Contest: Airdrop Mechanics [Finished]

Initial idea:

A bot. A simple “quiz” check. A removable bond with Telegram account through this bot.

Description and technical analysis:

Considering the fact that we will need the users to create an a Telegram account/use already existing one to join 2 groups to keep them informed about any of the network changes and stuff, it makes sense that we can use this part as a opportunity to not make the system more complicated and continue with Telegram. We will and we must have a Telegram bot with information about FreeTON, FAQ, some useful links and so on - I think our dev team may already have something on their mind about this, but for now, more importantly, we can have another one strictly for AirDrop system or we can implement this to the main bot, if we do this way, there should be a separate “AirDrop” button.

The bot starts with basically a “Welcome!” dialogue, tells the user what he can do at the moment, asking “Would you like to receive your first tokens via our AirDrop system?”

  • there’s “Yes/No/Not yet” options available. If the answer is “Yes” then we continue with “Have you already signed DOD?”.
  • and again, “Yes/No”. Yes - we continue, no - we say that the user is able to sign DOD via our Telegram bot right away(it’s pretty straightforward, but I don’t really see why it should be this way) or we can give them a link to
  • as we continue, bot starts describing why it’s important to be in these 2 groups, well simply because it will make their life easier on keeping their eye on the changes of the network and token changes. Then the bot says "In order to continue, you will need to join our FreeTON Community and TON Crystal groups (with clickable links). We continue with “Done/Not yet” buttons.
  • the bot checks if there’s a valid given user in both Telegram groups using Telegram API.
    Then says: “You’ll get N tokens, before you’re done, you’ll need to solve this short quiz.” There’s 3 images, in one of them there’s a logo of FreeTON with graphical artifacts and stuff so the bots wouldn’t be able to solve it. User solves it and sends a number or clicks on buttons at the bottom based on the correct answer. On correct answer the bot will say: Good. Since you’re waiting for your airdrop to come for now, there’s some cool features about FreeTON: and there’s random fact or info to keep users interested about FreeTON and its benefits, EITHER we can make some fun checks, maybe as an addition to previous, such as bot asking “What do you think, what is the coolest feature of FreeTON?”, with variants "It’s fast./It’s versatile./It’s secure./Every single one of them.
    You’re may be wondering now, where I got these variants with exception for the last one? It’s simple, it’s in the middle of welcoming email from FreeTON. This way we may be somewhat sure that the user has signed DOD.

Ok, but where do we get users wallet address and what’s about fake accounts protection?

Before anything explained from above is going to happen, the user must bind their Surf account to the Telegram through bot(no, it’s not 2FA based). Single bind via button. Once this bond was done, bind button replaces with Unbind. When unbind button is pressed, there’s a default message “Are you sure?”, then a further message from the bot: you’ll need to wait 7/14/30/x? days to actually remove the bind.
This 7/14/30/x? days timegate will prevent abusers from using many wallet accounts and receiving AirDrop tokens while having just a single Telegram account. What will prevent using many fake Telegram accounts to spam AirDrop to the same exact wallet address? So, there’s 3 things we can see when AirDrop transaction happens in the blockchain that we can check as a certain fact later:

  • recipient address.
  • sender address. I’m almost 100% sure that the tokens for AirDrop wouldn’t come out of nowhere, from the void, there would be a “0:a88888888888888” address or something, or a bunch of them.
  • tokens. Not their value, but tokens themselves that we can “mark” or make them serve a some specific function.

My solution for this as I can see:

bot will check if the given wallet address has already got their AirDrop from the address “0:a88888888888888”, using a http request to blockchain explorer for example or by addressing the blockchain directly (I’m not sure what is the best option available from these two). If he haven’t got any tokens from AirDrop wallets, then he’s able to collect them, otherwise we make a notification “You’ve already got your AirDrop tokens previously”, when it comes to Surf, it should do the check the same way, if user is going to try to send their AirDrop tokens to someone else: it would only work if the recipient never had any transactions coming from AirDrop wallets. If a Surf user tries to send their AirDrop token combined with “regular” tokens(he got 2 TONs from AirDrop and then bought 0.01 or got them somehow and wants to send 2.01 TONs), we can prevent this by “marking” the AirDrop tokens in some way, differentiating them from regular tokens or by making them to serve a specific function as I mentioned earlier.
Where do we get the users wallet address to send AirDrop tokens? I think there should be a way to send some information on the way to the Telegram bot with provided deeplink. Best case is if there’s a option to send not the direct wallet address, but a method/function of the current wallet session, for example:
User runs Surf > Clicks on “AirDrop” > Deeplink sends the user to the bot with provided session > We call temporary session.WalletAddress() or something like that, we immediately use the address to check something/to send the tokens and then delete it from bot’s memory. At least I hope there’s a similar way to this, if not, we can ask the user for his wallet address, maybe by pressing “Share my address” button in Surf and sending it to the bot - I don’t seem to like the latter variant it as it will store the address on Telegram servers.


