Contest Proposal: TON Original Whitepaper Translation

Short description:

This is the first contest in a series of ongoing TON Specs translation activities.
The task is to create translations for original Dr. Nikolai Durov’s TON Blockchain Specification.

The paper must be translated into the languages spoken by the best mathematicians, computer scientists, and blockchain professionals in the world: Russian, Spanish, Indian, Chinese (:question: suggest other languages)

See Motivation section for additional context



Contest entry period:

:bangbang: dates are inaccurate due to temporarily unstable mainet.
The estimated duration of the contest is up-to-date, though

July 1, 12.00 P.M UTC - August 1, 12.00 P.M UTC.


This is the entry point to initiate the “scientific process” among students and researchers from all over the world.

We can split the motivation to the following points:

  1. Increase the availability of original TON Specification among non-English speaking potential FreeTON Community Members: scientists, researchers, software developers, and students of technical universities throughout the world.

  2. Translate the so-called “Specs” and keep them updated.

General requirements:

  • Technical concepts and terms should be translated properly
  • Full document should be translated
  • Translated documents must be proof-read by a native speaking technology professional (:question: jury member) and approved to be consistent with original paper
  • Translated documents must comply with scientific papers design and formatting guidelines, known to be accepted to publication in given community/country

Translation Process


Evaluation criteria and winning conditions:

(Not finished)

  • Consistency with original paper concepts, formulas, terminology, and structure
  • the Main reward will be distributed among all (:question: ) contributors in proportion to the efforts of translators
  • Those who find mistakes/typos will be rewarded by 10 Tons for each corrected translation error or typo


  • Each of the initial Free TON voting members can nominate 1 person to the jury.
  • Initial members whose team(s) intend to participate in the contest lose their right to nominate a jury member.
  • Each Jury should proof-read the final document (:question: or not. maybe proof-reading should be rewarded separately :question: )

Contest winners will receive:

Each language is evaluated and rewarded separately:

  • 50’000 Tons for each translation in proportion to the efforts of translators
  • 10 Tons for each typo/mistake found

Jury rewards:

An amount equal to 1000 Tons will go to each juror for performing their civic duty to the community and taking the time to judge each submission, proof-read the translated paper, and provide feedback.

Technical rules:

The work should be submitted through the tool specified under the Process paragraph


Anyone can participate, but Free TON cannot distribute Tons to US citizens or US entities.


Very good idea and inrestesting points. It’s fully fit for Free TON to complete original TON development


Good Idea
But do you really expect a 121-page document (with specialized terms and words) be translated in about 7-13 days?


Wow, i find a professional translator, his price 1000$-1500 $ for this work)) Unfortunately i dont know technical English(

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Good point.
I agree - deadline should be more pessimistic.
Lets say there will be 1 contest participant for each language and his speed is 4 pages/day
30 days


I would suggest to translate into Spanish language as well. It will help to involve development community from Latin America which is very strong I believe. And I’m not even talking about Spain and Mexico.


там спека совсем просатая обычный google translate поможет.

Great idea. This may lead to mass adoption of free ton network all around the world.

Легкость, с которой вы пишете, впечатляет!
Утвердим детали конкурса, запустим - и будем ждать Вашу заявку.
Если сделаете перевод быстро - сеть только выиграет.

I am impressed that you feel Durov’s TON spec “quite simple”!
We look forward to your contribution when the Contest Proposal is approved and launched.
If you translate the paper quickly - The Network will benefit.

Excellent! Added Spanish translation to proposal text

Существуют сложившиеся традиции согласно которых все мировые документы публикуются на основных языках ООН (английский, арабский, испанский, китайский, русский и французский ) , я считаю что перевод на эти языки должен быть обязательным не только белоголиста а всей документации

121 страницу и переводить и читать каждому из жюри каждого участника Очень Жёстко! Не говоря уже о том, что чья-то месячная работа может остаться за бортом и без вознаграждения - вряд ли кто-то захочет участвовать и судьёй быть на таких условиях.
Лучше на конкурс предоставлять перевод куска (1-2 страницы максимум), и у кого лучше всех получится (за кого проголосуют) пусть переводит весь уайтпейпер за призовые тоны. Причём, подавая заявку, переводчик подтверждает своё намерение в случае “выигрыша” перевести весь текст целиком за определенное время. Призовые тоны выдаются по окончанию перевода, а всем участвовавшим в конкурсе по достижению определенного количества голосов (например, от 5,00 и более) “утешительный” приз, скажем, в 400 тон/стр (вольное деление главного приза на кол-во страниц в документе).
Для каждого языка отдельный под-конкурс.

This is very cruel to force each jury member to read the whole text of 121 pages from each of participants (even from one!), even more, someone’s monthly work can be left without any compensation. I don’t know who will participate in the contest and judge it with these conditions.
It is better to submit a piece of document (let’s say 1 or 2 pages, not more) for this contest and the winner will translate the whole text and get his or her reward after completing it in certain period of time. By submitting the piece of translation participant agrees to translate the whole text in case of winning. Also all participants whose translations get certain amount of avr.points (for example, 5.00 and more) will receive minor prizes of, for example, 400 tons per page (it’s a permissive division of the grand prize to amount of pages).
For each language should be it’s own sub-contest.


Hello. I agree. I would add not just one translator, but several. A lot of pages are the human factor. The question is only in verifying the translation itself and the verifier must be a native speaker. The technical issue with adjustments to the translation itself also needs to be resolved, and this is not an easy task. To summarize: select several translators in each language, for an example of a translation, select up to 20 selected pages from different sections of the document, select from the best translations and set according to the occupied places. This is my opinion, correct me if I did not understand correctly or supplement me.
Здравствуйте. Согласен. Я бы от себя добавил не одного переводчика, а нескольких. Очень много страниц и есть человеческий фактор. Вопрос только в проверке самого перевода и проверяющий должен быть носителем языка. Технический вопрос с корректировками самого перевода, так же нужно решить, а это не простая задача. Подведём итог: выбрать несколько переводчиков на каждом языке, для примера перевода выбрать до 20 выбранных страниц из разных участков документа, выбирать из лучших переводов и выставлять согласно занятым местам. Это мой взгляд, поправьте меня если я не правильно понял или дополните меня.

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I think better to make it as One-Pager and translate it to other languages. It’s really hard to evaluate the best translator for over 140 pages!


@Roman_D Agree …Who gonna make a one-pager content?
it’s important to have the most important information in that page. I do think if the people are interested in reading the whitepaper, they would prefer reading the original language instead of the translated.

Maybe we should put all these to some translation collaboration platforms, like transifex or poedit?
In fact there would be enough for us to use some simple “collaborative document editing” platforms, like etherpad or the former piratepad (now it’s called riseup pad). We just need to make some form of glossary for correct and consistent translation.


Definetely we should use one platform. But personally I didn’t work with any of those. They both have paid versions, not sure what we need. Could propose one that is simple and suits our needs by ourselves?

Otherwise we’d have to make another proposal for translation platforms comparison (which will delay the long awaited translation results).

Will archive this thread , as idea of one-pager creation and translation contests is better than this.


Maybe can you re-make for the One-Pager contest? I can help with, please PM me.


That is good approach. I also wouldn’t reveal the numbers of the pages to be translated before the contest has started. Just to prevent preliminary perfection or using professional translation service.