The Crystal Game (Magister Ludi) [Finished]

Totally agree with you on that. IMO we should take it step by step. Lets run this contest and see whats happening. The proposal allows for additional contests. Also remember that we are only talking about initial set of validators at mainnet launch. The particular role of this set is decentralization, so lets try to optimize for this before we optimize for other things such as performance or say, geo coverage, services etc etc


Contest proposal updated, folks!


Если мы новый валидатор, мы можем участвовать в конкурсе или нужно было проходить квалификацию в тест нете?

Конкурс - это и есть квалификация в тест-нете. Участвуйте! Пока не началось :wink:

If we are a new validator, can we participate in the competition or did we need to qualify in the test net?

Competition is qualification in a test net. Take part! Until it started :wink:

Everyone, because there was a delay, the time table has changed. Please see new table here.


Leaderboard Score

The contest participants are ranked on the Leaderboard by their Score in (almost) real-time - data is updated every 10 minutes:

Score = Metric_1 * Metric_2

Metric 1: Uptime → Share of signed blocks (reciprocal to share of missed blocks)

Metric_1 = av_number_block_signatures / total_number_masterblocks


av_number_block_signatures = number_signed_blocks / av_nodes_per_round

Here number_of_signed_blocks = number of masterblocks signed by the validator with his node_id(s) during the contest period.

If the validator runs more than one node, number_of_signed_blocks is adjusted by av_nodes_per_round , which is calculated as total_number_nodes / current_round.

Here total_number_nodes = the number of validator keys participating in the elections during the contest and current_round is the current validation cycle number since the contest start (there are 9 rounds in the weekly contest).

Playground query for number_of_signed_blocks signed by a particular node_id:

query {
    filter: {
      gen_utime: {gt: start_of_period le: end_of_period}
      signatures: { any: { 
        node_id: {eq:"1f763281013ab430d52fb0e8239733cdd155c517d45dfae4e0b948580562580d"}

Playground query for total_number_masterblocks = number of blocks issued in Masterchain during the contest period:

query {
    filter: {
      workchain_id: {eq: -1}
      gen_utime: {ge: start_of_period le: end_of_period}

Metric 2: Staking efficiency

Metric_2 = max {1, total_amount_recovered / total_amount_staked}

where total_amount_staked = sum of stakes sent by the validator to the Elector contract from a particular wallet in the contest period.

Playground query for total_amount_staked with an example wallet:

query {
    filter: {
      src: {eq:"-1:e118a08ddf394f29a1682e9a114764cb94c481647cb67efd52a573d897da149d"}
      dst: {eq:"-1:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333"}
      created_at: {ge: start_of_period - elections_start_before 
								   lt: end_of_period - elections_start_before}
      value: {ge: "100000000000"}
    fields: [{field:"value" fn:SUM}]

total_amount_recovered - sum of amounts received by the validator from the Elector contract in the contest period.

Playground query for total_amount_recovered with and example wallet:

query {
    filter: {
      src: {eq:"-1:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333"}
      dst: {eq:"-1:e118a08ddf394f29a1682e9a114764cb94c481647cb67efd52a573d897da149d"}
      created_at: {ge: start_of_period + validators_elected_for + stake_held_for
								   lt: end_of_period + validators_elected_for}
      value: {ge: "100000000000"}
    fields: [{field:"value" fn:SUM}]

Здравствуйте, -" не проиграть выборы, использовать всю отправленную ставку и т. Д. Все это максимизирует относительное вознаграждение." подскажите пожалуйста, где можно почитать про инструменты регулирования этих моментов??
и что может быть не так, если в валидаторы выбран, а подписанных блоков нет?

Про неподписанные блоки советую посмотреть запись сегодняшнего звонка:
Какие правила проведения выборов можно почитать здесь:
Все доступные материалы пока к сожалению не английском.