User side:

  1. Sign DOD (Via Telegram bot, Main Site, or maybe even Surf app/web variant, whatever).
  2. Download Surf app/use website-based version.
  3. Start a dialogue with Telegram bot.
  4. Bind a Surf account to the Telegram bot and join 2 FreeTON groups.
  5. Complete a short quiz check.
  6. Receive AirDrop.

Developer side:

  1. Develop a bot with described abilities.
  2. Develop a secure way of passing a wallet address to the Telegram bot(if there’s nothing alike compared to the one I mentioned).



  1. It’s relatively clean.
  2. It’s safe against bots.
  3. It’s safe against abusers who would stack AirDrop tokens by sending them from different fake accounts to their main wallet.


  1. Doesn’t completely solve the problem of trading AirDrop accounts on the real market.

We can also provide a ton of useful information on their way of receiving AirDrop on each step, especially inside the Telegram bot.
Yes, it doesn’t solve everything completely, but I can’t personally think of many ways of solving these issues without providing some of the overused things such as referral system(send 25 links to obtain tokens), more strict and just more timegating, 2FA or KYC-based verification solutions; these contain their own unique flaws. We’re always balancing on a thin rope, as making abusers lives harder also makes regular users motivation drop and became less and less valuable.

That was my solution. I hope we can make things better with what I’ve managed to suggest.



  1. Distribution with your own browser with privacy and no ads. Like in brave for activity.
  2. Encouragement for the creation of original sites on the FreeTON platform.
  3. Distribution in the wallet. Without a referral system.
  4. Agree with issuers of stable coins. USDT and others.
  5. Use in famous wallets.
  6. Application and integration in messengers. Telegram and WeChat.
  7. Incentive for keeping in the wallet. Stake
  8. Encourage bloggers who will encourage users to use the browser.


  1. Раздача с собственном браузере с приватностью и без рекламы. Примерно как в brave за активность.
  2. Поощрение за создание оригинальных сайтов на платформе FreeTON.
  3. Раздача в кошельке. Без реферальной системы.
  4. Договорится с эмитентами стабильных монет. ЮСДТ и других.
  5. Применение в известных кошельках.
  6. Применение и интеграция в месенжерах. Телеграмм и WeChat.
  7. Поощрение за удержание в кошельке. Stake.
  8. Поощрение блогеров кто будет призывать пользоваться браузером.
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Продублирую тут то, что уже писал в русском комъюнити, возможно кто-то там не состоит или просто устал от бесконечного потока сообщений. Постараюсь сократить.

И так моё виденье проекта это то, что категории людей использующих блокчейн платформу можно поделить на две группы. Простые пользователи и крипто биржевики. У первых цель проста и не затейлива использовать то, что создано на платформе, то есть использовать сайты сервисы, мультимедийные площадки. Вторые же будут видеть во всём этом возможность заработать на курсе крипты.

И для первых и для вторых необходимы токены, и их ценность.

Действия могут быть следующими:

Пользователь скачивает приложение, и будет здорово если это будет мультифункциональный кошелёк, с возможностью интеграции на мобильном и на пк.

Проходит простейшую процедуру регистрации. Вписывает свой емейл, получает ссылку подтверждение, проходит по ней, вписывает свой номер телефона, получает смс с кодом, телефонный номер привязывается к аккаунту и готово. Проделав всё это пользователь получает бонусный 1 токен.

Так же, можно подписать декларацию о децентрализации, получить на свою почту особую ссылку, пройти по ней, так же пройти регистрацию через привязку мобильного телефона, и получить 3 бонусных токена. Награда за труды. Если кто то захочет создать огромное количество аккаунтов с повышенными бонусами, платформа получит новые подписи.

