Online link:!AlMFOGc4oWlod0UH0fliRYElHrs?e=hzEvgs .
Decentralization has been essential nature of Free TON from day one. Currently, there are many different tasks in the Free TON and they are growing rapidly and becoming more complicated. The Free TON community has been committed to organize tasks through a decentralized governance. This goal has been realized via stratified governance, including sub-governances with specific tasks.
This contest seeks for an improved governance organizational structure (GOS) to support and facilitate the Free TON decentralization.
A schematic of current governance organizational structure of Free TON (a general view without details) is shown below:
Currently, there is a main governance at top of the Free TON governance structure, and there are all of the sub-governances under the main governance in just one flat layer. Can this structure be improved for better organization of Free TON governance and efficient decentralization? For example, some sub-governances such as A&S , DGO and Free TON Academy (as an upcoming sub-governance) have a managerial and analytical nature, and therefore their position should be different with other sub-governances, in the GOS. This contest aims to re-design and improve the Free TON GOS in order to support full decentralization via an agile, flexible and more efficient GOS.
P.S.: New sub-governances including global community, influencers and community voice were recently passed to be formed.
Contest Entry Period :
December XX, 11:59 PM UTC [2 days after passing] - December XX, 23:59 PM UTC [duration=8 days].
Voting Cycle:
5 days
The GOS should describe (but not limited to):
[organizational structure]: the most suitable and compatible governance organizational chart for Free TON. Which type of organization chart (Hierarchical, Divisional, Matrix, Horizontal, …) is more suitable for decentralized governance organization of Free TON, and why? Any Free TON specific and customized organizational chart rather than traditional charts (Hierarchical, Divisional, Matrix, Horizontal, …) is also welcome.
[top level chart]: a top-level structure that shows the main governance, and the relationships and relative ranks of sub-governances to each other and to main governance.
[detail level chart]: the most suitable and compatible organizational chart for sub-governances with details including members roles, requirements, qualifications, soft and hard features, facilities, goals, missions …
[organizational roles]: the governance and sub-governances functions, tasks, duties, responsibilities, and categories.
[workflow]: the sub-governances internal and external interactions, processes, workflows, inputs, and outputs. Currently all subgovernances work separately. However, some of them can receive services from some others. This workflow shows external relations among sub-governances and establish a flow of information, documents, products and services among them as well. Moreover, it will help sub-governances to design and implement more useful and purposeful contests and competitions.
[efficiency]: this clarifies any possible overlap of duties and tasks among current sub-governances and proposes a duties apportion scheme to resolve it.
[supervision]: a scheduled supervision plan is needed to evaluate the sub-governances performance. This will also resolve any disagreements and miss-understandings, and prevent any unsolvable organizational problems.
[development & expansion]: a list of new potential sub-governances for launching in the future, with justifications and feasibility study.
Evaluation criteria and winning conditions:
[Important]: The GOS should reflect and support “decentralization” as the main focus of Free TON and avoid to reinforce any “centralization” role.
Note that Free TON is not an organization, and hence we don’t need for an organizational chart for Free TON itself. We need to organize “Free TON governance” as the main infrastructure of decentralization in Free TON.
It should be drafted considering long-term vision of Free TON governance
It should be compatible with Free TON brand, positioning, goals and mission.
It should be flexible In the event of a need for changes in the future.
The GOS should consider environmental opportunities and risks of Free TON in blockchain industry in order to enable Free TON governance for future agile movements.
It should provide a reference for community, team, subgovernances to help them understand their role in Free TON governance .
The structure should be simple, coherent, flexible, with the least amount of ambiguity, and absence of redundant and useless chart layers .
The juror must have a solid understanding of the described subject in order to provide a score and feedback. If not, the juror should choose to “Abstain”.
Jurors or whose team(s) intend to participate in this contest by providing submissions lose their right to vote in this contest.
Each juror will vote by rating each submission on a scale of 1 to 10 or can choose to reject it if it does not meet requirements or vote “Abstain” if they feel unqualified to judge.
Jurors must provide feedback on submissions or lose their reward.
The Jury will reject duplicate, sub-par, incomplete, or inappropriate submissions.
Winner rewards :
1 place ……………………………………………10,000 Tons
2 place …………………………………………… 8,000 Tons
3 place …………………………………………… 6,000 Tons
4-10 places ………………………………………. 2,000 Tons each one
Note: If the number of winning submissions is less than the number of rewards available, any remaining rewards are not subject to distribution and are considered void.
Jury rewards:
An amount equal to 10% of the sum total of all total tokens actually awarded will be
distributed equally between all jurors who vote and provide feedback. Both voting and feedback are mandatory in order to collect the reward.
Procedural remarks:
Participants must upload their work correctly so it can be viewed and accessible in the formats described. If work is inaccessible or does not fit the criteria described, the submission may be rejected by jurors.
Participants must submit their work before the closing of the filing of applications. If not submitted on time, the submission will not count.
Anyone can participate, but Free TON cannot distribute Tons to US citizens or US entities.