Пересмотр наград для участников конкурса Validator Contest: Devops tools

Reward Amendment Proposal for: “Validator Contest: DevOps Tools”


In lieu of the amount of work that needed to be performed by contestants, when compared to other contest rewards structures, the Validator Contest: DevOps Tools contest rewards need to be higher.

Proposed amendment

Change contestant rewards to reflect the following:

1st prize: 35,000 Tons
2nd prize: 30,000 Tons
3rd prize: 25,000 Tons
4th through 12th prize: 20,000 Tons each

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Предложение вынесено на голосование, за его ходом следить можно тут :point_right: https://freeton.org/proposal?proposalAddress=0:7111ec9caf94a4f25756f3f81c21111a7569e1375c69459a08196e493b5f494e