It’s true. 24:00 on this date means 00:00 on the next date.
Here’s the proof:
new Date('August 24, 2020, 24:00 GMT').toUTCString() === 'Tue, 25 Aug 2020 00:00:00 GMT'
It’s true. 24:00 on this date means 00:00 on the next date.
Here’s the proof:
new Date('August 24, 2020, 24:00 GMT').toUTCString() === 'Tue, 25 Aug 2020 00:00:00 GMT'
I think it’s big mistake in governance regarding time taken for closing contest.
Now what the next we can do for this mistake?
Or there can be any date extension option for more submissions?
Hi. It is VERY BAD to make copy-paste from others contest participants. Create a unique proposal if you want good jury ratings and respect in the community. Such applications should not go through.
Original submission #5 – Daria Artanovskaya
Theft submission #18 – Luciano Cornelia
Dear judges, I believe that Aldos’s (Luciano Cornelia) application (Submission #18) should be REJECTED due to theft of content from another application.
Thank You!
Copy & Paste is not a right way for participating in contests at all. I agree.
Aldo, there is a lot of evidence being put forth that you plagiarized someone else’s submission. I can also state that your comment in your submission claiming, " 2. At this moment I am developing a free TON Brand Masters program." is completely false. You had nothing to do with creating that program.
Like everyone, you will be given a chance to explain your actions. If they are not satisfactory to the community, your submission will be rejected.
Hello, we are a community - thecrypted. Channel for crypto enthusiasts and adepts of technology.
forum username: TON
we also conduct our activities on YouTube, medium, telegram.
Our aim is to make blockchain technologies closer to and clearer for people.
We have analyzed more than 1000 projects since 2017 and have been ICO / IEO participants for more than 50 projects.
We also provide marketing services to companies in the blockchain industry. We manage social media accounts, create & publish content, and develop video.
We closely followed all the stages of the formation of TON and were among the investors through active pools at that time.
But unfortunately bad news happened after a while. 2.5 years of work of the best engineers and programmers came up against the fact that our world is too centralized around the United States. The confrontation with the SEC ended with a ban on the launch of TON, and Durov publicly admitted defeat in this battle.
According to P. Durov: “This may change in the future. But today we are in a vicious circle: you cannot bring in more, balance an overly centralized world precisely because it is so centralized. We tried, though … We leave that to the next generations of entrepreneurs and developers to learn from our mistakes. "
Such a loud announcement about the closure of the project, of course, spread throughout the media and created a large information wave. All Telegram channels and mass media are burying TON.
And the battle is indeed lost, but is the war over?
We are seeing not the end, but the beginning of a new development. The history of the blockchain project is clearly not over. TON is open source and can be implemented by third party enthusiasts. We believe that FreeTON can change the world for the better, and we want to be at the forefront of this revolution.
We have followed the project since its inception and want to make great efforts to build the FreeTON ecosystem with you.
We plan to contribute to the implementation of tasks and activities aimed at the development of FreeTON.
Participation in tasks that help propel the ecosystem forward.
Defining partnerships and other opportunities for FreeTON participation.
Creation of a local channel of the FreeTON community and participation in networking through relevant social media platforms.
Recommendations for a pragmatic vision and help develop a roadmap.
Providing meaningful and constructive feedback.
Content and SMM
Creating a creative infographic explaining the features of FreeTON.
A blog about the vision, technologies, directions, development plans of FreeTON, etc. (At least 4 posts a week about the TON project in social networks.).
Creation of a crypto test / quiz. The purpose of the quiz is educational content with the help of which the participants can get acquainted with the FreeTON technology.
Writing articles about the vision, technologies, directions, development plans of FreeTON. Publication in media.
Keeping the team informed of the latest trends and advising what the team should do to accelerate growth.
Collect community feedback and share information with the FreeTON team.
Test Free TON products and provide feedback.
Support from other members in any need.
Я свою кандидатуру не выставляю, так как считаю это очень ответственной работой, на которую должно быть потрачено много средств и времени, которые к сожалению, я не могу уделить в связи с несвязанностью моей проф деятельности с рекламным направлением. Поэтому считаю что послы должны быть исключительными людьми в своей профессии. В следствии чего прошу жюри и сообщество отнестись к данному конкурсу очень серьезно и не давать гарантированных мест. Уровень работы должен быть реально высоким, и поэтому все заявки ниже класса AAA не должны получить никакие места.
Да вы можете сказать, что я действую по принципу “ни себе ни людям” .