The Crystal Game timetable update






The Crystal Game Winners - How Ratings Points Work

For each participant in GameX:

- Week 1 → w1_points = divide score by w1_max_score and multiply by 10,
- Week 2 → w2_points = divide score by w2_max_score and multiply by 20,
- Week 3 → w3_points = divide score by w3_max_score and multiply by 30,
- Week 4 → w4_points = divide score by w4_max_score and multiply by 40,

where wN_max_score - is the top score in week N of GameX.

total_rating_points = w1_points + w2_points + w3_points + w4_points

For all participants in GameX:

average_rating_points = mean(total_rating_points > 1),
min_rating_threshold = average_rating_points * 0.35,

where average rating points are calculated over all GameX participants with total_rating_points > 1 to exclude starting nodes from the average results.

Magister Ludi Title in GameX:

if now < w4_end and total_rating_points < min_rating_threshold:
    print("Try harder")
if now < w4_end and total_rating_points >= min_rating_threshold:
    print("Waiting for you")
if now >= w4_end and total_rating_points >= min_rating_threshold:
    print("KYC required")
    print("Not granted")

where now is the current unix timestamp and w4_end is the unix timestamp in the rightmost column of the GameX timetable.
Up to 300 winners who achieve the minimal rating threshold (TBD) will be selected out of all those who participate in the KYC procedure.

1 Like


A player named Quirky Napier (-1:bc9) has been fined in week 2 of Game 2 by removing the last recovered message from the results. Consciously or accidentally, this player did not perform a separate return of stakes and rewards falling in different weeks, which led to an overstatement of metric 2 in the second week. This deprived the organizers of the opportunity to remove excess returns from week 2 without affecting the returns attributed to week 2 itself. For participants in the Crystal Games, please provide a separate return of stakes and rewards related to different weeks.


I have a proposal about “missed cycles” and its impact on final Rating Points.
Let’s assume validator has stable uptime about 0.97 of signed blocks and he/she missed one validation cycle. Now it will lead to a huge impact for final rating points. If validator node will continue to hold 0.97 uptime, week result can be no more than 0.862 which is a deep down of rating table.
Giving an example of missed cycle impact based on game1 and game2 week 3 rating table:
0.97 - top20
0.862 - top85
0.754 - top95
0.97 - top22
0.862 - top87
0.754 - top89

I took networks 1 and 2 because of their uptime stats similarity.

Most of us are beginners and we are learning how to work with TON technology during the game. Sometimes we are making mistakes and sometimes it leads to inability to continue validating on next cycle. I’m sure that penalty of kicking such validators to deep down of rating table is too severe.
For example some of us missed validating cycle because of misunderstanding how it works. Specifically some of validators faced an issue then they didn’t had enough tokens to return stake (value in contract + fees) and had to request additional tokens from devs, because there is no other way to receive them. The request was fulfilled but much later then elections closed, so the cycle was missed. Because of that such validator will become TOP-80 with no chance to go back up somehow, because restoration of 3-4 out of 100 Rating Points is nearly impossible.
Nevertheless some penalty should have a place.
In case if validator missed the whole cycle (has 0 signed blocks in one cycle) “virtual uptime” should be applied at the rate of minimum non-zero uptime between all validators in this cycle minus 0.00001.
In this case affected validators remains the worst in this cycle, which is quite fair. Penalty becomes huge but not fatal to give up competition.


Yes, most of us are beginners and we’re learning how to work with TON so you could consider this as a lesson you paid for. I also missed a whole cycle and I don’t blame anyone but myself.
In the main blockchain if you don’t stake for the next circle for any reason you will miss it. The same is here. I think this is fair.

