I. Introduction:
Aparat is a video sharing platform which has gained rank #56 in global internet traffic and engagement over the past 90 days (based on Alexa, 14 October 2020). Currently, there are 11 million videos on Aparat most in Persian. Total duration of available videos on Aparat has been more than 26 million minutes. The traffic of Aparat is over 5 million hours per month. Moreover, Aparat has now over 50 million monthly visitors.
Website: https://www.aparat.com/
II. Online Video Marketing:
The video marketing is the ability to use produced video narrative as a way to communicate to the business audiences. It is using video content to reach the desired audience and promote the brand, service, or product. The result is one of the most powerful and prolific communication tools the world has ever known. Humans are visual creatures, so it’s no surprise that they love videos. So, video is an essential marketing tool for businesses and marketers.
To develop an effective video marketing strategy, we should follow:
Allocating resources: We need to designate some budget for video – at the least, decent equipment, good editing software, and a video marketing guru (or, better, team) – as well as time to create it.
Writing the Story & Scenario: Storytelling is a main important part of an effective video marketing.
Engaging: It’s not enough to simply tell stories; we must engage the audience by writing amazing stories.
Creating Video: After writing the story, it should be transformed into a well design video.
Publishing: At this stage, videos should be published in wellknown platforms, then promotion starts.
Analyzing: At this stage, we can track the metrics and stats, to determine which videos do the best – and why.
III. Key Features of Aparat:
Quality and Formats: Aparat users can load videos with a wide range of formats. The list of possible formats in Aparat is wmv, mov, qt, 3gp, 3gp2, mpg, mpeg, mp1, m1v, m1a, m2a, mpa, mpv, mpe, mp4, avi, flv, mkv, webm, etc.
Video Categories: All the videos released on Aparat are categorized. When releasing a video content, the releaser must determine its category as well. Aparat offers various categories as below:
- Game
- Educational
- Science and technology
- Religious
- Entertainment
- Political
- News
- Music
- Sports
- Cartoon
- Animals
- Nature
- Artistic
Subtitle: By using the “subtitle” feature, users can also upload subtitle along with their videos.
Tagging: The videos uploaded in Aparat can be tagged. With the help of this feature, users can record proper tags, as the way for determining the content of a video.
Views: There is a calculator for the number of views for all the videos released on Aparat. As a result, along with all the videos displayed in, the number of views of the videos is presented to users.
User Profile: In Aparat, a profile is assigned to each user who becomes an Aparat member. Through profile, users can:
- Follow
- See viewers’ statistics
- Like videos
- Post comments
- Manage comments
- Set notifications
Official and Approved Channels: In Aparat, the channels related to legal persons and institutions are approved by their own request, and they can have official activity.
Channels with Membership Fee: The videos released in Aparat are provided for all the users by default. However, users can set a subscription price for their loaded videos and thus make financial profit.
Embedding Videos: Aparat, as in the form of video sharing services, has the feature of video embedding. By means of this feature, users can display the posted videos on Aparat in their own websites without having to save the videos on a separate server.
Downloading Videos: Unlike Youtube, Aparat provides users with the feature of downloading videos inside the site. By means of this feature, users can save all the videos without needing to third party download services.
Live Events: This service hosts hundreds of live broadcasts daily with various topics, including a variety of game streams and webinars.
Online Films: Filimo is the online film watching service on Aparat. Users can watch films and serials with a wide range of genres.
Monetization Program: Aparat gives users the opportunity to make money from their own videos. The users should create a channel at first, promote it by creating and publishing interesting videos, and then apply for monetization program.
Advertising Videos: Besides regular videos which is usually uploaded by regular users (without any fee) and are watched by many other users (usually without any fee), there are also advertising videos and contents on Aparat. These videos and contents help advertiser to promote their product, service and brand more rapidly.
IV. Types of Advertising Plans on Aparat:
Skippable in-stream video ads: This type of advertising video is shown either before or during the main video, and viewers can choose to skip these ads after 5 seconds.
Non-skippable in-stream video ads: These videos must be watched before the main video can be viewed. These are 15 or 20 seconds in length.
Video Boosting Plan: In this plan, advertiser can order a desired number of views for an advertising video to show. Once the number of views is done, the ad will terminate.
Video Filtering: The advertising videos can be filtered by advertisers to be shown just on a specific category, or shown to users from a geographical region.
Native Banner Ads: A native banner, which is consistent with the form, style and theme of the advertising video, appears, in this plan, next to the video.
Advertising Logo: An advertising logo - a banner revealing the company’s possibilities and potential through a visual representation of a brand - is shown before videos.
Pause and Play Banner: A banner which is appeared on the video when video is paused by viewer, and disappeared when it is played.
Vitrine of Videos: The videos which are shown at top of every category on main page.
Main Page Banners: The banners which are shown on the main page advertising boxes.
V. Plans, KPIs and Budget:
Stage 1: Upfront 550K TONs for:
- Campaigns planning/moderation/analysis
- Content type: Video & Image Ads
- Writing: Stories and Scenarios
- Contents to be created: Video Ads: 10, Image Ads: 20
- Skippable in-stream video ads: 500,000 times
- Non-skippable in-stream video ads: 500,000 times
- Video boosting plan: 25,000 times
- Native banner Ads: 25,000 times
- Advertising logo: 15,000 times
- Pause and play banner: 15,000 times
- Vitrine of videos: 10,000 times
- Main page banners: 10,000 times
Stage 2 based on KPIs:
Designing, planning and implementation of video marketing campaigns by considering:
- Skippable in-stream video ads: 1,500 TONs for every 5,000 times
- Non-skippable in-stream video ads: 1,500 TONs for every 5,000 times
- Video boosting plan: 1,000 TONs for every 5,000 times
- Native banner Ads: 750 TONs for every 5,000 times
- Advertising logo: 500 TONs for every 5,000 times
- Pause and play banner: 1,000 TONs for every 5,000 times
- Vitrine of videos: 7,000 TONs for every 5,000 times
- Main page banners: 3,000 TONs for every 5,000 times
Stage 2 capped at 850K TONs
VI. Payment Address: