Спасибо большое за ваше внимание.
Мы сейчас работаем над описанием всех активностей, которые уже в стадии разработок. Это будет опубликовано в ближайшее время, но мы так же этот список наработок презентовали во время АМА сессии 11 ноября (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Du5N-vXr7QI). Мы не можем писать то, с чем до сих пор не имели дело, мы пишем только о том, что уже сделано чтоб не быть голословными. Мы просто очерчиваем сферу деятельности, в которой будет проводится вся работа, а список уже готовых людей и партнерств будет обновлятьбся постоянно.
Like all Sub-Governances, we will be in constant close cooperation with Analytics & Suppport Sub-Governance, this can be 100% asserted.
We are always open to cooperation with other Sub-Governance, perhaps we will have an idea that can be implemented thanks to another Sub-Governance, since they will have some other resources.
This Sub-Governance unites all people, there are no specific influencers, this is a name that everyone can use, that is, you can also be called an influencer. That is, the Sub-Governance is dedicated to anyone who can do something. But you can also suggest your name)
It may be not small, but these are rough estimates with a large margin. If the amount remains, no one will force it to spend, it goes to the next period, that is, this budget can remain for a year. The community has a lot of ideas and a lot of influencers who want to collaborate with Free TON, we want to give this opportunity to everyone.
The idea, at first glance, is similar, but the essence is different. Many people in the crypt would rather listen to the opinion of an influential blogger, for example, than they themselves would go to study, collect and analyze information. It is these people - influencers - who will tell people what a Free TON is. And then the global community subgovernance is already entering, where people attracted by influencers will participate in various activities for the community.
The questions in the form were drawn up solely for the purpose of understanding which country and which region you can represent, which language you speak fluently for conducting, for example, thematic AMA sessions.
Questions about your experience are logical enough, as you need to find out your understanding of the overall work and opportunities.
Otherwise, there is no point in secondary members, just to take people? With this approach, you can be a simple influencer, but not pretend to be an administrator of all processes.
These questions are due to the specifics of the work.
If you paid attention, then Mr. Filatov drew attention to the fact that representatives of the Sub-Governance were members of different countries and continents - that is why the question “Where are you from?” the most important.
Dear community members,
We have prepared a document that displays the team’s activities to date, as well as those activities that are in development now.
This list will expand as new data becomes available.
This is to keep the community informed and enable you to join the expansion and avoid duplication of effort.
The document is in editing mode for any person, so feel free to comment, all your comments will be taken into account and processed.
Абсолютно верно! Вы совершенно правы.
Да, конечно, если Вы хотите в дальнейшем сотрудничать и помогать в развитии - Вы можете уже заполнить форму - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_69lLIP-Q6dhDOQB1LU4jLdHWhqTEWfctmYudxUYGZGvh0Q/viewform
You can become an influencer for your region and promote the community for Indonesia. Now the project is at the stage of the beginning of active development, so everyone who wants to contribute to the development is welcome!
Any influencer is already a team member!)
But we have already opened the acceptance of applications for everyone who wants to become an initial members - Secondary members (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc_69lLIP-Q6dhDOQB1LU4jLdHWhqTEWfctmYudxUYGZGvh0Q/viewform). Although the Influencers Sub-Governnace has not yet been voted on and has not yet been adopted, we want to show that we are already open to every member of the community.
На счёт форм.Есть какой-то установленный промежуток времени на обработку?Будет ли какой-либо ответ или оповещение подходит соискатель или нет?
Мы свяжемся лично со всеми, потому что дальше будет много рабочих моментов для согласования.
Особенных рамок по времени нет. Этот список может пополнять на постоянной основе, так как новые люди в сообщество приходят каждый день
Interest in the Ton project is growing due to community influencers and I am happy to be part of this community. I will support this project to develop it and keep it active. I will encourage the new members to do their homework as well.
Thanks for good words!
Happy to see that this Sub will be useful for community!
It’s good that you said about it. I don’t know that there are such applications. Thank you, I will definitely fill in
I liked the post, I always understood that the idea is a win-win if you attract influential and famous personalities who will promote your company. At the moment, I do not have any connections and influences in order to improve this project, so I do not see the point of participating here, or rather, for the creators there is no sense in my participation)
Dear friends! We would like to share important news with you!
Today we signed a Letter of Intent with Dao Maker!
This means that the Free TON is included in the waiting list for the launch of social mining with the launch of the new Dao Maker technical platform - dTeams (“software”) - in Q1 2021.
@RustamOm is responsible for the efficiency and success of the negotiations. Thank you for your contribution!
Folks, Rustam is doing a good job.
The latest version of Sub-Governance proposal
When will this SubGov be launched?