A draft version of the updated Crystal Game rules for discussion:

There is truth, my boy. But the doctrine you desire, absolute, perfect dogma that alone provides wisdom, does not exist. Nor should you long for a perfect doctrine, my friend. Rather, you should long for the perfection of yourself.
— Hermann Hesse

Short description :

The Crystal Game will ask validators to compete in validation cycles recurrently in order to win the title of Magister Ludi. The participants of the Crystal Game are allocated randomly to 4 games with maximum of 100 nodes per game. Winners for each of the GameX are determined based on the total score for 4 weeks with different weights for each week depending on the transaction load.

Prizes: Prizes will be sent from Givers on Free TON to a DePool contract to each winner in amounts ranging from 375,000 TONs to 750,000 TONs (Subsidy) depending on the winner’s rating, which will be returned over a period of 1 to 2 years. Additionally, winners will receive a direct reward of 120,000 to 240,000 TONs vested over a 12-month period, also depending on the winner’s rating.

For the security reasons the distribution of prizes will be made in two phases:
Phase 1 - DePools will be deployed only with lock stake for a period of 1 to 2 months and part of the vesting stake may be directly distributed to the multisig wallets of the winners;
Phase 2 - a new DePool contract will be deployed for the rest of the locked and vesting period.

Type: 4 week cyclical contest

Starting Date : June 22, 2020 as per tables





Motivation :

To choose the best validators for Free TON

To provide additional long-term incentives for validation

To subsidize capital required to run high performance validators

To provide continuous motivation for supporting DePools as the main tool for decentralization

To disconnect the “staking” layer from the “validation” layer as much as possible

General requirements: Run at least one validator node.

Proposed reward: The total subsidized amount will peak at 300,000,000 Tons (6% of total supply). This amount may be increased in the future.

The reward of each winner in GameX is determined by the following formulas:
individual_coeff = (rating - min_rating)/(max_rating - min_rating)
375,000 * (1 + individual_coeff) - for Subsidies,
120,000 * (1 + individual_coeff) - for Direct rewards with vesting,
where min_rating and max_rating are the minimum and maximum rating points of the winners in GameX.

KYV: Any one team can earn a reward just once. No US residents can get a reward. Before reward distribution a moderate KYV procedure will be performed.


List of all validators on the network will be obtained automatically. Each validator will be assigned a random, quirky pseudonym, but can change that name via a transaction to a special smart contract.

List is updated when a new wallet address is used to send messages to the Elector contract.

Note that if you are going to participate with several nodes under the same validator name, the average metric across all your nodes will be counted.

Contest participants are ranked by their score in real-time, and the data is available on the Leaderboard at the site.

The Magister Ludi title will be issued after the contests end, beginning with top rated winners.

Game rules may change at any time. Game conditions can be amended to any cycle by virtue of community voting; respectively, so may reward amounts increase.

Week 1 (9 validation cycles)

Contest Network :

Contest Mode : normal validation

Contest Metrics :

  • Metric 1: Uptime → Share of blocks signed by a validator (average if several nodes)
  • Metric 2: Staking efficiency → max {1; Total amount recovered/ total amount staked)
  • Score: 1 x 2

Rating points : 1-10

Week 2 (9 validation cycles)

Contest Network :

Contest Mode : network load

Contest Metrics :

  • Metric 1: Uptime → Share of blocks signed by a validator (average if several nodes)
  • Metric 2: Staking efficiency → max {1; Total amount recovered/ total amount staked)
  • Score: 1 x 2

Rating points : 1-20

Week 3 (9 validation cycles)

Contest Network :

Contest Mode : network high load

Contest Metrics :

  • Metric 1: Uptime → Share of blocks signed by a validator (average if several nodes)
  • Metric 2: Staking efficiency → max {1; Total amount recovered/ total amount staked)
  • Score: 1 x 2

Rating points : 1-30

Week 4 (9 validation cycles)

Contest Network :

Contest Mode : network overload

Contest Metrics:

  • Metric 1: Uptime → Share of blocks signed by a validator (average if several nodes)
  • Metric 2: Staking efficiency → max {1; Total amount recovered/ total amount staked)
  • Score: 1 x 2

Rating points : 1-40

Winner selection:

The winners who achieve the minimal rating threshold (MRT) and pass the KYV procedure will be selected out of all those who participate in the Crystal Games.