Нет, именно поэтому я трезво оценивая свои возможности и эффективность работы, не стал участвовать на удачу. Не стал бы и потом имитировать процесс работы в надежде урвать хоть какую нибудь часть выигрыша, так как считаю это обворовыванием нашего сообщества.
eng google tr
I am not nominating myself, as I consider it a very responsible job, on which a lot of money and time should be spent, which, unfortunately, I cannot devote due to the lack of connection between my professional activity and the advertising direction. Therefore, I believe that ambassadors should be exceptional people in their profession. As a result, I ask the jury and the community to take this competition very seriously and not give guaranteed places. The performance level must be really high, and therefore all applications below the AAA class should not receive any places.
Yes, you can say that I am acting on the principle “neither myself nor people.”
No, that’s why I soberly assessing my capabilities and efficiency of work, did not participate in luck. I would not even then imitate the process of work in the hope of snatching at least some part of the winnings, since I consider this to be robbing our community.
The proposal from PromoTeam
Free TON Ambassador Program and Free TON Promotion Committee
By Alex Morozov ( PromoTeam Founder )
ПРИВЕТ! (Ru version)
Я @Angel_108 из Ukraine.
Имя пользователя в Телеграм: @Angel_108
Аккаунт на форуме Free TON: @Angel_108
Имею 2-а образования:
Высшее: специалист физико-математических наук;
Музыкальное образование.
Проходил колоссальное количество онлайн/оффлайн курсов…
Любопытен и развиваюсь в разных направлениях…
На протяжении всей жизни учусь и развиваюсь…
“Любой, кто перестает учиться, стареет, и не важно, сколько ему лет: двадцать или восемьдесят. Любой, кто продолжает учиться, остается молодым. Самая великая вещь в жизни - это сохранять свой разум молодым. Генри Форд”
Имею опыт:
1. Специалист по видеомонтажу (DaVinci Resolve Studio + Fusion Studio; Adobe Premiere Pro; MAGIX VEGAS Pro и др. ) - опыт работы 15+
2. Видеодизайн
3. Видеосьемка - опыт работы 17+
4. Создание субтитров
5. Видеопрезентации (презентации - Microsoft Office 2016-2019 Professional Plus; SoftMaker Office 2018 и др.) - 15+
6. Профессиональный звукорежиссер (Cubase10 DC7; Adobe Audition; MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro и др. )- 20+
1. Фотосъемка (начинал с Canon eos 450d; Nikon D40-D60-D90; Nicon d5100-d5300; Nicon d7000; Sony Alpha 7) - 12+
2. Работаю с такими программами (Luminar; Topaz Gigapixel AI; Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop; CorelDRAW Graphics Suite; Affinity Publisher; Serif Affinity Designer)
3. Обработка, коллажи и прочее…
4. Опыт фотосьемки конкурса “Мисс”, “Мистер” и др.
1. Реклама/Маркетинг
2. SMM (маркетинг в соцсетях) пользуюсь такими сервисами для продвижения:
-trendHERO - сервис influencer-маркетинга в Instagram, подбор лидеров мнений по критериям (рост подписчиков, вовлеченность, город и другие) или похожих по аудитории блогеров (сервис отдаст до 500 похожих блогеров). Проверить на накрутку – сервис покажет вовлеченность, проанализирует комменты и посты, найдёт ботов и подозрительные аккаунты. Мониторить рекламу блогера и конкурентов – узнайте кто, кого и как рекламировал. Большая база рекламных постов и сториз в помощь.;
-Instaplus; - проанализировать каналы конкурентов, их рекламные амбиции, охват, контент и аудиторию; - сайты проверка - аналитика для инсты;
-Hash-master - умный генератор хэштегов для Instagram, работающий на основе искусственного интеллекта;
-Popsters - для определения популярности групп, пабликов, профилей в социальных сетях (охват, активность, вовлечённость, ER) и выявлять наиболее эффективные. Одним из преимуществ является способность выгружать отчёты в различных форматах PDF, PPTX, XLSX.
-SMMplanner - автоматизиция публикаций постов;
-SocialKit - позволяет парсить аудиторию не только в Инсте, но и в ВК.
-Chotam - осуществлять контроль за появлением новых комментариев к постам или к видео (для YouTube). Сервис автоматические отправляет уведомления (на email или в telegram), в случае появления новых комментариев.
-Supa - создавание коротких видео для социальных сетей, в очень простом конструкторе, используя готовые элементы или загружая свои. Видео сейчас, как раз один из трендов в SMM;
-Minter - позволяет отслеживать активность по хэштегам, рост аудитории, а так же эффетивность Историй. Готовый отчет экспортируется в один документ формата PDF.
