Contest Proposal: FreeTON Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (Stage 1)

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Contest dates

[15 May 2021 - 15 June 2021] (TBC)

Warm-up period: one week after approving this proposal by SubGov
Submission period: three weeks after approving this proposal by SubGov
Judging period: one week after submission period

Short description. What is SSI?

Self-sovereign identity (SSI) is one of the fastest growing decentralized technology applications that introduces millions of users to decentralized technologies and blockchains.

SSI creates a portable identity that individuals can use for almost all online processes, from simple authentication requests with one credential (e.g., service log in), to some of the most complex tasks like the sharing of curated identity data for more complex requests (e.g., filling out forms digitally). Built on open standards and specifications, the emerging ecosystem of SSI modules (wallets, agents, hubs, SSI-services, SDKs, etc.) holds the potential to be interoperable. This creates a competitive market environment where identity subjects can freely interact with service providers whose SSI modules may be from different technology vendors, even transitioning from one vendor solution to another without losing control over their data (portability). While individual users are often the central focus of SSI projects, organisations (legal entities) benefit on an equal scale from moving to SSI-based interactions.

The goal of SSI systems is to create universal portable lifelong digital identities and credentials in many areas: government services, education, healthcare, finance, trade, IoT, logistics and many others. SSI solutions provide users (holders) with the ability to be always in control of their personal data, selectively share it with service providers and significantly reduce costs of integration across multiple digital systems via data standardization.

Develop an architecture of self-sovereign identity framework and infrastructure that will allow developers and businesses to use FreeTON network to enable SSI applications in finance and DeFi, education, healthcare, insurance, communications and other areas. For example, current DEX implementation will utilize SSI for KYC and score the users very effectively.

SSI is a decentralized technology that powers a number of privacy, identity and data portability projects for governments, international enterprises, associations and hundreds of startups. SSI is a blockchain agnostic architecture and aims to connect trusted data across thousands of blockchains and centralized data providers. However, layer one blockchain is required for certain cases: key rotation, revocation, decentralized governance, decentralized addressable data storage. Currently, SSI methods and capabilities are enabled in a number of blockchains — BTC, ETH, IOTA, Dock, NEAR, Tezos, Corda, TRON, Hedera and others — but none of those is dominant. Therefore, by combining native support, community awareness and funding massive real world applications FreeTON can ensure dominance in this soon-to-be trillion dollar market.

Current Market Traction

Today, many governments, enterprises and startups are building SSI applications that cater not only to the blockchain community but also to the public sector, healthcare, education, supply chain, access management, manufacturing, telecom and other industries. Below, is a short overview of some of the most prominent SSI projects today. As you can see, the potential user base for these projects combined exceed 300M users by the end of 2021, whereas the number of active blockchain users worldwide is estimated to be 10-20M.

  1. Europass, European Union, VCs for educational/learning achievements, e.g., in the form of assessments and professional entitlements
  2. US DHS (Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate), Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) has re-opened its Call for Blockchain/DLT/SSI Solutions to Prevent Forgery & Counterfeiting of Certificates and Licenses
  3. World Bank (Identification for Development)
  4. World Economic Forum
  5. Singapore ICA
  6. UK NHS
  7. Microsoft
  8. SAP
  9. Oracle
  10. Finland Government
  11. ESSIF, EU-funded project aimed at increasing SSI adoption
  12. Alberta Credentials Ecosystem, Canada, Creating a multi-sector digital credential ecosystem for citizens and companies in Alberta
  13. Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF), Canada, Aimed at enabling Canada to participate securely in the global digital economy
  14. Digital Credential Consortium MIT, US
  15. Tokyo - Fujitsu & JCB(Japan Credit Bureau), Japan, Fujitsu and JCB, a card company, collaborate and draw vision for IDXY (IDentitiY eXchange) by using Fujitsu’s block chain technology
  16. IATA Travel Pass
  17. Malta - Ministry of Education and Employment
  18. GLEIF, Switzerland, Aim at creating a global system for Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs)
  19. IDunion, Germany, Creation of an open global ecosystem for decentralised identity management. Strong focus on European regulations




We already see the largest governments, corporations and institutions launching products and pilots using SSI tech: US DHS (digital “Green Card”, raw material imports), Canada, EU Commission, Europass, Korea, World Bank, World Economic Forum, MIT, Harvard, UC Berkeley, UK NHS, Singapore ICA, Finland, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Oracle and hundreds more. Most of those systems are using blockchain technology as foundational infrastructure to manage user identifiers (DIDs) and serve as decentralized PKI systems. Currently, most popular blockchain technologies are Hyperledger Indy, Bitcoin (did:bctr) and Ethereum (did:ethr / did:elem / did:jolo).

