. Уникальный контент не так много сил затрачивает. Реклама самое важное для привлечения специалистов.
Thanks. Unique content doesn’t take much effort. Advertising is the most important thing for attracting specialists.

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Этот бюджет не весь будет тратиться. Только если будет острая необходимость. Это максимальная сумма которая запрашивается.
Not all of this budget will be spent. Only if there is an urgent need. This is the maximum amount requested.


Отличное решение! Это поможет развитию FreeTON в Белоруссии!


Запрос токенов должен основываться на KPI, остальное хотелки. Я тоже могу создать subgov Никарагуа, никто не хочет 150 тыс. подкинуть? Я бизнес-план предоставлю

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