-Brand Analytics Express - отслеживания упоминаний бренда как в социальных сетях, так и в средствах массовой информации.
(проходил олайн-курс для веб-мастеров «Практический affiliate-маркетинг» Академии*
Appbooster - продвигать приложения, анализируем результаты, помогаем развивать и монетизировать продукт;
Реклама мобильного приложения в Facebook и Instagram;
Google Play Ads для Android - возможность предложить свой продукт на финальной стадии поиска подходящего приложения в Google Play;
Google AdWords - интегрированная реклама на других приложениях;
You Tube - контент-маркетинг;
Рекламные посты;
QR-коды - можно разместить QR-код на промо-продукции (листовки, плакаты, журналы), например.
и др.
С криптовалютой с 2012 года. Познакомил меня знакомый друг и предоставил мне ознакомиться с The Bitcoin whitepaper который выложил Satoshi Nakamoto и рекомендовал инвестировать. Когда я изучил всю суть, механизм функционирования и принцип работы Bitcoin, я понял что Биткоин является уникальной и перспективной инновацией в области финансовой и платежной систем.
Далее в 2016 году я познакомился с Ethereum - концепт был предложен основателем журнала Bitcoin Magazine Виталиком Бутериным* ** криптовалютой и платформой для создания децентрализованных онлайн-сервисов на базе блокчейна (децентрализованных приложений), работающих на базе умных контрактов. Понравился экономический смысл технологии Ethereum.
Пользовался такими продуктами:
Bitcoin Core - (медленная синхронизация блокчейна, что делает операции не такими быстрыми, как хотелось бы);
Electrum Bitcoin - (работает по принципу открытого кода…анонимность, так как он отлично функционирует в сети Tor.);
Jaxx- (возможность придумывать SEED-коды и приятный интерфейс);
Blockchain- (простота и удобство работы онлайн);
Coinbase Wallet;
NEM Nano Wallet - (апостиль – первый нотариальный сервис Blockchain…мгновенная отправка сообщений)
Opera - браузерный кошелек;
GreenAddress- (возможность отправки криптовалюты фолловерам на Twitter, друзьям на Facebook, по номеру телефона или e-mail)
Exodus - ( это один из очень немногих кошельков который еще ниразу никто не смог взломать (привет jaxx))).
Упор разработчики делают не на красоту, а не его безопасность от взлома.
Он не хранит приватные ключи у себя, только локально на устройстве пользователя (с шифрацией) где он установлен (привет coinbase, который все хранит у себя)… дизайн это лишь маленький бонус. 100+ валют (привет архаичный electrum )))
Внутренний обменник валют Кроссплатформенный Win\Linux\Apple\Android Не требует ни какой идентификации и без территориальных запретов (привет coinbase с его kyc). Поддерживает все известные стаблкоины в том числе Dai и Pax.
Поддерживает eth, eos, waves, bancor (куда в принципе можно закидывать токены основанные на этих платформах).
Есть функционал по экспорту приватных ключей (2 клика мышкой на ПК) (привет coinomi и др. октуда их не вытащить ).
Поддержка аппаратных кошельков trezor)
Guarda Wallet (более 40 блокчейнов и более 10 000 токенов…полный пользовательский контроль над закрытыми ключами и активами) и далее…
14 мая 2020 года, я познакомился с FreeTON - пиринговой мультиблокчейн-системой с нативным токеном TON Crystal (TON). И мне очень импонирует Free TON, потому что - это высокотехнологичный, инновационный новый проект и планом развития.
Моя Концепция продвижения FreeTON, узнаваемость в СМИ:
Пример платформы:
"0.444" - Влияние "+0.5" - Репутация "3,0045" - FreeTON очки
- будет свой аккаунт пользователя (от 1 - 9 999 999)
- доска сообщества (новости проекта и др.)
- моя активность (будут отображаться истории действий своего аккаунта)
- задания ( предоставляются разные задания для пользователей **FreeTON** )
- моя награда (отображается награда, сколько пользователь заработал FreeTON за 7 дней )
* Соц. Сети (здесь будет возможность подписаться на следующие каналы и будут отображаться статистика + действия за выполненные задания. )
* Телеграм
* Твиттер (пример: сколько было совершенно репостов и сколько на твоей странице лайкнули, репостнули, прокомментировали другие пользователи Твиттер )
* Instagram и др.