The goal of this contest is to create a foundation for developing SSI frameworks, DID methods and enabling 3rd party applications to use FreeTON blockchain as layer 1 solution.

General Description

The promise of SSI technology is to create universal portable lifelong digital identities and credentials. The economic benefits of this tech are realized through some of unique properties that SSI has:

  • Reducing the cost of issuance and verification of data points and facts: $1 for print, delivery, storage and verification of a typical paper document vs $0.001 for digital verifiable credential.
  • Data standardization: portable and universal data standards instead of point-to-point API integrations between hundreds of participants.
  • Drastically decrease the possibility of fraud: cryptographic signatures are hundred times more secure than physical ones; decentralized encrypted storage is not as vulnerable as centralized gigantic databases.
  • Unification of contexts: data from multiple sources can be combined in a single document to prove not only the content but also the audit trail of that data.
  • Instant data privacy compliance: end customers ultimately own and control access to their data, which makes SSI systems instantly compliant with most data protection regulations.

General requirements

Your submission should include:

  • Final document should be presented in form of white-paper, including an abstract as a preliminary overall description of the system
  • The general technical architecture of the solution including all of the features listed
    below in the hard evaluation criteria section along with the proposed customer
  • Detailed technical specification of the proposed implementation with the justification
    of the selected approach: smart contracts, integration layer, interfaces
  • Name and contact information of the contestant for communication (Telegram
    username, e-mail)

Structure of the whitepaper should include but not limited to: Abstract, Intro, Technical and Governance stack

Hard criteria

  • Scalability potential
  • Focus on maximum interoperability with existing SSI protocols, such as DID methods, resolvers and application development platform
  • Focus on the business aspects of the SSI and on growing freeTON adoption as a result of enabling SSI applications
  • Link to documentation at Github with the obligatory backlink to your submission in the repository’s README
  • Demonstrated track record of prior SSI application development and/or research by the author(s) or team member(s)

Soft criteria

  • Detailed and easily understandable charts explaining the architecture and business processes
  • Brevity
  • Mostly everyday English to facilitate understanding
  • Readiness to participate in the implementation of the solution in the next stage

Evaluation criteria

Result of submitted work shall be applicable as clear base (technical tasks) for next stages: development phase and implementation phase


  • PDF with the technical paper containing the backlink to the submission


  • Jury members who vote in this contest must have a solid understanding of the technology. Those jurors who don’t, should not vote or choose “Abstain.”
  • Jurors whose team(s) intend to participate in this contest by providing submissions lose their right to vote in this contest.
  • Each juror will vote by rating each submission on a scale of 1 to 10 or can choose to reject it if it does not meet requirements or choose to abstain from voting if they feel unqualified to judge.
  • Jurors will provide feedback on your submissions.
  • The Jury will reject duplicate, sub-par, incomplete, or inappropriate submissions.

Scope of the project. Stages.

Stage 1. Whitepaper (with Abstract, Concept and Use Cases analysis)
Stage 2. MVP. DID method implementation
Stage 3. Framework and Development tools
Stage 4. Platform (Layer) for issuing, management (i.e. validation & verification) VC, development and launch SSI-based applications

Stage 1 rewards

1 place ……………………….100 000 TON
2 place ……………………….50 000 TON
3 place ……………………….25 000 TON

Stages 2, 3, 4 rewards will be defined later as well as detailed requirements and criteria.

Jury rewards, Governance rewards & Procedural reminders to all contestants

As per Procedural remarks on contests
======== end of proposal ==============


To understand recursion you have to understand recursion.


