If you look at the results of another creative and well known competition, is it worth it at all? Just in order to spoil our holiday mood?
How many submissions is allowed for a participant?
I suggest that in addition to the Google disk/figma link, the pictures should be added to the pdf so that there are a cast of the work. So it wouldn’t be like with previous contests, when there are a lot of external links and people add works after the contest is over.
In addition, I can assume that there will be a lot of applications and I would suggest to make let’s say in one work should be a minimum of 3 cards? What do you think?
It is also possible to take care of the ratio to cover specifications for different platforms.
The number of submissions is not limited in any way. The key thing is quality of the submissions.
Some greeting cards might be very complicated, thus, making a rule of at least 3 won’t work as we will incourage simple works instead of creative and complicated.
Looks like Michael plans a Christmas Card DDoS on Gov
Looks like Michael plans a separate Christmas Card SubGov ))
I think this contest proposal should be created very fresh and new for everyone with T&C.
Now there is very misconceptions about the contest and some are also missing the updated version.
New idea new proposal will makes things more valuable.
as i mentioned before, i’d like to suggest a requirement of not putting hashtags as the firtst word in the tweet, as it may result in shadowban and we won’t receive the necessary reach
А когда начнется конкурс?
Why are there no quantity restrictions? If there will be hundreds of submissions? Very weak criteria.
contest is now active
Dear participants of the contest. Please read carefully the terms and conditions specified in the contest. Before you apply for the competition, think carefully - maybe you should focus on quality rather than quantity?
The competition is not limited to the number of prizes, it is an opportunity for Each participant. But it is limited by the quality of work.
Active contest details are in post no.#52 in this thread.
anyone can add their submissions here:
is this still relevant? I mean multiple submissions from a person?
It is good, that you removed dynamic images, because it is a different category
My submission
Link twitter: https://twitter.com/Mt0MmrXAuyDVg3w/status/1338928097450717184?s=20
You are not saying if you can redo your old work, so it is assumed that we can. I just clarify that if anyone want, you may not do the work specifically for Free TON, but redo it.
A suggestion for you.
Please focus on 1 or 2 designs only and keep on improving it till last day, rather than making 9-10 separate designs.
This time bar is very high , minimum 6 points required to get crystals.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
You can redo or create a new one - why any restrictions should be here? The key thing is the quality of the work and distinct FT-related design.