After updating “Governance” in the submitted application, in place of the link to the post, a link of the format is displayed: “/ t / contest-proposal-free-ton-visual-brand-communication-contest-part-v-memes / 1707? U = buktop671” If I try to go to it, the general page of the forum opens, when contacting the moderation, I was told to compose a topic on the forum so that the judges would not take into account similar applications as erroneous and inappropriate to the conditions of the competition.
My application:
How it looks after following the link, in fact, my post on such a link:
Actually my post on such a link:
Hi! It’s not a problem. Probably you put the wrong URL, but the jury have your PDF file. That will be enough to judge it. Also, they can see your post in the contest thread
Previously I followed the same link and everything was ok. Thank you for clarifying the situation.
You are always welcome!
What do you think about this one? -
I perfectly understand the new jury and I am very impressed by the clarity in the assessment of the application, and so on. At the moment I see a possible problem actually. Many entries were submitted in contradiction with the description of the contest.
I also ask @AlexNew o join this discussion.
There is a difference between how the first jury evaluated the entries and what is described above. I personally prefer the option of strict filing in accordance with all the rules. But this was not the case in past contests.
It’s not a problem at all. Solved)))
Я уточню, что если совсем формально подойти к требованиям, то призёры тоже могут сделать так и предоставить только PNG & SVG, однако исходник для анимированных стикеров - это проект в After Effects (*.aep)