Thank you, it fixed now. :ok_hand:t2:

1 Like

I think this is unnecessary as any criteria (hard or soft) it is limiting and generally goes against the spirit of Contests principles

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All contests must be submitted to Freeton Github repository. Please correct.

1 Like

Thanx, fixed. Changed to

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The main goal of this was to avoid mindless and silly submissions. But well, probably it’s reasonable to remove it from “hard/soft criteria” section and put at General Requirement one.

I don’t think it should be a requirement at all as it is restricting open contest participation.

1 Like

Great contest idea. Full support. I would maybe consider taking rewards slightly down for the first stage (white paper). It’s not that costly phase (no development).

Submission for the contest:


  • Address: 0:27bc8255f501179e2117a88c331eee5ec8b40b417ca72a91ee1b37b82b5bae4c


In the proposed white paper I followed the outline mentioned in the Contest to build up detailed description of self-sovereign technology and its essential role in building the decentralized web or web3 concept. I started with exploring existing problems of the web such as centralized data storage, computation, governance and identity system. Then I explained how SSI technology help alleviate these problems and offers a radically open, decentralized and user-empowering alternative. Next up, I described the business potential of the SSI market: how developers can build successful businesses in SSI and how freeTON network can capitalize on providing core infrastructure for them. I described three detailed real world examples of SSI technology in the areas of social media, reputation management in DeFi and DAO decision-making. Finally, I reviewed the existing problems of SSI adoption and proposed concrete solution to those that can be helpful to both SSI developer community and growing adoption of the freeTON blockchain.


Self-Sovereign Identity Framework for freeTON Network, pdf

2 Likes Submission:
Motivation, Architecture and Business Viability of Self-Sovereign Identity Framework for a Blockchain Network

Part 1. Current State of Digital Identity…5
The Internet as the basis for a concept of digital identity…6
There was no identity in the Internet…7
Problems of the centralized identity model for end-users…8
Problems of the centralized identity model for state authorities…10
The evolution of decentralized information systems…12
Types of digital identity in the Internet… .13
The preconditions for the evolution of the decentralized identity model…17
Part 2. The Concept of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI)…19
The philosophy and principles of SSI…21
What SSI brings to the table…24
Part 3. Deep Dive in the SSI Structure…32
Technical aspects of SSI…33
Governance stack of SSI…42
Network of networks concept…49
A typical journey for SSI users…50
Part 4. Business Opportunity for SSI…52
SSI value for the key actors…53
SSI for various economic sectors…54
Existing solutions…62
Part 5. Blockchain Technology and the SSI Ecosystem…63
The current situation in the context of a blockchain ecosystem…64
Identity is still fragmented across blockchains…67
How blockchain technology can foster the development of SSI…68
Limitations of blockchain technology in the context of SSI implementation…70
Developing SSI ecosystem on the basis of L1 blockchain systems…72
Why use FreeTON for building digital identity systems…77
SSI and blockchain technology tandem potential…81



My submission to SSI Framework contest.

Copy in repository: GitHub - laugan-ton/ssi-framework
Pull request to github_com_freeton-org : Submission 3 to #27 FreeTON Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (Stage 1) by laugan-ton · Pull Request #1 · freeton-org/defi · GitHub


Telegram: @laugan
Wallet: 0:fd080fb5fc9266226ec59b062f0cdde85c818ef1d4ac4939804ee7616ec352f4


Submission for the contest : FreeTON Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (Stage 1)

[email protected]

Contact info:

Whitepaper: Whitepaper SSI TON by Hugesurge 1.0.pdf - Google Drive

Wallet: 0:de73663eb1ace10136f0f0a1acff8c0c35e418cfb6c923ea68aea51ca5c8dfa6


Hello, dear friends!

I am glad to communicate with you! If you have any questions, suggestions or ideas on the whitepaper that whas submitted to the contest, I look forward to comments.
I am always ready for constructive discussion! :wink:

Contest Voting Extension: FreeTON Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (Stage 1)

Due to the complexity of the contest’s evaluation and absense of quorum I propose to extend the voting period. Jurors who have submitted their votes on time need to resubmit.


#27 FreeTON Self-Sovereign Identity Framework (Stage 1)

New voting deadline

Sunday, July 11th, 2021, 23:59