MRT should be calculated as 35% of the average rating for all participants in GameX with total rating points > 1 to exclude technical nodes that are out of the contest. MRT is not recalculated after the KYV procedure.

Any participant in GameX with a rating equal or more than MRT can participate in the KYV procedure.

Additional rewards:

  • The Master of Update title was earned by Game0 participants for successful and timely update of their nodes on 4th July - 1000 TONs for each of the 92 participants on the Week2 Leaderboard;
  • Special bonus goes to a validator with multisig wallet -1:70bb8659d72a5d11d935368c0f5ab902a151a7d2b9c37977ca3cca63b14a91e7, who answered the Quiz and found “oddities” in Game3 - 5000 TONs;

Game0 Week2 Leaderboard:

# nickname accountId
1 Affectionate Banach -1:974d7e4935d6ea97be3587e5b7ab9476c0b0d39da644de8fe019eea777c73fcc
2 Admiring Franklin -1:44c41789a4ada6b03212eaaefafb0ed19cf6d27fabdd580dcd28097a8924e2d5
3 Youthful Satoshi -1:e1b14b42f0b4902b9ee2de6e781755ebc12bb31f050f1b662ce9886e3f39cbe6
4 Festive Darwin -1:7dc7920fc7a475b31d696da9b6a4aaf0e58f0206ef05e21dee880dc72a8b7360
5 Stanislav -1:bf84f197bc2d1584e5f31161bd0e2d1a5b55f529f5a757c5d62acea0a0724e78
6 TonyWar -1:3e2396c43da56628716bfb873f21738a383d97d222c3285b3ca24fce3aa93860
7 Brave Mccarthy -1:94fd53af612568e92071a1295da7bf1612db50bf1fbfd44f8bf73f78dbe92de0
8 Laughing Vaughan -1:225194877c0d16b2780a5d7df46ad5ef1af4b29614eda5dc5bd88d3be9d46c7e
9 Youthful Grothendieck -1:e4d84176b94f00c09da7707bf469bd8d6bfb23a85348fd1bf4b8a833247d092c
10 Affectionate Varahamihira -1:aa267f1acbc4258e2b098c4efe5a8225df0630fb2c93080dad8a6272521eac38
11 Admiring Ritchie -1:61de96fd3796674103210d92f26de76e4ef5de1878eafc9b5d5f13f3a92bbe58
12 Ecstatic Blackburn -1:8ddf0cd307c38e1d1a67d8a4b55ed1e3f5353d4998b6159017b51466329f682c
13 Genesis Lab -1:8702c47e4c4d09e31633453071c975c6e51685cafa3df373acd028719794b334
14 Zealous Tesla -1:cd91cb26d3f5f6e2b80453d6956c199a81b04d4d18ac506aaab6c79171d98a14
15 Cool Williams -1:beec31d4c70f64d06b7a8c5eea6436195d0e28b402408f6a3c4f1a71057d9528
16 Sleepy Bassi -1:4859ee922f8bd79834205f4d6f274496c11ec597e0741abc58185f995e7e60c4
17 Determined Ride -1:2033d87c99684d1f49d453c3938c51073cd74da5ccc8580612b8a949dc5820cc
18 Strange Burnell -1:0d957353482494a4469f736deead1c182684ab6cf506051447d8fd7547cbd0ec
19 Keen Spence -1:827f1f2fd76f4d5d6acaeff4be9da806a80e565eaf5922c04f328ab22574405c
20 Clever Bose -1:06b5f49fc646202c2b3166ee7522e671059d449d5de7944cfd90e19c822dcb44
21 Silly Maxwell -1:8e15cf6153cca32e9b4dbded29d2f3bb2ad1c782971cef42969d55b33b5bd170
22 Busy Yonath -1:597a3b7c543155ce0c2875e3745f2e1600b817e0ba5431b14f9ee2edfb53e72c
23 Intelligent Hawking -1:ea484fdadb0faeae3d03633e95407b417a08cbfc27c7171382c0ddebbad09838
24 Frosty Wing -1:544539890c94650b03117336fc09a8024a5ed6798229e3492d97a4f5e51452f8
25 Mystifying Turing -1:77c9a774558a8fc82324ad7dc30419646513c74faf0d22b65a8b33273dde3118
