Have you added your work to the competition page??
Almost, how long will the jury check the work, in days? I can not answer this question. and what else is the Proposal key?
Help please, I can not find Proposal key
I dont know what you mean on “proposal key”, but you can find all the available contest on the https://gov.freeton.org/main
But again, submissions to Landing page contest already closed
Это предложение нового конкурса. Если ты не успел добавить работу к конкурсу на лендинг, то ты опоздал, т.к. прием заявок уже окончен
Oh my god, what a shame, I worked all night on this layout …
Though I will send him here
My telegram: @oyprivet
My vkontakte profile: Andreї Majaїev | VK
For some reason I thought that the competition until October 9 until the end of the day, it turns out until 00:00 - this is the beginning of the day, not the end. Maybe there is an opportunity to enter the competition? There are not so many participants, but I really want to participate. I will not be superfluous.
All applications are recorded in the blockchain, if you miss in the contest participation time, you will not be able to do so, see the contest terms.
The same situation. The work is ready but I thought that I have all day today for apply. Is it possiable to extend the contest time for today [the end of the day] for participants who have planed to participate today?? Thank you.
I was also not sure when the applications would be finished, but 5 minutes of Google search was useful. You could have downloaded it in advance if you were not sure. I’m not sure that contest can be extended, but I’m not competent in this question, so who knows.
Also there some really good style design, but some of them use informational platform format insteed landing page. It wouldn’t really be fair if juries voted for it.
By oppening applying period for a few extra hours we not edit existing information. We add new ), so the blockchain principe is observed
Dear TON-Team,
if is it possible, open the chance to apply this contest just today.
Thank you so much.
September 18, 2020 - October 9, end of day UTC
Тут же указанно ребят, что 9 октября конец дня, а закончился вообще не в это время…
Психологически подразумевает мозг что раз дата указана - 9OCT то она еще доступна. Другое дело, что конечно нужно проверять информацию.
Ну, давайте откроем новую заявку - создадим новый конкурс - до конца сегодняшнего для для тех кто не успел. Чтобы это технически стало возможно. Думаю, сообщество не будет против?
Это ведь конкурс - обидно когда такая деталь рушит всё. Еще ряд интересных работ сообщество приобретёт в свой актив.
Не думаю что это возможно. Подобные ситуации были ранее и никто ничего не открывал заново. Сверять время окончания подачи заявок лучше на gov.freeton.org
Dear TON-Team.
This is screenshot of Contest conditions.
It’s written there: 9-Oct (END Of THE DAY)
So, according to conditions we read, please give us the possibility to take participate in this contest 'til the end of this day, please!
Thank you so much!
Indeed, the end of the working day was written, and many were guided by this. Dear TON-Team, give the opportunity to leave applications to those who, like me, found themselves in this situation before the end of the day. If you support my opinion, put it
It isnt possible. Contest is is smart contract. Sad but true.