Будут предоставляться задания за выполнения которых пользователи будут получать награды: FreeTON очки + 0,01 репутацию.*
Задания будут разного характера:
Присоединиться в группу, сделать репост, озвучить видео, написать статтью, поделиться публикацией FreeTON в соц. сети и др.
2. ПЛАТФОРМА – YOUTUBE.(имеется профессиональная аудио техника, а также голос озвучивания видео контента+опыт+практика не один год* )
Будут создаваться познавательные видеоролики «Free TON блокчейн»
• Обзор
• Токены
• Смарт-контракты
• Валидаторы
• TON Surf
• Основное
• Безопасность
• Комиссии
• Перевод токенов
• Сообщения
• ДеБоты
• Стейкинг
и т.д. и т.п.
Будут организовываться онлайн встречи (вебинары, подкасты и т. Д.). В прямом эфире разыгрывать FreeTON 3-м участникам за правильный ответ викторины - тем самим привлекая и быстрее популяризировать FreeTON.
3. INSTAGRAM (есть опыт и контакты +инструменты продвижения FeeTON )
Будет создана страничка FeeTON*
Каждый день будут выкладываться посты + истории…
Будут проводиться розыгрыши тем самим популяризируя FreeTON и получать подписку на аккаунт.
4. ПОПУЛЯРИЗАЦИЯ С ПОМОЩЬЮ ИГР DOTA 2* (есть контакты с представителями и игроками с которыми поддерживаю связь*)
Организация и проведения матчей, турниров Dota 2:
за занятое 1 - 4 команды будут получать вознаграждение FreeTON. Тем самим способствуем быстрому продвижению и популяризации FreeTON.
Контент (статьи, новости, обзоры письменных и видеоматериалов, инфографика, и т. Д.)
и далее…
Рекомендую к прочтению:
Кристенсена “Дилемма инноватора”
Ошо «Золотое будущее» (и любые другие книги Ошо)
Уолтер Айзексон «Стив Джобс»…
Рекомендую к просмотру:
Время 2011 г.
Матрица 1999 г…
Благодарю за внимание!
I am @Angel_108 of Ukraine.
User name in Telegram: @Angel_108
Free TON account: @Angel_108
I have 2nd education:
Higher: Specialist in Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
Music education.
A huge number of online/offline courses were held…
Curious and developing in different directions…
I’ve been learning and developing all my life…
“Anybody who stops learning is getting old, no matter how old he is: twenty or eighty. Anyone who continues to study remains young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Henry Ford”
I have experience:
1. Video editing specialist (DaVinci Resolve Studio + Fusion Studio; Adobe Premiere Pro; MAGIX VEGAS Pro and others. ) - 15+ experience
2. Video design
3. Video - 17+ experience
4. Subtitle creation
5. Video presentations (presentations - Microsoft Office 2016-2019 Professional Plus; SoftMaker Office 2018 et al.) - 15+
6. Professional sound director (Cubase10 DC7; Adobe Audition; MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro etc. )- 20+
1. Photography (started with Canon eos 450d; Nikon D40-D60-D90; Nicon d5100-d5300; Nicon d7000; Sony Alpha 7) - 12+
2. I work with such programs (Luminar; Topaz Gigapixel AI; Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop; CorelDRAW Graphics Suite; Affinity Publisher; Serif Affinity Designer)
3. Handling, collages, etc…
4. The experience of photography of the contest “Miss”, “Mister”, etc.
1. Advertising/Marketing
2. SMM (social media marketing) uses these services to promote:
-trendHERO - influencer-marketing service on Instagram, selection of opinion leaders on criteria (growth of subscribers,
-trendHERO - influencer-marketing service on Instagram, selection of opinion leaders according to criteria (growth of subscribers, involvement, city and others) or similar to the audience of bloggers (the service will give up to 500 similar bloggers). Check for cheats - the service will show engagement, analyze comments and posts, find bots and suspicious accounts. Monitor the advertising of the blogger and competitors - learn who, whom and how advertised. A large base of advertising posts and stories to help.;
-Instaplus; - analyze competitor channels, their advertising ambitions, coverage, content and audience; - sites check - analytics for instas;
-Hash-master is a smart Instagram hashtag generator based on artificial intelligence;
-Popsters - to determine the popularity of groups, public, social networks profiles (coverage, activity, involvement, ER) and to identify the most effective. One advantage is the ability to upload reports in different PDF, PPTX, XLSX formats.
