FreeTON DeFi Alliance / Partnership Extension

The Alliance has developed a program named Crystal Hands that provides many benefits for big liquidity, yet keeping in mind the demand/supply considerations.

Although this program has some generic terms (e.g., the entrance threshold), we approach each VC individually and tailor the offer to mutual benefit.

It is a complex process, and we are preparing a rebranding roadmap now. However, the first step is to formally approve the new name, which takes quite a time, as you see.

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If this proposal is accepted, then there will be no more open contests and meritocratic distribution of tokens? Or am I misunderstanding?

@oksi it was said in the proposal

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Thank you for your prompt response.
Support this initiative.
Hope for the better. :+1:

Such a huge proposal, gotta investigate all the features and stuff, beforehand.

3B ton to burn, man that’s really a lot :hushed:

I guess this is proposal is accepted.
So wish you all the best and good luck.

Keep us posted.

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Looking forward to the release of GrandBazar and ton swap

Can we see who will be the members of the foundation? Because this part requires much expertise and strong network.

At the first step, all Global governances members will be the Foundation’s members as well. Later on, we will develop a procedure for new members to join.

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Так одобрили или нет?
Переместите в другую ветку Акцепт.

А и ещё вопрос. Когда подружитесь с ?
Они занимаются взаимопиаром кстати.