Так же у пользователей будет возможность получить токены за продвижение сети. Эта идея уже звучала тут и выглядит довольно просто - при регистрации пользователь получает свой уникальный кож или приватный ключ, просит своих друзей, знакомых или подписчиков указывать его при регистрации в приложении, за новых пользователей получает бонусы. Думаю будет рационально, если период таких акций будет ограничен по времени проведения.

Что можно сделать имея 1 токен? Можно оплачивать транзакции внутри платформы, платные подписки, платные ресурсы мультимедиа и прочие вещи. Цена одного действия 0.0001 FTT (free ton token), она может быть изменена в зависимости от пожелания разработчиков сервисов и приложений. Маленькая стоимость операций объясняется тем, что это операции внутри платформы. Если пользователь захочет вывести свои токены, или конвертировать их в другую крипто валюту, то он может сделать это, уплатив комиссию. 10% от суммы токенов при конвертации, и 30% процентов при выводе на карту. Такие условия помогут удержать токены внутри, и снизят возможность обмена ради выгоды разности курса. Кроме того можно ввести систему премирования за стабильное использование токенами. Юзерам которые имеют на своих кошельках постоянное количество токенов в течении 12 месяцев, будет начислен бонус в виде 25% от суммы хранящихся токенов на счёте(кошельке). Это ещё раз укрепит токены, и снизит возможные колебания от купли/продажи ради выгоды. Так же стабильные пользователи платформы получат возможность выводить и конвертировать токены по более низким тарифам (комиссиям).

Для тех кто захочет пополнить свои кошельки FTT, будет введена процедура прямой покупки токенов через приложение. Для более устойчивой работы, на мой взгляд лучше всего использовать самую ликвидную и распространённую валюту, это доллары сша. Допустим стартовая цена составит 0.50$ за 1 FTT. Это доступно и есть куда расти. При покупке токенов, допустим на сумму 10$, пользователь получает токенов на 70% от суммы перевода. То есть вместо 20FTT на кошелёк зачислиться 14. Остальные деньги останутся у владельца кошелька, но составят обеспечение. Другими словами сколько бы не купили токенов на старте продаж, они будут самообеспечены на 30%.

Имея обеспечение появится и возможность контролировать курс токена к доллару. Это конечно очень упрощённый вариант, но надеюсь он понятен.

Так же стоит отметить что при выводе на карту, комиссия будет списываться и с количества токенов и примерно 1% от обеспечения.

Ещё будет необходимо создать бота, контролирующего количество транзакций по отношению к одному кошельку. Алгоритм его работы может быть следующим

  • как только количество транзакций превышает установленный лимит, допустим 10 операций в час, или 100 за сутки, или если в течении часа на один кошелёк поступили средства более чем с двух, то эти действия попадают под роле зрения бота. Вывод средств на карту тоже можно ограничить, делать транзакции с интервалом в 1 час для одного кошелька. Это даст время разобраться что происходит с его счётом, если бот определит, что публичный ключ этого кошелька фигурирует в протоколах безопасности.

Что касается принятия каких то решений по изменению работы приложения, то лучшим вариантом будет голосование, основанное на количестве токенов. 1 токен = 1 голосу. Так большее количество токенов будет у разработчиков и у тех кто участвовал в развитии и тестировании платформы, можно уверенно сказать что все принятые решения точно не навредят проекту.

Вот в принципе и всё. Простые пользователи платформы, не заинтересованные в крипто биржевых операциях, просто пользуются сервисами и сайтами, стабильные юзеры получают вознаграждение годовыми ставками и сниженными комиссиями, акции и конкурсы позволяют заработать бесплатные токены. При таком развитии событий, практически исчезает смысл создавать фейковые аккаунты, для искусственного создания токенов на одном из кошельков.

Всё равно вышло не коротко, но надеюсь идея моя понятна. Спасибо если дочитали до конца.

