Short description:
Free TON needs help from individuals like you who know how to get the word out. Engage, promote, inform.
Starts June 1, 2020; ends June 15, 2020 12:00 PM UTC
Visibility is key to growth, and growth is key to decentralization.
General requirements and evaluation criteria:
Submit descriptions of your efforts, including links and examples of your work to promote Free TON. The following criteria is in no particular order.
- Create original content in any and all media
- Write articles, make comments, create posts, etc.
- Know what you’re talking about (context accuracy)
- Use your creative and editorial skills to attract media and journalist attention
- Use your SMM and networking skills to spread the word
- Each of the initial Free TON validators can nominate 1 person to the jury.
- Initial validators whose team(s) intend to participate in the contest lose their right to nominate a jury member.
- Jury selection and members will be public.
- Each jury member will vote by placing a number 1 through 10 next to each submission, with 10 being the best score possible and 1 being the lowest (“Ratings”)
- Contestant prize:
The top 30 winners will be chosen based on Ratings and receive awards as follows:
Highest rated………………………… 30,000 Tons
2nd highest rated……………………. 29,000 Tons
3rd highest rated……………………. 28,000 Tons
4th highest rated……………………. 27,000 Tons
And so on…
Until the least rated of top 30………. 1,000 Tons
- Jury prize:
Jury members who vote…………. 500 Tons each for performing your civic duty
Anyone can participate, but Free TON cannot distribute Tons to US citizens or US entities.