26 Stoic Moore -1:9064edb5cc728e1cbc89913ada8280911eb4745d159f0f8bec5703d48744c300
27 Vibrant Wilson -1:8ca0d9e265a207c0fa4a513f0c6b91e93359af7eae8156fad1d51c9b080ca3c4
28 Vigilant Yalow -1:3a6a285afbbb8eacc0fdd1ad2e20f169597305b0e7f976b2c0f1635b1c51cca8
29 Mystifying Blackburn -1:cd02f49122476b0445e0cd6e496f7ca50e6f1d8ef83aa48a27104108cb472a94
30 Admiring Khayyam -1:067069e384f6e873fd68c1bc48305d8de2bf882a66b2ab03e94e71d68590a09c
31 Wizardly Yonath -1:1b0fc62910b116beab2664c4b4f32ba40f978ff6c90cba98c1c1a2419bfbdb88
32 Vibrant Brown -1:c6e93298250f23f472d8dbe81dc4732866fb8e4e56ed10bbb33a6b2d42f80e34
33 Upbeat Chatelet -1:3dc86729000e2ee6301c95ce09f602aa0819f0c0e7a48b23b552c60ed8a598ee
34 Epic Bardeen -1:7ad08712faf7501e0bb717e314a071008342840c137f570e778a6cca0d9c7988
35 Busy Dirac -1:9e8e00e5859256719767386cc8d1ec003f8a4b90363b2950fd735502314673f4
36 Tender Knuth -1:e7dc1a2619d4344db99eb12755be76fa441b50441e30340a711741625c82d65c
37 Modest Grothendieck -1:0c0a4a3cdc46042a44aee9931d8188b137db96f750902916a0d300fa18589290
38 Vibrant Sanderson -1:cf5b733bf72717d0c3a44c327688a9e7e0521681a1dc8046963f4fd7c527cf58
39 Vigilant Wright -1:68e5aa5c95a23451e1fe86d96e73add4d294564f0fbe43a8508bb2c8a3c4cf50
40 Amazing Ritchie -1:b0dc969a1d08363d5988ee52024a65137fe31fc2d0f3a6daf157622363f38200
41 Zealous Almeida -1:f22bf29e5f6f323aa0a119ac8c4feeebe4c8fd3c0237addeb2e0b0e16fcc9fa4
42 Epic Aryabhata -1:01165f6ef94dbf4e9fb6d8c2d458b05197d7b26f3839f2755121d271b6f6d308
43 Admiring Hertz -1:c63f34804cfd09287e4ca5506acb71265039fe3f1b92e97868577be15afc6924
44 Festive Swanson -1:9ffa05660344665577fd8c9c0062d23503964297a748018057389a9c05676a00
45 Competent Hugle -1:8fc843155efdfd2bfb7ba708e946e06b78df07fb55032ffe08e5890057091204
46 Intelligent Brahmagupta -1:f80fa14a6e05d5fe95c6e198a6cf22a3219d16cd99fcd936aa8c8849d53f03ac
47 Beautiful Robinson -1:19be5302df1c4da243e64cd69ec63d569268c05bfecc33e4b82dc487d3147d74
48 Adoring Blackburn -1:0a0cfdd8961d0252cd543c928b532bd7238c4cc882ec94cc3f770edbe6b40e9c
49 Vibrant Germain -1:977c3c1586ee2db87e15cf1f1605647c8eb4ced3b0c8fba32d1674733d198204
50 Wonderful Volhard -1:7dd7d5f8eec35950165b92d26bd2b7f5565d263e586d9f4ca55af5caf6b89090
51 Wizardly Mccarthy -1:06b0c378b02da5cbdca4164e37dbda4f1ec860e1f061c666085218b40f3f9e48
52 Adoring Newton -1:37106bcd2dab5f024c79f3d301229f529eae0572ea6aef88370f01b547b0de44
53 Eager Hellman -1:0fd949ad148da5677572a77c17c41a5ba9b2bafd7ffacdf35654382c2557c5a4
54 Frosty Cori -1:b65dd9d6f47fc0437f4e2aea1335e07a30ea7d8ad0052dce4646fcb7d29cb838
55 Blissful Northcutt -1:94f037dbc7622bb3834849d045f95d5e7d8044ac293e8e3eaee40620c1e40570
56 Beautiful Tu -1:d3ffdc4f2127f670b1e3717b934ce4e0f1ca5251dd3d66d8df513406e6e3c480
57 Cool Yalow -1:2e81eb9b67269e6b2abc184f07d923f8936a092cf9b4773e6452088a07ef4ccc
58 Suspicious Jepsen -1:0569fc49ba17715583f9e0d8877baa394286b23d117dc3e89b8eaddde52e809c
59 Admiring Hypatia -1:f1e7e86f0c22d9a45c7410af29a1a17c8c932f88e25b1ccef61afb2fd4ed4c04