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Hi. Please review the airdrop contest submission from our team


Всем привет!
1 Скачиваем Surf, получаем пин-код и заходим.
2 Видим окно с декларацией, желающий войти в сообщество подписывает её, ставит галочку.
3 Входим в кошелек и желающий участвовать в бесплатном распределение Ton нажимает на кнопку получить.
4 Выскакивает окно с предложением пройти биометрику, желающий получить Ton бесплатно ставит галочку и проходит её.
5 Получает бесплатно Ton на свой счёт.
6 При нажатии распорядиться своими Ton видит окно, в котором предложение воспользоваться: положить на депозит или раздать своим приглашенным по своей рефссылке. Участник сам решает.
7 Бесплатные Ton полученные при первичном распределении являются замороженными и могут использоваться только в раздаче по своей рефссылке новым участникам (10 процентов на участника).
8 Получивший новый участник Ton по реф.программе, также может воспользоваться или депозит или раздачей уже своим приглашенным и т.д.
9 При раздаче всех своих бесплатных Ton , участник получает туже сумму, но уже размороженные на свой счёт.
10 Участники конкурсов, жюри, разработчики, водидаторы и т.д. кто вносит или вносил свой вклад в развитие сообщества получает Ton размороженные.


Hello everyone. Here’s our Airdrop Contest Proposal: Series of airdrops with gamification

Please check it out and feel free to give us your feedback. Thank you.


Hello! Gald to participate

Just to add some extra points, as I seen the beta application.

  • It will be much easier to implement this mechanism using bots in

  • We just need to maintain one single database with entries : telegram username; first 6 digits of alphanumeric coupon code; last 6 digits of alphanumeric coupon code

  • As the user get both 12 digits of coupon code through signing DOD and joining group.

  • That code can be redeemed with the help of bots like “Chain Rider” in , where we give the 12 digit coupon code and the bot is connected to the database, it verifies the coupon code and give out TON crystals.

I believe this is a very simple implementation, i don’t want to make it too complicated from both technical and user point. If we keep it simple with such coupon codes, it will be more helpful in bringing more people and quickly.


Yes I think if we keep it less complicated it will be easier to implement and can help spreading the network faster.

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My Proposal :

  1. While Filling DOD on freeton website use captcha, browser cache and other techniques to make it harder for some bot to fill the form.
  2. After Signing the DOD - A 12 digit alphanumeric coupon code is generated in the backend for the user, and store it along with telegram username or email in the freeton database
  3. Show first 6 digits to the user after they sign the DOD, so that he/she can copy it and keep it.
  4. Give remaining 6 digits in the group using bots or in a PDF on daily basis, like all users who signed DOD within 24 hours 1 pdf with all their usernames along with their remaining 6 digits codes will be shared in the groups.
  5. The person who joined the group and signed DOD can get full 12 digit coupon code and can redeem it for crystals.

Just to add some extra points, as I seen the beta application.

  • It will be much easier to implement this mechanism using bots in

  • We just need to maintain one single database with entries : telegram username; first 6 digits of alphanumeric coupon code; last 6 digits of alphanumeric coupon code

  • As the user get both 12 digits of coupon code through signing DOD and joining group.

  • That code can be redeemed with the help of bots like “Chain Rider” in , where we give the 12 digit coupon code and the bot is connected to the database, it verifies the coupon code and give out TON crystals.

I believe this is a very simple implementation, i don’t want to make it too complicated from both technical and user point. If we keep it simple with such coupon codes, it will be more helpful in bringing more people and quickly.


So what was finally decided?


I just like to say that the selected airdrop mechanics should be “simple” as much as possible. Pls consider. Many good proposals but very complicated!


Организаторы, пожалуйста разместите тут ссылку на итоги конкурса.

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Итоги еще не подвели, как будет, конечно опубликуем

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Всем привет. Сегодня на стриме услышал про спойлер для холодных кошельков. И хотел узнать, имеет ли моя идея о распределении токенов посредством обычных почтовых услуг, к этому отношение? :slight_smile:

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Ещё создать свою криптобиржу.
Also create your own cryptocurrency exchange.

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Token Distribution Plan: Phase 1


Token information

TOTAL SUPPLY = 4.25 Billion coins


Designed to maintain privacy and punish spammers

Requires only a valid Telegram ID and a ‘sponsor’

General information and disclaimers

  1. You will need to actually read the descriptions carefully to understand this. Sorry I did not have time to draw pretty pictures for everybody.

  2. I have already developed phase 1 smart contract, it’s complete, and I’m already progressing with stage 2 smart contract.

  3. I have already created the telegram bot described here, but it’s not finished yet.

  4. This can be done with any number of coins, not necessarily using the entire supply. I just gave examples so that the relative numbers of total supply (total planned to give away with this distribution mechanism) and the ‘standard reward’ are clear, because that ratio is important.

