Contest proposal: DGO SMV Smart Contract System

А что если сделать так?:
Создать своего рода одноразово платный мастер ключ для голосования в сообществе, в виде пароля. Один раз заплатил 100 ТОН кристаллов и получаешь членство в сообществе навсегда. Такой пароль можно получить лишь подтвердив свою личность с помощью верификации из трёх любых своих настоящих соцсетей и оплаты 100 ТОН. А за голосование будут списываться по 1 ТОН рубин, за голос или за пост на форуме, которые можно получить бесплатно.
Так мы избежим спам.
Правда для проверки соцсетей придется на ставку посадить человека (к примеру за 500-1000$/мес.) или несколько, а может придется разработать ИИ для проверки соцсетей. Мы же можем себе это позволить? :slight_smile:

I have read several works from the top about the implementation of governance management and for my taste Mitja’s work is the strongest, but still not suitable as a PLAN. He honestly tried not only to describe the plan itself, but also how to avoid negative consequences. Unfortunately, along the way, he realized that the design of the system did not allow them to be avoided and began to justify the oligarchy and minimize the damage from such a development of events. At the end of the work, I felt as if I were in some kind of bazaar in Odessa.

I’m also surprised that this topic doesn’t cause any significant public resonance. At least here on the forum. That is fundamental issue and if it fails, the whole project will fail.

We don’t have meritocracy yet but merit-oriented community that will grow into meritocracy someday when we will follow the current course. And by proposed design meritocracy equals plutocracy.

Based on this, first of all, we need to answer fundamental questions like:

  • is plutocracy bad?
  • how to minimize the human factor so that anyone can blindly trust the system?

Consider, the statement that plutocracy is bad does not mean that the rich are bad. Especially if they are rich because they are talented. The question is how good it is for the society if smart people get the ultimate dominance over thus not so smart in any aspect of life? You know, ultimate dominance is very close to slavery. Ultimate dominance will be misused soon or late.

I feel myself a little bit like Vladimir Lenin on an armored car. But I am not pursuing any leftist ideas. I am rather for basic civil rights, for which I see a direct threat.

Will continue in the next post…

Should be enough yes

The following has been added:

TON Labs submission forum link

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Participating in The Contest.

Our text is on Gov.


Hope you will enjoy!

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Can you please share the link to the contest you mentioned, I failed to find it)