60 Focused Bardeen -1:992723779a35cf2cdb563e6f48ee45c6198b6dd5b3ca8e269d094f7b036bc5e0
61 Wonderful Turing -1:8d9f03848127ac2964f503ef4830423fe11b3fc52670085d026afdf48db46e08
62 Admiring Chandrasekhar -1:8d6359fbc0651d3d96e05194fc4e30f431dc08064c0334d706dd7d14563b7f28
63 Suspicious Carson -1:53e090e6ed8a837a8f901d4fd9b722eac36cec5b8f6180d3ff03c6756fa709b0
64 Crazy Noyce -1:21ecda2379da32bad19898ce81a5f2af4d68b5c8dee434ff8da5d330be749238
65 Romantic Driscoll -1:bbde213ca9f7329faaba2f53119535246536323a24aaf58d4d9aa19013840758
66 Recursing Mendeleev -1:17d80e55ad02b6a4eb641100e319f5b7df3ab74e900c2a0c8922bf6edcd5a410
67 Upbeat Almeida -1:d58668c67211a2a137547b2e5c0239cdf20fe38333e306fbca67280d76405958
68 Lucid Euler -1:e301b3286ca99a6bfeecbf0f4d5ad11adbdb561ac94fc9144544537cf00b4af0
69 Kind Jang -1:f6bb8a3468f7ccbc4ad4b1ed1958f54df0cead05c8908aa4e9cc27174738c9f8
70 Sleepy Williams -1:a4b0691925184b2d7db41e795541a3f1372714d3200f4c5c91ce92a00f5a2bd0
71 Youthful Hodgkin -1:d8877afb9e1c6f4261b0ac09097fad1d6e45962f9db97a310660bf9446d51d20
72 Vigorous Dirac -1:acf4141689c461950ea395094a86d1d5822dc30941fa63a4db2115cedddb73ac
73 Naughty Bell -1:12f677ee6545624e6c84d5d9212c1018c39caf4dd159e26c8c980900d7b13ec8
74 Wizardly Chatelet -1:1accaf51a7bb608335566be9bdba29987006272ca3a044bb279a95d578ede3f0
75 Boring Mclaren -1:2e65cde53ce75217879ce1a1bfa2f36b8611e583f8adef303b28a3e7b425fba8
76 Optimistic Kapitsa -1:330490214c4e2a3c0b3f4e79e3f247a3537312890faeff8527aa3c412102a1cc
77 Awesome Albattani -1:2edee06850d286d349d3fab3b2f838bdbc5561fbfc2d6e7b729bfd9bac1327b0
78 Epic Blackburn -1:e4d7f730dea1f210937f208192aca7bc132735b07147fe41746b628b4a9c9e68
79 Laughing Black -1:1bc51ff005a328f84cfcd36a34dc3ae61b96605b40ba30008934f27b4ebe9454
80 Zealous Montalcini -1:85f48a5142d5e28c80c8a0c8fe6234dcc0eb5999f58d5f5deeb354527c7d8a54
81 Affectionate Yalow -1:b215c854e4bc39d9507e250cd23b96b8bd0aa7766c8c861656d5306504421ef8
82 Optimistic Yonath -1:ef6b60ad175ea2099c4b9b3116949f45621fba0af26d444508baedb394afef74
83 Interesting Williams -1:e89640198eddcc654dcf3b15123bcf16f5af17f39ee7638a72bdbdfe8557f384
84 Condescending Ishizaka -1:4bcb93a21b9e043dc8434d0e5dfc6c8c446953773d8282ced0629a1bad52d480
85 Cool Bouman -1:908a87b267848f70aed207e9f342b28fed1841c9c56503642a7e5ac3a35dea60
86 Jolly Villani -1:6897059fb69b612ed721b8201d9420cfc02a2e8c926468fe521e547efc17e088
87 Blissful Einstein -1:4d596d7df7d74f8fd95a9f7e7dcc0ec4a2baf69e6993d1b819ba361c64c5e3c0
88 Crazy Yalow -1:86bb0e9bcd5db353019ed039dade0a1cfbf25e699f09936e9ef9f035907aa917
89 Pensive Lamport -1:a61784e6b56866c84ec156de9be5228259235f1a61e5e40f96f4a6a7d1f002d3
90 Flamboyant Lewin -1:64b9890a1e1cb306e53cf9d8461fafda92111ed8944233611a451d7ad0063214
91 Elegant Blackwell -1:113774c73d1c34c685f68a7db8e2451f4a6024862438c3aa4248242566f9f515
92 Nostalgic Darwin -1:f5e0b9acdc27aedc7d569ee539ef04aa532bf92352a7eeb8a5b37fb312323224