Anti-spam measures

A Telegram bot will verify the authenticity of each user by performing an advanced CAPTCHA and CAS anti-spam test.

The more legitimate public participation occurs, the less control would-be attackers will have over the network.

Phase 1 distribution is designed to jumpstart the network in the easiest and least risky way possible.

The distribution maintains the privacy of users. They do not need to provide so much as an IP address to the bot, and their Telegram ID is not shared on the blockchain.

The user who verifies their ‘identity’ through the telegram bot will need access to the private key of the account address they want to use.

A helper app (specifically one that I’ve already created most of) will be used to facilitate signing and connection of different users.

Unbreakable CAPTCHA

Royalty-free, short video clips will be catalogued with a list of questions to facilitate a video CAPTCHA. The users will watch the video clip (5-10 seconds) and then be asked 2 questions about the video clip, such as “Does the video contain the color blue? (yes/no)” and “Which object does not appear in the video? (block/shirt/dickbutt)”. The users will be given 5 seconds to reply to each question. If they fail, they will be given one additional opportunity to answer a different CAPTCHA video. After 2 failures, their telegram ID will be permanently disqualified.

Any attacker would need not only to create a new telegram ID (verifying a phone number in the process) or use a hacked telegram account to verify, but would also need to manually perform the work on each CAPTCHA, unless they have an AI system that can read videos and respond within 5 seconds to the abstract questions.

During the 2nd phase of distribution (weekly distribution with voting, see below) the users will need to pass a new CAPTCHA every week to register.

Privacy and usability

  • The contract never publishes any information about the users except for their account contract’s address.

  • Users do not need to expose even their IP address to anyone in order for the system to work. This is in stark contrast to all the entries which use web applications.

  • It’s as simple as solving the CAPTCHA which takes around 10 seconds and then sending the token generated by the bot to the sponsoring user. The whole process will take 30 seconds or less.

The bot is centralized, but that’s okay.

Of course there is a centralized element to anything like this. The bot never exposes its IP to anyone, so it’s not possible to attack it. The bot has a key and its signature is required for the contract to accept a new entry.

Further explanation below shows how the bot can make sure the contract has not been compromised and watchdog scripts can run that check to see if the bot itself has been compromised.

Lastly the bot only needs to be online for the duration of the distribution and it can easily be moved or changed since the contract and the bot are loosely coupled (only by the bot’s ed25519 key).

Technical notes/specification

New User Workflow

  1. New user verifies with the bot, gets a signature

  2. New user sends signature to sponsor

  3. Sponsor sends signature and GRAM sponsorship fee to contract

Telegram Verification Bot

  • Has a public key which is also stored in the distribution smart contrat

  • Each Telegram account (TID) can only be used once

  • Connects to CAS ban list

  • Signs the wallet account address and returns it to the user

  • Has Write-only access to database

  • Checks against a counter to make sure its pubkey isn’t compromised

Distribution smart contract

  • One internal OP, message from sponsor, structure is [downline_addr, downline_addr_sig,fee]

  • Checks that sponsor_addr (sending address) is a member, and downline_addr is not a member

  • Stores bot public keys, any one key can be invalidated by another key

  • Checks downline_addr and downline-addr-sig match bot pubkey

  • Adds downline_addr / sponsor_addr pair to dict

  • Sends GRAM rewards to new user and sponsor

  • On/off switch can pause and restart distribution in case of bot failure

Early Adopter Distribution: 1%: 1 million users

What about the other 99%?

While a comprehensive plan is already in place for distribution of the other 99% of the coins in the distribution, that information is displayed in another section of this document. Below is a simple summary:

A weekly stake-based distribution will occur until all coins have been distributed.

  • To register for the weekly distribution requires ‘staking’ coins.

  • Users need to register with the Telegram verification bot and the newly created distribution channel every week during a 1-day window.

  • New users join via a sponsor. They instantly become sponsors themselves and can begin to refer new users to their downline.

  • Users keep their existing downline when each new weekly distribution begins.

  • Users can vote to expel bad actors. If expelled, any downline gained during the weekly distribution is not carried over to the following weekly distribution. If expelled, a user will be able to appeal and the community at large will have an opportunity to overturn the original vote.

Early Adopter Rewards

  • Each registered sponsor will receive the ‘standard reward’ (variable and described at the top of this document).

  • Each referred user sponsored will result in an ~3.125% ‘bonus reward’ of additional coins.