-SMMplanner - automate publishing of posts;
-SocialKit - allows to parse audience not only in the Internet, but also in the VK.
-Chotam - monitor the appearance of new comments on posts or videos (for YouTube). The service automatically sends notifications (via email or telegram) when new comments appear.
-Supa - making short videos for social media, in a very simple designer, using ready-made elements or loading your own. Video is now just one of the trends in SMM;
-Minter - allows you to track hashtag activity, audience growth, and the efficiency of Stories. The finished report is exported to a single PDF document.
-Brand Analytics Express - tracking brand mentions both on social networks and in the media.
(there was an online course for webmasters "Practical affiliate marketing" of* Academy
Appbooster - promote applications, analyze results, help develop and monetize the product;
Mobile app ads on Facebook and Instagram;
Google Play Ads for Android - an opportunity to offer your product at the final stage of searching for a suitable application in Google Play;
Google AdWords - integrated advertising on other applications;
You Tube - content marketing;
Advertising posts;
QR-codes - you can place a QR-code on promotional products (leaflets, posters, magazines), for example.
Cryptocurrency since 2012. A friend of mine introduced me and gave me a look at The Bitcoin whitepaper which was uploaded by Sat oshi Nakamoto and recommended investing. When I studied the essence, functioning mechanism and operating principle of Bitcoin, I realized that Bitcoin is a unique and promising innovation in the field of financial and payment systems.
Then in 2016 I got acquainted with Ethereum - the concept was proposed by the founder of Bitcoin Magazine Vitalik Buterin ** cryptocurrency and platform to create decentralized online services based on blockchain (decentralized applications), based on smart contracts. I liked the economic meaning of technology Ethereum.
Used such products:
Bitcoin Core - (slow synchronization of blockchain, which makes operations not as fast as you would like);
Electrum Bitcoin - (works on the principle of open code…anonymity, as it functions perfectly in the Tor network.);
Jaxx- (possibility to invent SEED codes and pleasant interface);
Blockchain- (simplicity and convenience online);
Coinbase Wallet;
NEM Nano Wallet - (apostille - first notary service Blockchain…instant messaging)
Opera - browser wallet;
GreenAddress- (ability to send cryptocurrency to followers on Twitter, Facebook friends, phone number or e-mail)
Exodus - is one of the very few purses that no one has ever been able to hack (hi jaxx)).
The focus of the developers is not on beauty, but on its safety from hacking.
He does not keep private keys at himself, only locally on the user’s device (with encryption) where he is installed (hi coinbase, who keeps everything)… Design is just a small bonus. 100+ currencies (hi archaic electrum ))
Internal currency exchanger Crossplatform Win\Linux\Apple\Android Does not require any identification and no territorial bans (hello coinbase with his kyc). Supports all known standards including Dai and Pax.
Supports eth, eos, waves, bancor (where you can throw tokens based on these platforms in principle).
There is a feature for exporting private keys (2 mouse click on the PC) (hi coinomi and others do not remove them ).
Hardware Wallet Support trezor)
Guarda Wallet (more than 40 blocks and more than 10,000 tokens…complete user control over private keys and assets) and more…
14 May 2020, I got acquainted with FreeTON, a peer multi-blockchain system with a native token TON Crystal (TON). And I really like Free TON because it is a high-tech, innovative new project and a development plan.
My FreeTON promotion concept, media recognition:
Example platform:
"0.444" - Influence "+0.5" - Reputation "3.0045" - FreeTON points
There will be jobs for which users will receive awards: FreeTON points + 0.01 reputation.*
Jobs will be of different nature:
Join the group, make a repost, voice the video, write an article, share the publication FreeTON in the social network, etc.
2. PLATFORM - YOUTUBE.(professional audio technology is available, as well as voice voice of video content+experience+practice not one year* )
Educational videos “Free TON blockchain” will be created
· Overview
· Tokens
· Smart Contracts
· Validators
· TON Surf
· Security
· Token Translation
· Messages
· DeBots
· Steking
Online meetings will be organized (webinars, podcasts, etc.). Live, play FreeTON to 3rd participants for the correct quiz answer - that attracted and faster popularize FreeTON.
3. INSTAGRAM (there are experiences and contacts +promotion tools FeeTON )
FeeTON* page to be created
Every day, posts + stories will be posted…
There will be drawings by popularizing FreeTON themselves and getting subscriptions to the account.
4. POPULARIZATION WITH DOTA 2* GAME (there are contacts with representatives and players with whom I am in contact*)
Organization and holding of matches, Dota 2 tournaments:
1-4 teams will receive a reward FreeTON. We contribute to the rapid promotion and popularization of FreeTON.