Anyone can participate, but Free TON cannot distribute Tons to US citizens or US entities.

Subsidy stakes will not be eligible for voting.


@szaitseff Thanks for the update.

I wonder how is possible to change the “Winner selection” without letting the community know and discuss first?

It actually means you can change anything…then why setting the rules in the first place? I know “rules may be changed” but why don’t you communicate with the validator’s community to discuss before updating it?

If the proposer can change anything at anytime, why setting those rules?

1 Like

There are no “changes”. Just the clarification of exact reward rules (which was supposed to be clarified) and just compiling the changes that was stated previously (i.e. exact final contest weeks’ beginning and ending dates) :slight_smile:

The purpose of this update is exactly to let the community know and discuss the updated Crystal Game rules and approaches. As you know, we have de facto 4 games instead of one game as per original proposal, and some other statements need clarification. To enable organizers to distribute rewards and other prizes to the participants of 4 games, we need to vote for updated rules that are drafted here for discussion. Therefore, your feedback is appreciated.

How KYC will be processed? TON will reach participants or need to fill some forms?

I just wanted to remind the team that it was stated that the issue that happened in first election of week 1 in game 2 would be corrected somehow. This was originally discussed in meetup #8 (link goes to exact time it was discussed):

It was also discussed in meetup #15 (link goes to exact time it was discussed):

I don’t think the actual method that would be used was stated, but there were several statements made that something would be done to correct it. Thank you.


An average number of block signature per cycle has been added to uptime on the Leaderboard for such participants.