  • As such, when ~32 users are referred, the total reward increases by 100%.

  • A maximum of 32 users can be referred by each sponsor.

  • To sponsor a user requires a tiny payment (used to combat spam) which will be rewarded to the referred user.

Get sponsored by an existing user to join

To join, users must download Telegram, chat with the Telegram verification bot, send sends its output to a sponsor.

Origin sponsor

It is necessary to hardcode an “origin sponsor” to onboard the first real sponsor. The origin sponsor does not receive any coins.

Anti-spam and Telegram ID verification

What defines a succesful anti-spam solution

  1. Cannot easily sign up for a lot of accounts

  2. Cannot sign someone else up for an account without their knowledge

  3. Cannot create a lot of dummy data/bloat in the blockchain

  4. Should not require unreasonable effort on the part of verifiers or users.

  5. Should uphold the privacy of its legitimate users.

Nothing is 100% spam proof. No. thing. is. 100%. spam. proof.

Why this solution works

  1. Telegram requires a valid SIM / phone number to register an account in the distribution. It is ‘free SIM verification’ and only the Telegram USER ID needs to be verified. This goes a long way towards defeating spammers.

  2. offers the CAS ban list up to the public which any good solution will almost certainly employ.

  3. The CAPTCHA used by this method presents a unique challenge to would-be spammers.

  • It is extremely difficult or even impossible to break this CAPTCHA with any bot that’s available today

  • Since it must occur inside the Telegram chat, does not use a third-party API, and requires that the person interacting with the bot sign a challenge with the private key corresponding to the recipient address, click-farms or ‘buy CAPTCHA solving’ services cannot be used efficiently.

Why other methods are not that great

  1. Pure SIM / cell phone number verification through a service such as Twilio or Nexos costs half of 1 cent 0.005 USD per verification. It exposes the entity running the verification service to financial risk, and makes it very difficult to later make the verification system more distributed/decentralized.

  2. While SIM cards are easy to come across, they DO cost money and any methods which verify phone numbers are generally extremely effective as a deterrent.

  3. Using IP-based verification exposes the bot’s IP address to attack, and violates the privacy of users. It also causes other problems, for example, if a maximum number of accounts per IP address is used, people who are on the same WiFi network cannot join even though they are legitimate users.

  4. Manual verification through video chats, or collecting and verifying any type of KYC information poses a logistics problem at scale and violates the privacy of users.

Weekly STAKING: ~99.99%: Unlimited Users and Referals

Please see the first section for more general information about this phase.

Time estimate given estimated demand, 18-36 months

  • If expelled, any downline gained during the weekly distribution is not carried over to the following weekly distribution (see below for expel rules).

  • Validators cannot stake the same coins in weekly distributions and validator elections at the same time.

Sponsoring new users

  • To sponsor a user requires a tiny payment (used to combat spam) which will be rewarded to the referred user.

Downline levels

  • 32 levels of ‘downline’ will be used. This means sponsors can refer someone, who refers someone else, and so on, up to 32 total levels, and sponsors can be rewarded for each of those 32 ‘downline levels’.

  • For each new user in their downline, sponsors will receive an additional reward based on the number of levels from which that new user is removed from them (e.g. level 1 rewards are higher than level 2 rewards).

  • Thus the rewards are limited only by a sponsor’s ability to refer new users, the ability of those people to refer new users, and the amount staked each week.

Weekly Rewards

  1. Base staking reward: 100% of the staked amount in a weekly distribution.

The “Standard Reward” is the maximum amount that can be staked by a user in a single week. To put it simply, you can double up your stake each week.

  1. Upline bonus:

The “Standard Reward” is the maximum amount that can be earned in the upline bonus, which is based on the amount staked by a sponsor in a user’s upline and which level of that sponsor’s downline a user is in.

All users will receive coins according to their downline level (1-32) and the stake of their ‘staking sponsors’, in a descending manner (i.e. if you are in the 5th level of a staking sponsor’s downline you will receive more than if you’re in the 10th level).

If a sponsor registers his own stake, they still receive coins based on any coins anyone in their upline has staked.

  1. Downline reward:

The “Standard Reward” is the maximum amount that can be earned in the downline bonus, which is

based on the size and depth of a sponsor’s downline and the sponsor’s staked amount.