Content (articles, news, reviews of written and video materials, infographic, etc.)
I recommend reading:
Christensen “The Innovation Dilemma”
Osho “Golden Future” (and any other Osh books)
Walter Isaacson “Steve Jobs”…
Recommended for viewing:
Time 2011
1999 Matrix…
Thank you for your attention!
My name is Dominic.
My Telegram: @domen_us
My experience: Graduated from the Technical University of Munich Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Previously I worked for investment funds Deutscher Investment Trust and UniEuroRenta.
Completely involved in finance and management. At the moment I work for the investment company Aureliusinvest.
My main hobbies are investing, forecasting, cryptocurrencies and analytics.
I followed the creation of the first cryptocurrencies since 2015 and immediately understood their potential. I watched Pavel Durov’s project for a long time and was disappointed that he decided to leave this idea. I joined FreeTON by the recommendation of my friend and was happy to help with the development of FreeTON in Germany.
I was absent from the life of the project for a long time due to COVID19. However, now I am back and decided to help the FreeTON community develop in Germany. I have many people who are interested in such project.
As a Brand Ambassador, I plan to develop the Digital direction, especially work with influencers. As an Ambassador, I will do the following:
Part I + KPI
Part II + KPI and other.
By analogy with the political party, FreeTON needs to create local groups. The plans are to create regional branches around all Germany and make offline meetings. In case if I am elected as a local Ambassador, I am ready to start acting according to the plan and attract German celebrities.
Thank you! Believe in Free TON❤️
Rajnish kumar
New Delhi,India [email protected] +919001800180
Pin 125104
JNVU Jodhpur
B.E. (IT)
dropout 8th sem (final year) # SKILLS
We have a team to initially start a program to include Free TON education among punjabi singers, lyricists, Choreographers, Directors, Actors and so many assistants related to punjabi music industry even we’ll enclude relating labouring class since they have smartphone now. Entertainment may be a tipping job deriving rewards earn from advertising impact.
In India most biggest resources if we want to deploy on our Free TON computation Power abilities then it’s are Smart Phones, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops, IPhones, IPads on them we can easily implement a smart contracts for buying computation power rewarding them Crystals TON for their computation power.
Currently our mechnism for TON implemation is giving passes of any entertainment show to the audiences will TON-centric due to cash-back offers which are most famous in India.
Surf wallet downloads is our strategic Game which we want to be play.
How Computation Power is much revolutionary for Free TON since there is a Free TON moto of decentralized Internet of computation as well as a decentralized governance.
In this way Free TON may have a territory of decentralized governance and any blockchain startup will look for a decentralized governance platform of trust mostly needed during investments leads.
Mainely adoption of Free TON is the key to expand it exponentially and as of Free TON nature it can be empower every society of transactions with a trust building.
Over $100 is a transaction cap of Only Cricket Entertainment Industry in India
Due to corona pandemics every industry is shifting their resources to a new market and Free TON is a inCorona-born vaccine we can easily inject in suffered-businesses.
Country Ambassadors for Free TON
Sergey Potemkin
Location: Belarus
Birth: 1977 (42 y.o.)
Tg: @exch_1001btc_com
e-mail: [email protected]
Two higher education: Moscow aviation Institute + Moscow Engineering Physics Institute
Total experience in IT: 25 years
Project Manager since 2005 (15 years)
Product owner: since 2012 (8 years)
Under my leadership, hundreds of projects of various levels have been successfully commissioned: from websites to banking systems. I have many recommendations.
Expirience of blockchain technologies started only 2-3 years ago, but a little more than a year ago, with our decentralized team, we launched a fully automatic crypto exchanger.
My main skill that will help in creating an effective promotion of FreeTON in Belarus is the ability to negotiate and achieve goals. I don’t have a popular blog or Insta, but I can create an effective channel to attract new users and promote FreeTON
For example, at the moment, we have about 7,000 clients with whom I plan to discuss Free TON. In the near future, Free TON will be added to the crypto exchange.
Like my exchanger, I have an ideal reputation that allows me to act as a guarantor in transactions for tens of thousands of dollars.
So far, there is nothing to brag about in the achievements in the Free TON community, except the created OTC chat, which now has 300 people:
I have experience in creating information portals and i will make an effort to create a website and telegram channel about Free TON, but i can only quantify the effectiveness of it approximately: in addition, about 5000-10000 people are interested in cryptocurrencies till end 2020. I have described only one of the areas of promotion that already exists and works. There will be several such areas of work, which will multiply the audience coverage.