It is important when being referred to select a sponsor with the highest possible stake, and sponsors can incentivize users to join their downline by staking higher amounts each week.

Expel bad actors and take their coins

The only way to effectively abuse the system is to create fake telegram accounts, register them with the Telegram verification bot one by one (manually), and then re-verify them each week.

  • Bad actors can be found through behavior analysis and expelled

  • Voting uses an algorithm to derive a 2/3 majority vote. Voting is based on stake; it is not a popular vote.

  • Because of the maximum stake limitation, even someone with 66% of all the coins can’t control 66% of a weekly vote without spamming.

  • Users risk losing their weekly stake (if any), all rewards that they would have received in a particular week, and any downline added during that week if they are expelled.

  • All orphaned users can continue to stake their own coins, and will automatically be assigned a new upline.

  • Thus it is important to carefully target the sponsors or accounts who are responsible for abuse.

  • The lost stake of bad actors is rewarded in equal parts to those who vote to expel them, including anyone in the expelled user’s downline who voted to expel someone in their own upline or downline.

  • Users who do not refer anyone during a weekly distribution are immune from being expelled, but are only rewarded the minimum 100% staking bonus.

  • If expelled, users can stake again during the next round with different coins.

Voting / Payouts

  • On day 6, new referals are closed so voting can take its course.

  • On day 7, the distribution channel is closed for new registrationg and voting, but remains open for appeals.

  • On day 7, a new channel is also opened for registration.

  • After syncing downline with the masterchain contract and distributing rewards, weekly distribution channels are closed and payments are sent ( except for Disputed Rewards, see below ).

  • Users can vote to expel any user at any time during the first 6 days, and voting results are published permanently.

Appeals for expelled users

  • During the 7th day of each weekly distribution, a new distribution channel is created, but the old channel remains in stasis so that users who feel they have wrongly expelled can file an appeal. So actually, each channel contract is overlapping with the others for one day, and each contract has some functionality for a total of 8 days.

  • Disputed rewards and downlines are not sync’d to the masterchain unless the appeal is later resolved in favor of the expelled user.

  • Accounts who are directly involved in appeals can still register different coins in the following weekly distribution, but any downline gained during the disputed week does not carry over.


I think my submission was too long/detailed, or otherwise could not be posted so I’m making another post to shorten.

I didn’t read ALL of the submissions, but this appears to be the only one that truly upholds privacy and simplicity.

A few comments on other submissions

Most of you don’t seem to understand anything technical that would actually go into doing this, it appears most of your ideas are just speculation on what will work, based on what… experience with previous airdrops?

Example of that, as you can see my submission talks about using signatures so that the bot can be identified by the distribution contract. I didn’t see any specific information really about how the other systems proposed would work in terms of security.

Some of these Turing tests and CAPTCHA ideas are noble and maybe coming from a good place, but keep in mind: Not only does it have to be a 5-10 second process for the user, it also has to be technically easy to achieve, we can’t be inventing new tech and taking 6 months to implement something.

A lot of these far-fetched ideas of making people ‘join telegram groups’ and other things not only present technical difficulties and it really is just asking too much of the user.

A whole other group of things like asking people to ‘link their social accounts’, well, guess what, it’s not free to keep those kind of servers… Who is going to pay the REAL money for implementing web servers?

Anything that implements a centralized web server which exposes its IP to the public (even a telegram bot that sends links that would let a user verify IP or browser fingerprint or social accounts) will not only require technical development that might be rejected by Facebook/etc, but it would cost a fortune to keep all of that data, destroys privacy, and would ABSOLUTELY get DDOS’d .

Face ID/Fingerprint rules out anybody who doesn’t have that technology or doesn’t want it on their phone, and it shares unnecessary information. Whether or not anybody thinks so, storing personal information of users in ANY WAY like this, is costly from a technical and business perspective. Plus, again, storing any of this information subjects the whole system to regulations because of the nature of the data GDPr etc… In short it’s a terrible idea.

Not to pile on, but, again with so many of these things… Who is going to maintain all of this? It’s one thing to have a centralized bot that runs for a while, doesn’t expose its IP, and can die when the distribution ends…But maintaining infrastructure such as Facebook apps (to log in with Facebook, god forbid we should EVER do this), storage of ANY user data, etc… It is just begging to be taken offline due to coding errors or DDOS


This is a good suggestion

Good way to Airdrop and to ensure that maximum publicity is obtained