I will prepare a detailed plan and its justification for the second stage of the ambassadors ’ competition. Thanks!
I will also take part, I will not post my super-work on the forum , it will be uploaded in the application
I am inspired by values Free Ton declares, depth of its future products and sparked by the opportunity to be on the verge of building alternative solutions with endless potential to benefit the society. Being a pioneer of innovation has been my dream throughout whole adulthood and I believe I have an entrepreneurial mindset required to be a solid Ambassador to represent and promote Free Ton Community.
Throughout my studies and work, I understood my strengths and envisioned career in Business Development. Being fluent in different social situationsns and adapting to various groups of people served me since an early age, and I believe I would make a valuable long-term addition to Free Ton team. I have experience in working and studying in Germany, France, UK and Estonia and participated in several projects where I have been recognized for my both analytical and visionary mindset, positive energy, sales, project management and team work skills.
Moreover, I have collaborated with three companies from digital marketing, coaching, and beauty industries by getting them clients. I have also been organizing and leading two transformational coaching events and dozens of spiritual retreats, launching an initiative at the university and building a yoga studio from scratch, and privately worked with people as a life coach. The taken path ensured I develop myself as a self-starter with a creative attitude, fail a lot and blossom into community leader. On top of that, I have been working as a promoter across Germany for 2.5 years, promoting different products and managing sales people.
Finally, as a student of top Business School, I have a great network of well-known business people, foundation for a very strong mentorship and talented friends to help me on my entrepreneurial journey. I am interested in possible assistance from Pr. Dr. Philipp Sandner, who is a famous German economist and founder of our think tank called The Frankfurt School Blockchain Center. I understand that I may not be a polished candidate yet, but as a very quick learner, adaptive doer and big dreamer with quality mentorship and leadership experience already my performance is guaranteed, just let me start. Besides being fluent in four languages, I have a natural interest in sales and promotion, so it helps.
To create an awareness about Free Ton and it’s values across Germany, I am interested in building a team of go-getters to promote community, and creative farmers to keep the prospects. I have already a commitment from my friends to help me. In times of COVID-19 restrictions, and it impacts on social events, I am considering to focus mostly on digital promotion, precisely bringing users to German Free Ton Telegram group, launching an Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Xing pages and Youtube channel and German website. I will come up with interesting creative content for these resources, mixing analytical depth with educational humor and visual content. Also, I will create social quests built around values Free Ton promotes, and winners will receive Ton Crystal as a result. To guarantee an active engagement, there will be other contests, where participants must create content on these platforms and other forums all in exchange for Ton Crystals. I will use my network to promote Free Ton with online and offline under different circumstances like social gatherings, educational events, parties etc. I will also contact influencers and use the help of my friends from PR agencies. I believe I can reach at least 30 000 users. I am ready to learn and do a lot.
With my growing business acumen, spiritual journey, and creative approach I feel I will be very valuable addition to Free Ton Community.
Hi, my name is Grant.
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @grnts
I intend to promote Free TON in Armenian community.
The population of Armenia is about 3,000,000 people, and there approximately 7-8 million Armenians live outside of our country.
We are a very close-knit and active nationality, many of you may have already noticed that from our activity in social networks;) And due to the wide geographical distribution of the population, the community is not closed within any one linguistic or national group. Therefore, if the Armenians will understand the advantages of the FreeTON blockchain and love it, there is no need to doubt the rapid self distribution around the world.
I have no illusions about the simplicity of attracting ordinary users to a crypto project and their training, because I am familiar with this firsthand, so I will immediately set more or less realistic goals that I will try to surpass:
Satisfactory - 300 attracted users
Good - 1000 attracted users
Excellent - 10,000 attracted users
Promotion tools:
1. A Telegram channel and Free TON Armenia group will be created, by which the final result will be assessed.
2. Since communication is conducted in 3 languages ??- Armenian, Russian and English - I will attract 1-2 assistants. There are candidates.
3. First, you need to train the first attracted users so that they can transfer information further and help others, so up to 300 users will be found typically in the “warm market” - among relatives (yes, we usually have a lot of them)) and acquaintances, as well as their friends.
4. Significant amount of the TON Сrystals from the first stage, if I go further, will be spent on advertising across thematic Armenian (national, historical, cultural etc.) VK public groups. In this social network there are most of them - more than 3000. I will negotiate with national associations in VK and youth organizations about free informing subscribers and getting to know the Free TON blockchain.
5. Referral promotion has already been implemented on my website, I will reveal the details in the presentation of the project in the Brand Masters Contest at this link - Program Development Contest for Free TON Brand Masters [19.08.-01.09.2020.] - #54 by Grant, until 08/30/2020. You can also post and promote any content related to FreeTON, for example, in the form of news and training videos. And the “humanity” and uniqueness of the user is verified by confirming his profile in one of the popular social networks via OAuth.
About myself:
For 15 years I directed and managed the Investment Company in Russia created jointly with partners. Traditional financial markets.
I got acquainted with cryptocurrencies in 2016. Maybe in vain, but I never considered them as speculative or investment instruments, but looked for opportunities to be used in my own project.
The promoted ideas and solutions implemented in Free TON look quite attractive, so TON Crystals will definitely find internal circulation in the music portal (a social network) I am developing.
I plan to register my project by the end of the year
in the FEZ (Free Economic Zone) of Armenia, the rules of which are very supportive primarily for blockchain and cryptocurrency IT startups, and companies are exempt from paying all taxes for 25 years.
Русский текст.
Привет, меня зовут Грант.
Телеграм: Telegram: Contact @grnts
Я намерен продвигать Free TON в армянском сообществе.
Население самой Армении составляет порядка 3 000 000 человек, а за ее пределами проживает еще 7-8 миллионов армян.
Мы - очень сплоченная и деятельная национальность, что многие из вас уже могли заметить по нашей активности в социальных сетях;) А ввиду широкой географической распределенности населения - сообщество не является замкнутым внутри какой-либо одной языковой или национальной группы. Поэтому, если армяне поймут преимущества блокчейна FreeTON и полюбят его, - сомневаться в стремительном органическом распространении по всему миру не придется.
Целевые показатели:
Иллюзий насчет простоты привлечения обычных пользователей в криптопроект и их обучения не испытываю, т.к. знаком с этим не понаслышке, поэтому сразу поставлю более-менее реалистичные цели, которые постараюсь превзойти:
Удовлетворительный результат - 300 привлеченных пользователей
Хороший результат - 1000 привлеченных пользователей
Отличный результат - 10000 привлеченных пользователей
Инструменты продвижения:
1. Будут созданы канал в Телеграм и группа Free TON Armenia, по которым и будет оцениваться итоговый результат.
2. Поскольку общение у нас ведется на 3 языках - армянском, русском и английском - привлеку 1-2 помощников, кандидатуры имеются
3. Сначала нужно обучить первых привлеченных пользователей, чтобы они могли передавать информацию дальше и помогать другим, поэтому до 300 пользователей будут найдены классически в “теплом круге” - среди родственников (да, их у нас, как правило, много)) и знакомых, а также их знакомых.
4. Основная часть кристаллов с первого этапа, если пройду дальше, пойдет на рекламу в тематических армянских группах и пабликах ВКонтакте. Именно в этой социальной сети их больше всего - более 3000. Проведу переговоры с национальными объединениями в ВК и молодежными организациями о бесплатном информировании подписчиков и знакомстве с блокчейном FreeTon.
5. Реферальное продвижение уже реализовано на моем сайте, детали раскрою в презентации проекта на конкурсе Бренд Мастеров по этой ссылке - Program Development Contest for Free TON Brand Masters [19.08.-01.09.2020.] - #54 by Grant, до 30.08.2020. На сайте уже можно размещать и продвигать любой контент, связанный с FreeTON, например, в виде новостей и обучающих видеороликов. А “человечность” и уникальность пользователя проверяется путем подтверждения его профиля в одной из популярных социальных сетей через OAuth.
О себе:
15 лет руководил и управлял созданной совместно с партнерами Инвестиционной компанией в России. Традиционные финансовые рынки.
С криптовалютами познакомился в 2016 году. Может и зря, но никогда не рассматривал их в качестве спекулятивного или инвестиционного инструментов, а искал возможности для применения в собственном проекте.
Пропагандируемые идеи и реализумые во Free TON решения, смотрятся довольно привлекательно, так что TON Crystals обязательно найдут внутреннее хождение в разрабатываемом мной музыкальном портале - социальной сети.
До конца года планирую зарегистрировать свой проект
в СЭЗ (Свободной Экономической Зоне) Армении, правила которой очень благосклонны в первую очередь для блокчейн и криптовалютных IT-стартапов, а компании освобождаются от уплаты всех налогов в течение 25 лет.